268 research outputs found

    Impact of Trade Facilitation on Export Competitiveness: a Regional Perspective

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    After decades of war and internal conflict, Cambodia is now an emerging economy and a new democracy. The country's economy is highly dependent on external assistance and a few crucial industries such as agriculture, tourism, and most importantly, garment manufacturing for export.Trade, Transport, Facilitation, Cambodia, garment, export

    Young People, Social Media, and Impacts on Well-being

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    Millennials and Generation Z were born into an age where social media and digital technology have been integrated in nearly all aspects of their lives. While social media has proven to be a valuable communication tool in connecting with each other and sharing information, the long-term psychosocial effects are beginning to become more apparent as social media matures. This study analyzes what these effects are and how communication is impacted for these young people. It questions how young people can leverage social media and decrease harm. The study will be conducted through a literature review and analysis. Its goal is to synthesize the current knowledge on social media well-being and how it relates to young people, specifically Millennials and Generation Z, in order to ultimately recommend strategies to optimize well-being in the digital age

    Public Knowledge, Concern and Engagement of Climate Change in Cambodia-A Perspective of Residents in Phnom Penh

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    This paper explored the public knowledge, concern and engagement (KCE) of climate change (CC) in Cambodia. The study used a survey questionnaire to collect the data from public respondents through online and face-to-face distribution. There were 468 respondents fully completed the questionnaire in which 196 were completed via online and 272 filled in paper-based questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS and the structural topic modeling (STM) was used. The result indicated that the participants had high knowledge about CC; they believed human activities are the main cause of the CC. Almost 60% revealed that CC brings both positive and negative effects to the earth. More interestingly, the major concerns of respondents were the excessive temperature and the change of rainfall pattern. In addition, the participants believed the government plays the leading role in response to CC in Cambodia. More than 40% agreed that fiscal and taxation policies can perform a positive role in dealing with CC. Last, but not least, almost 60% thought personal behavior is important to respond to CC and nearly 64% of respondents is willing to make their contribution to cope with CC. Further analysis showed that only gender, education level and occupation of respondents were significantly associated with their knowledge about CC. Thus, these factors affect the degree of participants’ understanding about CC. Keywords: Knowledge, Concern, Engagement, Climate Change, Cambodi

    Towards active community participation in implementing Climate Change Adaptation Policy (CCAP) in Cambodia

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    This paper explores main opportunities and key challenges for community participation in implementing climate change adaptation policy (CCAP) in Cambodia. It also determines potential priorities that can help promote community to actively involve in CCAP implementation. This study reveals that communities remain passively participate in implementing CCAP because key challenges seems to outweigh the opportunities. To promote community to actively join in the process of CCAP implementation, relevant policy legislations that established to fully empower local communities to effectively manage their livelihood resources need to be strictly enforced. Also, the exclusive livelihoods improvement programs and infrastructure projects, which help sustain incomes of vulnerable communities, upgrade their capacity, and promote their security, should be increased

    Design and construction of sensing part of the cimbalon

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    Semestrální práce je zaměřena na návrh několika možných způsobů provedení snímání strun, případně tzv. virtuálních strun elektronického cimbalonu. Práce vychází z problematiky konstrukčních vlastností klasického cimbálu a jeho způsobu tvorby tónů. U jednotlivých navržených metod jsem využil poznatky o snímání elektrických kytar, o funkci laserové harfy, o možnostech midi kontrolerů a o vlastnostech elektretových mikrofonů. Většinu metod jsem již zkonstruoval a prověřil v praxi. Některé stále ještě zhotovuji a jejich ověření zařadím do navazující bakalářské práce.This term paper focuses on the design of several possible methods of electroacoustic transduction (further called pickup), specifically of virtual strings of the electronic cimbalom. The paper is based on the problems associated with the classical cimbalom’s design, as well as with its method of tone production. For each of the proposed methods I have made use of my own experiences with guitar pickup, laser harp function, MIDI controller capabilities, and the properties of electret microphones. Most of the methods are ones that I developed and tested in practice, some of which I am still working on and will include in my subsequent Bachelor’s thesis.

    Corporation Identity Management System Design

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout novou podobu systému správy identit ve firmě. V úvodní části se práce zabývá teoretickými poznatky z oblasti správy identit, od základních pojmů a definic po podrobný popis jednotlivých komponent systému. Součástí práce je analýza současného stavu systému správy identit ve firmě ABC. Na základě této analýzy i teoretických poznatků je v práci sestaven návrh na vylepšení systému. Závěr obsahuje zhodnocení a možnosti vylepšení nového návrhu v budoucnu.This bachelor thesis’ main task is development of a new variation of the corporal identity management system. Firstly, this thesis deals with theoretical knowledge related to the subject of identity management. Secondly, it analyses the current status of the identity management system in a company ABC. A plan for system improvement in this work is based on this analysis and theoretical knowledge as well. Finally, the work contains an evaluation and suggests possible improvements of the new system for the future time.

    A Research on Good Governance and Poverty Reduction in Cambodia

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    Cambodia is one of the developing countries in ASEAN. The country is rich in natural resources and has enjoyed steady economic growth during 2004-2014 by applying Rectangular Strategy Phase I (2004), Phase II (2008), and Phase III (2013) with Good Governance (GG) as a core of the strategy. Addressing the National Poverty Reduction Strategy (NPRS) for Poverty Reduction (PR) in Cambodia has begun since 2002. The poverty rate in Cambodia steadily decreased from 35% in 2004 to 19% in 2012. The research appraised a study on Good Governance and Poverty Reduction in Cambodia by overviews of its Governance and Poverty Situations as the key concepts for discussion to find out the factors impeding GG, causes and characteristics of poverty, and governance reforms. The findings indicate that GG really has a positive influence on PR in Cambodia, still some challenges should be considered to enhance the governance and PR strategy in Cambodia. Actually, the NPRS in 2002 is proved to be unsystematic and ineffective. However, the main reason of the poverty retaining in Cambodia is seen in poor governance in terms of widespread corruption, limited transparency, limited accountability of public policy making, limited control, and limited participation to public. Here GG is considered and demanded to make a significant change in the condition of the poor and near-poor.Obviously, the result of the investigation showed that Cambodia is now on the new ways of governance and PR strategy after a big change shown in the result of the general election in 2013. The research study includes the Cambodia’s governance and PR strategy challenges with some recommendations according to the findings.Keywords: Good Governance, Poverty Reduction, Human Resource Development, Democracy, E-Governance SMARTER, Cambodi

    Corporate Identity and Access Management System Architecture Improvement Proposal

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na posouzení stávající podoby systému správy identit ve firmě a navržení nové podoby za účelem zvýšení úrovně stability a informační bezpečnosti ve společnosti, primárně ve vztahu k systémům zpracovávajícím finanční data. V teoretické části jsou vymezeny základní oborové pojmy a popsány složky a princip fungování systému správy identit. V praktické části je provedena analýza současného stavu. Na základě analýzy jsou navrženy organizační i technické změny, včetně návrhu implementace a provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení celého návrhu.The master thesis focuses on assessment of current implementation of identity management system and proposal of a new implementation to increase level of stability and information security in the company, primarily regarding the systems that process financial data. In first part, basic theoretical knowledge related to identity management systems is defined. In second part, an analysis of current system state is performed. Based on this analysis, new organizational and technical solutions are proposed to the company. Finally, an implementation project proposal as well as with risk analysis and economic evaluation is completed in the end of this thesis.