180 research outputs found

    FRW and domain walls in higher spin gravity

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    We present exact solutions to Vasiliev's bosonic higher spin gravity equations in four dimensions with positive and negative cosmological constant that admit an interpretation in terms of domain walls, quasi-instantons and Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds. Their isometry algebras are infinite dimensional higher-spin extensions of spacetime isometries generated by six Killing vectors. The solutions presented are obtained by using a method of holomorphic factorization in noncommutative twistor space and gauge functions. In interpreting the solutions in terms of Fronsdal-type fields in spacetime, a field-dependent higher spin transformation is required, which is implemented at leading order. To this order, the scalar field solves Klein-Gordon equation with conformal mass in (anti) de Sitter space. We interpret the FRW solution with de Sitter asymptotics in the context of inflationary cosmology and we expect that the domain wall and FRW solutions are associated with spontaneously broken scaling symmetries in their holographic description. We observe that the factorization method provides a convenient framework for setting up a perturbation theory around the exact solutions, and we propose that the nonlinear completion of particle excitations over FRW and domain wall solutions requires black hole-like states.Comment: 63 page

    Eficiencia del lagunaje profundo como tratamiento para la eliminación de metales pesados en aguas residuales de tipo urbano-industrial

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    14 páginas, figuras y tablas estadísticas.En 1996 se puso en marcha una laguna experimental para la regeneración de aguas residuales, de 4.75 m de profundidad, alimentada en continuo con agua residual de origen urbano-industrial previamente tratada. Se han realizado diversos estudios a fin de conocer su dinámica interna y de optimizar su rendimiento. El lagunaje profundo, situado en serie con el efluente de una depuradora (tratamiento físico-químico + fangos activos) es una tecnología de tipo terciario que, mediante un procedimiento natural y sin gasto energético adicional, mejora notablemente la calidad química y sanitaria del agua regenerada, tanto para una posible reutilización agrícola, como para su incorporación a un cauce fluvial. La laguna profunda actúa, además, como una trampa de sedimento para los metales pesados. Los procesos de asociación de estos elementos traza con la materia particulada por adsorción, precipitación, coprecipitación o asimilación por la biota, favorecen su eliminación de la columna de agua y su acumulación en el sedimento. La dinámica natural de la laguna posibilita tales procesos. El pH, ligeramente alcalino, las condiciones reductoras, la temperatura, la materia orgánica abundante y la disponibilidad de iones inorgánicos, son las principales variables implicadas. Por otra parte, la profundidad y la amplitud del tiempo de residencia hidráulica favorecen los procesos de sedimentación. Los rendimientos medios del lagunaje profundo en la eliminación de cromo, hierro y zinc se estimaron en torno al 60%.Peer reviewe

    Efficient Day-Ahead Dispatch of Photovoltaic Sources in Monopolar DC Networks via an Iterative Convex Approximation

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    The objective of this research is to propose an efficient energy management system for photovoltaic (PV) generation units connected to monopolar DC distribution networks via convex optimization while considering a day-ahead dispatch operation scenario. A convex approximation is used which is based on linearization via Taylor’s series expansion to the hyperbolic relations between voltages and powers in the demand nodes. A recursive solution methodology is introduced via sequential convex programming to minimize the errors introduced by the linear approximation in the power balance constraints. Numerical results in the DC version of the IEEE 33-bus grid demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed convex model when compared to different combinatorial optimization methods, with the main advantage that the optimal global solution is found thanks to the convexity of the solution space and the reduction of the error via an iterative solution approach. Different objective functions are analyzed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed iterative convex methodology (ICM), which corresponds to technical (energy losses reduction), economic (energy purchasing and maintenance costs), and environmental (equivalent emissions of CO (Formula presented.) to the atmosphere in conventional sources) factors. The proposed ICM finds reductions of about (Formula presented.) in daily energy losses, (Formula presented.) in energy purchasing and operating costs, and (Formula presented.) in CO (Formula presented.) emissions when compared to the benchmark case in the DC version of the IEEE 33-bus grid. All numerical validations were carried out in the MATLAB programming environment using the SEDUMI and SDPT3 tools for convex programming and our own scripts for metaheuristic methods. © 2023 by the authors

