175 research outputs found

    Wavelet-Based Kernel Construction for Heart Disease Classification

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    © 2019 ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGHeart disease classification plays an important role in clinical diagnoses. The performance improvement of an Electrocardiogram classifier is therefore of great relevance, but it is a challenging task too. This paper proposes a novel classification algorithm using the kernel method. A kernel is constructed based on wavelet coefficients of heartbeat signals for a classifier with high performance. In particular, a wavelet packet decomposition algorithm is applied to heartbeat signals to obtain the Approximation and Detail coefficients, which are used to calculate the parameters of the kernel. A principal component analysis algorithm with the wavelet-based kernel is employed to choose the main features of the heartbeat signals for the input of the classifier. In addition, a neural network with three hidden layers in the classifier is utilized for classifying five types of heart disease. The electrocardiogram signals in nine patients obtained from the MIT-BIH database are used to test the proposed classifier. In order to evaluate the performance of the classifier, a multi-class confusion matrix is applied to produce the performance indexes, including the Accuracy, Recall, Precision, and F1 score. The experimental results show that the proposed method gives good results for the classification of the five mentioned types of heart disease.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Comparative advantage of Vietnam's rice sector under different liberalisation scenarios: a policy analysis matrix (PAM) study

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    The rapidly changing global economic environment and domestic economic reforms in Viet-nam have brought the issue of comparative advantage of the rice sector to the forefront. In recent years, Vietnam has had to compete in an increasingly competitive rice export market. This paper examines the fluctuations in the comparative advantage of Vietnamese rice production based on different scenarios of trade liberalisation and economic reform in Viet-nam. To do this, a Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) was used in conjunction with an econo-metric model. The study involved simulation of a large number of scenarios of trade liberalisation and macroeconomic reform, using variations in a single factor and in a group of factors such as product price and input costs, i.e., the price of imported fertilisers, land, water and labour costs, etc. The empirical results show that in 1998 (the baseline scenario), the comparative advantage in rice was relatively high and that the use of domestic resources ? i.e., land, labour and water ? was efficient in economic terms. The estimated DRC elasticities in respect of the world rice price and the shadow exchange rate in 1998 showed a considerably improved com-parative advantage. The estimated DRC elasticities for land rent, the social costs of labour, the import price of fertilisers and irrigation water charges were small in absolute values indi-cating small and negative impacts on comparative advantage with a rise in these prices. The results of sensitivity analyses revealed that the comparative advantage of rice is very sensitive to changes in its export price. In addition, the exchange rate and land rent are also important determinants of the rice sector?s comparative advantage in Vietnam. Other empirical results show that Vietnam is still likely to retain its comparative advantage in rice production in the next decade; however, its comparative advantage might be seriously affected or even dis-appear entirely if Vietnam is exposed to a number of unfavourable economic conditions simultaneously. The major recommendation of this paper is that production should be diversified, with appropriate agricultural policy support, within a broader framework of macroeconomic transformation and trade liberalisation

    Impacts of climate change on agriculture and policy options for adaptation

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    Vietnam is likely to be among the countries hardest hit by climate change, mainly through rising sea levels and changes in rainfall and temperatures. Agriculture can be extensively affected by climate change, and designing effective adaptation strategies will be critical for maintaining food security, rural employment, and foreign exchange earnings. This paper examines these critical issues and thereby makes two contributions to the literature. First, we estimate the impacts of climate change on agricultural and water systems in Vietnam based on crop simulation, hydrological simulation, and river basin models. We then present a yield function approach that models technology advances and policy interventions to improve rice productivity and mitigate the impact of climate change, using a multilevel mixed effects model. This two-pronged approach allows rice yield changes to be linked with both biophysical and socioeconomic conditions. The results indicate that rice production is likely to be severely compromised by climate change. However, investment in rural infrastructure, such as irrigation and road, and human capital can mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. Due to substantial regional variations in impacts and responses, localized policy packages will be key for effective mitigation. Government policies targeting ethnic-minority and poor communities will be especially important components of climate change adaptation strategies.Climate change, productivity, rice,

    Analysis of the Lagging Time of Employment Structure in Vietnam

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    If any country’s or region's employment structure lags behind the industrial structure adjustment, which shows that the two structures are not developing in coordination. However, the deviation degree of structure is mainly the imbalance between industrial structure and employment structure. The lag refers to the degree to which the employment structure lags behind the industrial structure in the time dimension, and when the relationship between industrial structure and employment structure is measured in terms of time. Employment lags behind time over a long horizon which in turn causes serious unemployment, and affect industrial structure adjustment and upgrade. The study construct an analysis model for the lag time of the employment structure and provide findings that will resolve the incompatible state of the two structures, and promote the healthy development of industrial structure and employment structure in Vietnam. Through the research conclusion it is revealed that, after three years, the effects of industrial structure adjustment fully reflected the change of employment structure in Vietnam. Keywords: Lagging Time; Employment Structure; Vietna

    Factors Influencing Customers’ Perception of Digital Banking Service Quality in Vietnam

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    Purpose: This paper examines the impacts of gender, education, and age on consumer’s perception of digital banking service quality in the case of a branch of Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam.   Theoretical framework: Inspired by Parasuraman‘s five dimensions of service quality, this research defined four criteria measured digital banking service quality including the security, the ability, the convenience, and the supported policies for customers. Among different factors influencing consumers’ perception, the authors selected to analyzed impacts of education, gender, and age of consumers.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Primary data was collected from 200 customers who were randomly selected, then analyzed by descriptive statistics. The T-test, Cronbach Alpha, and ANOVA were used to test the differences of consumers’ perception of digital banking service quality by their gender, age, and education.   Findings: The analysis showed that consumers’ perception of digital banking service quality clearly differed by their gender and age. Nevertheless, there was not a clear correlation between educational levels and their perception of security, convenience, and promotion policies of digital banking services.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The findings imply that Vietnamese commercial banks need to improve the quality of digital banking services by: cooperating with Fintech companies to increase security, improving human resource quality, innovating technology and promoting communication activities.   Originality/Value: This study indicated the differences of consumers’ perception of digital banking service quality by their age, gender, and education. All the respondents of the survey are digital banking service users.

    Application of Path-integral for Studying EXAFS Cumulants

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    In this work, the path-integral effective potential (PIEP) method has been applied to re-study the temperature dependence of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) cumulants of materials. Using the trial density matrix and effective potential expression, we derived the analytical expressions of the first three EXAFS cumulants in the first shell of materials. The cumulant relation is also calculated to determine the temperature range in which the PIEP method could be applied. Our results are compared with available experimental data as well as with those calculated by the first-order perturbation approach in anharmonic Einstein model and the reasonable agreements are achieved