312 research outputs found

    Brain air embolism secondary to atrial-esophageal fistula.

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    Case report of a patient who developed a cerebral air embolism secondary to atrial-esophageal fistula

    Uncover the Offensive Side of Disparagement Humor: An fMRI Study

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    Disparagement humor is a kind of humor that denigrates, belittles an individual or a social group. In the aim to unveil the offensive side of these kinds of jokes, we have run an event-related fMRI study asking 30 healthy volunteers to judge the level of fun of a series of verbal stimuli that ended with a sentence that was socially inappropriate but funny (disparagement joke -DJ), socially inappropriate but not funny (SI) or neutral (N). Behavioral results showed disparagement jokes are perceived as funny and at the same time offensive. However, the level of offense in DJ is lower than that registered in SI stimuli. Functional data showed that DJ activated the insula, the SMA, the precuneus, the ACC, the dorsal striatum (the caudate nucleus), and the thalamus. These activations suggest that in DJ a feeling of mirth (and/or a desire to laugh) derived from the joke (e.g., SMA and precuneus) and the perception of the jokes\u2019 social inappropriateness (e.g., ACC and insula) coexist. Furthermore, DJ and SI share a common network related to mentalizing and to the processing of negative feelings, namely the medial prefrontal cortex, the putamen and the right thalamus

    MRI correlates of Parkinson's disease progression: A voxel based morphometry study

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    We investigated structural brain differences between a group of early-mild PD patients at different phases of the disease and healthy subjects using voxel-based morphometry (VBM). 20 mild PD patients compared to 15 healthy at baseline and after 2 years of follow-up. VBM is a fully automated technique, which allows the identification of regional differences in the gray matter enabling an objective analysis of the whole brain between groups of subjects. With respect to controls, PD patients exhibited decreased GM volumes in right putamen and right parietal cortex. After 2 years of disease, the same patients confirmed GM loss in the putamen and parietal cortex; a significant difference was also observed in the area of pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and in the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). PD is associated with brain morphological changes in cortical and subcortical structures. The first regions to be affected in PD seem to be the parietal cortex and the putamen. A third structure that undergoes atrophy is the part of the inferior-posterior midbrain, attributable to the PPN and MLR. Our findings provide new insight into the brain involvement in PD and could contribute to a better understanding of the sequence of events occurring in these patients

    Eight weddings and six funerals: An fMRI study on autobiographical memories

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    \u201cAutobiographical memory\u201d (AM) refers to remote memories from one's own life. Previous neuroimaging studies have highlighted that voluntary retrieval processes from AM involve different forms of memory and cognitive functions. Thus, a complex and widespread brain functional network has been found to support AM. The present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study used a multivariate approach to determine whether neural activity within the AM circuit would recognize memories of real autobiographical events, and to evaluate individual differences in the recruitment of this network. Fourteen right-handed females took part in the study. During scanning, subjects were presented with sentences representing a detail of a highly emotional real event (positive or negative) and were asked to indicate whether the sentence described something that had or had not really happened to them. Group analysis showed a set of cortical areas able to discriminate the truthfulness of the recalled events: medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex, precuneus, bilateral angular, superior frontal gyri, and early visual cortical areas. Single-subject results showed that the decoding occurred at different time points. No differences were found between recalling a positive or a negative event. Our results show that the entire AM network is engaged in monitoring the veracity of AMs. This process is not affected by the emotional valence of the experience but rather by individual differences in cognitive strategies used to retrieve AMs

    Neural correlates of anosognosia in Alzheimer\u2019s disease and mild cognitive impairment: A multi-method assessment

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    Patients with Alzheimer\u2019s Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) may present anosognosia for their cognitive deficits. Three different methods have been usually used to measure anosognosia in patients with AD and MCI, but no studies have established if they share similar neuroanatomical correlates. The purpose of this study was to investigate if anosognosia scores obtained with the three most commonly used methods to assess anosognosia relate to focal atrophy in AD and MCI patients, in order to improve understanding of the neural basis of anosognosia in dementia. Anosognosia was evaluated in 27 patients (15 MCI and 12 AD) through clinical rating (Clinical Insight Rating Scale, CIRS), patient-informant discrepancy (Anosognosia Questionnaire Dementia, AQ-D), and performance discrepancy on different cognitive domains (self-appraisal discrepancies, SADs). Voxel-based morphometry correlational analyses were performed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data with each anosognosia score. Increasing anosognosia on any anosognosia measurement (CIRS, AQ-D, SADs) was associated with increasing gray matter atrophy in the medial temporal lobe including the right hippocampus. Our results support a unitary mechanism of anosognosia in AD and MCI, in which medial temporal lobes play a key role, irrespectively of the assessment method used. This is in accordance with models suggesting that anosognosia in AD is primarily caused by a decline in mnemonic processes