    Application of the sine-cosine algorithm to the optimal design of a closed coil helical spring

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    This paper proposes the application of the sinecosine algorithm (SCA) to the optimal design of a closed coil helical spring. The optimization problem addressed corresponds to the minimization of total spring volume subject to physical constraints that represents the closed coil helical spring such as maximum working load, shear stress, and minimum diameter requirements, among other. The resulting mathematical formulation is a complex nonlinear and non-convex optimization model that is typically addressed in literature with trial and error methods or heuristic algorithms. To solve this problem efficiently, the SCA is proposed in this research. This optimization algorithm belongs to the family of the metaheuristic optimization techniques, it works with controlled random processes guided by sine and cosine trigonometric functions, that allows exploring and exploiting the solution space in order to find the best solution to the optimization problem. By presenting as main advantage an easy implementation at any programming language using sequential quadratic programming; eliminating the need to uses specialized and costly software. Numerical results demonstrating that the proposes SCA allows reaching lower spring volume values in comparison with literature approaches, such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization methods, among others. All the numerical simulations have been implemented in the MATLAB software

    Optimal selection and location of fixed-step capacitor banks in distribution networks using a discrete version of the vortex search algorithm

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    This paper deals with the problem of the optimal selection of capacitor banks in electrical AC distribution systems for minimizing the costs of energy losses during a year of operation through a discrete version of the vortex search algorithm (DVSA). This algorithm works with a hypersphere with a variable radius defined by an exponential function where a Gaussian distribution is used to generate a set of candidate solutions uniformly distributed around the center of this hypersphere. This center corresponds to the best solution obtained at the iteration t, which is initialized at the center of the solution space at the iterative search beginning. The main advantage of combining the exponential function with the Gaussian distribution is the correct balance between the exploration and exploitation of the solution space, which allows reaching the global optimal solution of the optimization problem with a low standard deviation, i.e., guaranteeing repeatability at each simulation. Two classical distribution networks composed of 33 and 69 nodes were used to validate the proposed DVSA algorithm. They demonstrated that the DVSA improves numerical reports found in specialized literature regarding the optimal selection and location of fixed-step capacitor banks with a low computational burden. All the simulations were carried out in MATLAB software

    Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de los microturbelarios de la Península Ibérica

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    In this study, seven species of freshwater Microturbellaria are recorded for the first time from the Iberian fauna, belonging to the Orders: Macrostomida (Macrostomum rostratum), Proseriata (Bothrioplana semperi) and Rhabdocoela (Castradella gladiata, Opistomum inmigrans, Phaenocora minima, Microdalyellia kupelweiseri and M. tenennsensis). Other five species are recorded for the second time: Prorhynchus stagnalis (O. Lecithoepitheliata), Opisthocystis goettei, Castrella truncata, Mesostoma ehrenbergii and Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (O. Rhabdocoela). The specimens were collected from eight localities in the provinces of Avila, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid and Segovia. In this report, we bring new data about ecology and distribution of all these species.En el presente trabajo se citan por vez primera para la fauna ibérica siete especies de Microturbelarios pertenecientes a los Órdenes: Macrostomida (Macrostomum rostratum), Proseriata (Bothrioplana semperi) y Rhabdocoela (Castradella gladiata, Opistomum inmigrans, Phaenocora minima, Microdalyellia kupelweiseri y M. tenennsensis). Otras cinco especies se citan por segunda vez: Prorhynchus stagnalis (O. Lecithoepitheliata), Opisthocystis goettei, Castrella truncata, Mesostoma ehrenbergii y Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (O. Rhabdocoela). El material estudiado fue recogido en ocho localidades de las provincias de Avila, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid y Segovia, ofreciéndose nuevos datos sobre la autoecología y distribución de estas especies

    Simultaneous Minimization of Energy Losses and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in AC Distribution Networks Using BESS

