4,384 research outputs found

    A note on the phase transition in a topologically massive Ginzburg-Landau theory

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    We consider the phase transition in a model which consists of a Ginzburg-Landau free energy for superconductors including a Chern-Simons term. The mean field theory of Halperin, Lubensky and Ma [Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 292 (1974)] is applied for this model. It is found that the topological mass, θ\theta, drives the system into different regimes of phase transition. For instance, there is a θc\theta_{c} such that for θ<θc\theta<\theta_{c} a fluctuation induced first order phase transition occurs. On the other hand, for θ>θc\theta>\theta_{c} only the second order phase transition exists. The 1-loop renormalization group analysis gives further insight to this picture. The fixed point structure exhibits tricritical and second order fixed points.Comment: Revised version; uses a more physical parametrization of the renormalization group equations; new references added; one figure added; EuroLatex, 6 page

    A non-perturbative approach to the Coleman- Weinberg mechanism in massless scalar QED

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    We rederive non-perturbatively the Coleman-Weinberg expression for the effective potential for massless scalar QED. Our result is not restricted to small values of the coupling constants. This shows that the Coleman- Weinberg result can be established beyond the range of validity of perturbation theory. Also, we derive it in a manifestly renormalization group invariant way. It is shown that with the derivation given no Landau ghost singularity arises. The finite temperature case is discussed. Pacs number: 11.10.Ef,11.10.Gh

    Abuse, proportionality and the burden of proof in CJEU’s case law on direct taxation

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    On the Integrability and Chaos of an N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs Mechanical Model

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    We apply different integrability analysis procedures to a reduced (spatially homogeneous) mechanical system derived from an off-shell non-minimally coupled N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs model that presents BPS topological vortex excitations, numerically obtained with an ansatz adopted in a special - critical coupling - parametric regime. As a counterpart of the regularity associated to the static soliton-like solution, we investigate the possibility of chaotic dynamics in the evolution of the spatially homogeneous reduced system, descendant from the full N=2 model under consideration. The originally rich content of symmetries and interactions, N=2 susy and non-minimal coupling, singles out the proposed model as an interesting framework for the investigation of the role played by (super-)symmetries and parametric domains in the triggering/control of chaotic behavior in gauge systems. After writing down effective Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions, and establishing the corresponding canonical Hamilton equations, we apply global integrability Noether point symmetries and Painleveproperty criteria to both the general and the critical coupling regimes. As a non-integrable character is detected by the pair of analytical criteria applied, we perform suitable numerical simulations, as we seek for chaotic patterns in the system evolution. Finally, we present some Comments on the results and perspectives for further investigations and forthcoming communications.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Gauge dependenceof the order parameter anomalous dimension in the Ginzburg-Landau model and the critical fluctuations in superconductors

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    The critical fluctuations of superconductors are discussed in a fixed dimension scaling suited to describe the type II regime. The gauge dependence of the anomalous dimension of the scalar field is stablished exactly from the Ward-Takahashi identities. Its fixed point value gives the η\eta critical exponent and it is shown that η\eta is gauge independent, as expected on physical grounds. In the scaling considered, η\eta is found to be zero at 1-loop order, while ν0.63\nu\approx 0.63. This result is just the 1-loop values for the XY model obtained in the fixed dimension renormalization group approach. It is shown that this XY behavior holds at all orders. The result η=ηXY\eta=\eta_{XY} should be contrasted with the negative values frequently reported in the literature.Comment: EuroLaTex, 7 pages, 2 figures, reference updated; version to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Elimination of nitrate in an inverse fluidized-bed biofilm rector

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    Spin Josephson effect in ferromagnet/ferromagnet tunnel junctions

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    We consider the tunnel spin current between two ferromagnetic metals from a perspective similar to the one used in superconductor/superconductor tunnel junctions. We use fundamental arguments to derive a Josephson-like spin tunnel current IJspinsin(θ1θ2)I_J^{\rm spin}\propto\sin(\theta_1-\theta_2). Here the phases are associated with the planar contribution to the magnetization, eiθ\sim e^{i\theta}. The crucial step in our analysis is the fact that the zz-component of the spin is canonically conjugate to the phase of the planar contribution: [θ,Sz]=i[\theta,S^z]=i. This is analogous to the commutation relation [ϕ,N]=i[\phi,N]=i in superconductors, where ϕ\phi is the phase associated to the superconducting order parameter and NN is the Cooper pair number operator. We briefly discuss the experimental consequences of our theoretical analysis.Comment: LaTex, seven pages, no figures; version to appear in Europhys. Lett.; in order to make room for a more extended microscopic analysis, the phenomenological discussion contained in v2 was remove

    Manual para a produção em pequena escala de conserva de tomate desidratado.

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    Higiene e sanitização. Fluxograma básico de processamento de tomate. Etapas de processamento de tomate seco. Elaboração de conserva de tomate. Etapas de processamento de conserva. Como estimar o lucro e os custos envolvidos no processamento.bitstream/item/65526/1/2003-DOC-0052.pd