    Simulating hemispatial neglect with virtual reality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hemispatial neglect is a cognitive disorder defined as a lack of attention for stimuli contra-lateral to the brain lesion. The assessment is traditionally done with basic pencil and paper tests and the rehabilitation programs are generally not well adapted. We propose a virtual reality system featuring an eye-tracking device for a better characterization of the neglect that will lead to new rehabilitation techniques.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper presents a comparison of eye-gaze patterns of healthy subjects, patients and healthy simulated patients on a virtual line bisection test. The task was also executed with a reduced visual field condition hoping that fewer stimuli would limit the neglect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that patients and healthy simulated patients had similar eye-gaze patterns. However, while the reduced visual field condition had no effect on the healthy simulated patients, it actually had a negative impact on the patients. We discuss the reasons for these differences and how they relate to the limitations of the neglect simulation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We argue that with some improvements the technique could be used to determine the potential of new rehabilitation techniques and also help the rehabilitation staff or the patient's relatives to better understand the neglect condition.</p

    Precision-based exercise as a new therapeutic option for children and adolescents with haematological malignancies

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    Children and adolescents with haematological malignancies (pedHM) are characterized by a severe loss of exercise ability during cancer treatment, lasting throughout their lives once healed and impacting their social inclusion prospects. The investigation of the effect of a precision-based exercise program on the connections between systems of the body in pedHM patients is the new frontier in clinical exercise physiology. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of 11 weeks (3 times weekly) of combined training (cardiorespiratory, resistance, balance and flexibility) on the exercise intolerance in PedHM patients. Two-hundred twenty-six PedHM patients were recruited (47% F). High or medium frequency participation (HAd and MAd) was considered when a participant joined; &gt; 65% or between 30% and &lt; 64% of training sessions, respectively. The \u201cup and down stairs\u2019\u2019 test (TUDS), \u201c6 min walking\u201d test (6MWT), the \u201c5 Repetition Maximum strength\u201d leg extension and arm lateral raise test (5RM-LE and 5RM-ALR), flexibility (stand and reach), and balance (stabilometry), were performed and evaluated before and after training. The TUDS, the 5RM-LE and 5RM-ALR, and the flexibility exercises showed an increase in HAd and MAd groups (P &lt; 0.05), while the 6MWT and balance tests showed improvement only in HAd group (P &lt; 0.0001). these results support the ever\u2010growing theory that, in the case of the treatment of PedHM, \u2018exercise is medicine\u2019 and it has the potential to increase the patient\u2019s chances of social inclusion

    Definition of miRNAs expression profile in glioblastoma samples: the relevance of non-neoplastic brain reference.

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    Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumor that may occur in adults. Regardless of the huge improvements in surgery and molecular therapy, the outcome of neoplasia remains poor. MicroRNAs are small molecules involved in several cellular processes, and their expression is altered in the vast majority of tumors. Several studies reported the expression of different miRNAs in glioblastoma, but one of the most critical point in understanding glioblastoma miRNAs profile is the comparison of these studies. In this paper, we focused our attention on the non-neoplastic references used for determining miRNAs expression. The aim of this study was to investigate if using three different non-neoplastic brain references (normal adjacent the tumor, commercial total RNA, and epileptic specimens) could provide discrepant results. The analysis of 19 miRNAs was performed using Real-Time PCR, starting from the set of samples described above and the expression values compared. Moreover, the three different normal RNAs were used to determine the miRNAs profile in 30 glioblastomas. The data showed that different non-neoplastic controls could lead to different results and emphasize the importance of comparing miRNAs profiles obtained using the same experimental condition

    Ballonnen in zee = balloons as marine litter

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    Releasing balloons seems harmless. However, remains of balloons, especially valves and ribbons are becoming a common and persistent type of marine litter found on beaches. Following Dutch Queens day 2007, large numbers of Dutch balloons were found in Normandy, France. Animals may become entangled in ribbons or ingest the materials. Even though balloon rubber quickly disintegrates, remains are found in 1-2% of stomachs of Northern Fulmars beached in the North Sea area. Children¿s contests, releasing balloons with name tags, are not the real problem, especially if no plastic valves and short, degradable ribbons are used. However, the vast majority of balloons released is meant for company advertising and provide just a very short moment of joy followed by a nuisance in the marine environment. environmentally friendly companies may want to reconsider such activities in future

    Centrotemporal spikes during NREM sleep: The promoting action of thalamus revealed by simultaneous EEG and fMRI coregistration

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    Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) has been investigated through EEG\u2013fMRI with the aim of localizing the generators of the epileptic activity, revealing, in most cases, the activation of the sensory\u2013motor cortex ipsilateral to the centrotemporal spikes (CTS). In this case report, we investigated the brain circuits hemodynamically involved by CTS recorded during wakefulness and sleep in one boy with CTS and a language disorder but without epilepsy. For this purpose, the patient underwent EEG\u2013fMRI coregistration. During the \u201cawake session\u201d, fMRI analysis of right-sided CTS showed increments of BOLD signal in the bilateral sensory\u2013motor cortex. During the \u201csleep session\u201d, BOLD increments related to right-sided CTS were observed in a widespread bilateral cortical\u2013subcortical network involving the thalamus, basal ganglia, sensory\u2013motor cortex, perisylvian cortex, and cerebellum. In this patient, who fulfilled neither the diagnostic criteria for BECTS nor that for electrical status epilepticus in sleep (ESES), the transition from wakefulness to sleep was related to the involvement of a widespread cortical\u2013subcortical network related to CTS. In particular, the involvement of a thalamic\u2013perisylvian neural network similar to the one previously observed in patients with ESES suggests a common sleep-related network dysfunction even in cases with milder phenotypes without seizures. This finding, if confirmed in a larger cohort of patients, could have relevant therapeutic implication