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    The problem of the optimal operation of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in AC grids is addressed in this paper from the point of view of multi-objective optimization. A nonlinear programming (NLP) model is presented to minimize the total emissions of contaminant gasses to the atmosphere and costs of daily energy losses simultaneously, considering the AC grid complete model. The BESSs are modeled with their linear relation between the state-of-charge and the active power injection/absorption. The Pareto front for the multi-objective optimization NLP model is reached through the general algebraic modeling system, i.e., GAMS, implementing the pondered optimization approach using weighting factors for each objective function. Numerical results in the IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-node test feeders demonstrate the multi-objective nature of this optimization problem and the multiple possibilities that allow the grid operators to carry out an efficient operation of their distribution networks when BESS and renewable energy resources are introduced.Universidad Tecnológica de Bolíva

    Khronon inflation

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    We study the possibility that the approximate time shift symmetry during inflation is promoted to the full invariance under time reparametrization t \to \tilde t(t), or equivalently under field redefinition of the inflaton \phi \to \tilde\phi(\phi). The symmetry allows only two operators at leading order in derivatives, so that all n-point functions of scalar perturbations are fixed in terms of the power spectrum normalization and the speed of sound. During inflation the decaying mode only decays as 1/a and this opens up the possibility to violate some of the consistency relations in the squeezed limit, although this violation is suppressed by the (small) breaking of the field reparametrization symmetry. In particular one can get terms in the 3-point function that are only suppressed by 1/k_L in the squeezed limit k_L \to 0 compared to the local shape.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, v2. changes regarding the violation of the consistency relation. JCAP published versio

    Conformal consistency relations for single-field inflation

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    We generalize the single-field consistency relations to capture not only the leading term in the squeezed limit---going as 1/q^3, where q is the small wavevector---but also the subleading one, going as 1/q^2. This term, for an (n+1)-point function, is fixed in terms of the variation of the n-point function under a special conformal transformation; this parallels the fact that the 1/q^3 term is related with the scale dependence of the n-point function. For the squeezed limit of the 3-point function, this conformal consistency relation implies that there are no terms going as 1/q^2. We verify that the squeezed limit of the 4-point function is related to the conformal variation of the 3-point function both in the case of canonical slow-roll inflation and in models with reduced speed of sound. In the second case the conformal consistency conditions capture, at the level of observables, the relation among operators induced by the non-linear realization of Lorentz invariance in the Lagrangian. These results mean that, in any single-field model, primordial correlation functions of \zeta are endowed with an SO(4,1) symmetry, with dilations and special conformal transformations non-linearly realized by \zeta. We also verify the conformal consistency relations for any n-point function in models with a modulation of the inflaton potential, where the scale dependence is not negligible. Finally, we generalize (some of) the consistency relations involving tensors and soft internal momenta.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. v2. Corrected typos, notably a sign error in eq. (54). Matches JCAP published versio

    A Discrete-Continuous PSO for the Optimal Integration of D-STATCOMs into Electrical Distribution Systems by Considering Annual Power Loss and Investment Costs

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    Currently, with the quick increase in global population, the energetic crisis, the environmental problematic, and the development of the power electronic devices generated the need to include new technologies for supporting and potentiating electrical distributions systems; Distribution Static Compensators (D-STATCOMs) are highly used for this task due to the advantages that this technology presents: reduction in power loss, operation costs, and chargeability of branches, among others. The possibility to include this kind of technology within the electrical system has shown the need to develop efficient methodologies from the point of view of quality solution, repeatability and processing times by considering operation and investment costs as well as the technical conditions of the electrical grids under a scenario of variable power demand and then representing the real operation of the electrical grid. With the aim to propose a solution for this requirement, this paper presents a new Discrete-Continuous Particle Swarm Optimization (DCPSO) algorithm to solve the problem of the optimal integration of D-STATCOMs into Electrical Distribution Systems (EDSs). In this case, the objective function is the minimization of annual operating costs by using a weighted mono-objective function composed of the annual power loss and the investment cost and by including all constraints associated with the operation of an EDS in a distributed reactive compensation environmentinside the mathematical formulation. In order to evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed solution method, this study implemented two tests systems (i.e., 33- and 69-bus), as well as four comparison methods, and different considerations related to the inclusion of D-STATCOMs in the EDSs. Furthermore, for evaluating the repeatability of the solution obtained by each solution methods used, each algorithm was executed 100 times in Matlab software. The results obtained demonstrated that the proposed DCPSO/HSA methodology achieved the best trade-off between solution quality and processing time, with low standard deviation values for EDSs of any size
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