1,042 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Karet PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII Jember [Factor Analysis Of Rubber Production Performance Of Employees Part PT. Plantation Nusantara XII Jember]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian produksi karet pada PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) Kebun Banjarsari Kabupaten Jember. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuisioner kepada responden, yaitu seluruh karyawan bagian produksi karet pada PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) Kebun Banjarsari Kabupaten Jember berjumlah 50 orang. Teknis pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sensus. Penelitian menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, uji beda rata-rata t-test untuk menguji dan membuktikan hipotesis penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis dapat dinyatakan bahwa disiplin kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, motivasi kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, lingkungan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan

    Optimal Ordering policy in demand declining market under inflation when supplier credits linked to order quantity

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    In this research paper, a lot–size model is proposed when supplier offers the retailer a credit period to settle the account if the retailer orders a large quantity. The proposed study is meant for demand declining market. Here, the retailer needs to arrive at a static decision when demand of a product is decreasing and on the other side the supplier offer the credit period if the retailer orders for more than pre – specified quantity. Shortages are not allowed and the effect of inflation is incorporated. The objective to minimize the total cost in demand declining market under inflation when the supplier offers a credit period to the retailer if the ordered quantity is greater than or equal to pre – specified quantity. An easy – to – use flow chart is given to find the optimal replenishment time and the order quantity. The mathematical formulation is supported by a numerical example. The sensitivity analysis of parameters on the optimal solution is carried out

    Aerodynamic excitation forces in air conditioners with rotating fan-motor system

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    Aerodynamic pressure pulsation generated by rotating blades was measured using an experimental device consisting of fan blades, a motor, and pressure gauges. The motor was installed on a high-stiffness block via load cells and the motor reaction forces were measured by load cells. The aerodynamic pressure pulsation was also calculated using CFD simulation software, and based on those CFD results, motor reaction forces were also derived. Calculation results and experimental results were compared for both pressure pulsation and motor reaction forces and the calculations were found to agree well with experimental results

    Gambaran Adversity Quotient pada Tahanan Remaja di Rumah Tahanan Kelas 1 Bandung

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    Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a form of measurement used to determine a person's ability to respond to a challenge or difficulty in achieving a successful life. Some of the challenges and difficulties for adolescent in, pressure from house state inmate The purpose of this study to know the description of adversity quotient adolescent in House state inmate Class 1 Bandung.The research design used is quantitative descriptives. The sampling technique used is total population with 44 people adolescent in August 2011. The measurement used in this study is a modification of the data collection involved Adversity Response Profile Quick TakeTM .The results obtained from this study showed 0% of adolescent in the range of climbers group, 22,72 % in the range of transitional camper to climbers, 45,45% adolescent are in the range camper group, 22,72 % in the range of the transition to a camper quitter and 9,09% group quitter. Suggestions from this study is to further the holding of the other research on the factors of influence Adversity Quotient in House state inmate Class 1 Bandun

    Siniketun energia-aineenvaihdunnan määrittäminen

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    Implementasi Pembelajaran Menyimak di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This article aimed to describe the implementation of teaching listening in junior high school seen from the planning, implementation, and assessment. The type of this qualitative study was phenomenology. The findings showed that there were three aspects found from the implementation of teaching listening. First, teaching listening in SMP was carried out under two conditions: (1) planning and (2) without planning. Second, the implementation of teaching listening was done by the four techniques: (1) using videos and record and taking notes focused on the main points, (2) using videos and listing questions, (3) using videos and answering questions, and (4) reading aloud the text directly and answering question. Thirdly, the listening assessment was integrated into the other assessment skills, for example writing.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak dilihat dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian di SMP. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian terbagi menjadi tiga aspek. Pertama, pembelajaran menyimak di SMP dilaksanakan dengan dua kondisi (1) dengan perencanaan dan (2) tanpa perencanaan. Kedua, pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak dilaksanakan dengan empat teknik, yaitu (1) menggunakan video dan mencatat hal-hal pokok, (2) menggunakan video dan menyusun pertanyaan, (3) menggunakan video dan menjawab pertanyaan, dan (4) membacakan teks secara langsung dan menjawab pertanyaan. Ketiga, penilaian pembelajaran menyimak diintegrasikan ke keterampilan lain, contohnya menulis
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