820 research outputs found

    Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Practice Behaviors, Attitudes, and Confidence among Members of the American College of Nurse-Midwives

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    As part of an ACNM collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its partners and grantees on a project to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), ACNM members were surveyed to generate an assessment of practice behaviors of certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives related to the prevention of FASDs. The information will be used as a baseline from which to measure change in nurse-midwives’ and midwives’ practice behaviors over the course of the project. Results from the assessment will also be used to inform detailed collaborative activities between ACNM and CDC grantees whose efforts specifically target nurse-midwives (i.e., University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), University of California San Diego, University of Pittsburgh).This report was supported by Cooperative Agreement Numbers DD001143 (University of Alaska Anchorage), DD001144 (University of California, San Diego), and DD001035 (University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing), funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Service

    Media and Propaganda: The Northcliffe Press and the Corpse Factory Story of World War I

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    Demonization of Germans was an early feature of British propaganda in World War I, with numerous atrocities reported in the Bryce Report, 1915. But in April, 1917, a particularly gripping, gruesome, and odium-inducing tale was given credence by the press of Lord Northcliffe, notably The Times and The Daily Mail.These papers seemed to provide convincing proof that the Germans boiled down corpses of their own soldiers for the purpose of producing useful products such as fats, bone meal, pig food and the like. The story is well known, but significant details have been obscured or misrepresented with regard to the way in which it came to be so widely believed. Our purpose here is to straighten out key elements of the record, based on archival findings, and to draw attention to the techniques employed to ensure widespread credence in this false tale. These techniques, and the principles behind their use, have recent and contemporary parallels, some of which are drawn in this paper. The Corpse Factory story succeeded in its goal, but may have made a lasting peace more difficult. Also, official repudiation of the story in 1925 encouraged later disbelief when early reports circulated about the Holocaust under Hitler, thus contributing to the early lack of response by nations asked to accept Jewish refugees

    The life of Jesus Christ : in its historical connexion and historical development / by Augustus Neander ; translated from the 4th German ed. by John M\u27Clintock and Charles E. Blumenthal

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    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression

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    Sociedade de consumo: a produção de simulacros em relações sociais desencantadas

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O trabalho discute e problematiza a sociedade de consumo de massa, com enfoque na produção de significado pela atividade publicitária. Para isso dois conceitos são utilizados como ferramentas teóricas fundamentais: o desencantamento do mundo, de Max Weber e o Simulacro, de Jean Baudrillard. A metodologia utilizada consiste na análise de duas peças publicitárias, a lata de coca cola azul utilizada no festival de Parintins - AM desde 2005, e uma campanha de outdoors realizada pelo banco Citibank na cidade de São Paulo no ano de 2006

    Historical Sociology of the Romani Nationalism: Foundations, Development and Challenges

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    in English Douglas Neander Sambati Abstract This work develops a historical-sociological approach analysing the general practices, the strategies, the actions and the discourses of Romani and Romani-Friendly organizations through the lenses of the theories about nationalism. It focuses on the overlapping and the contradictions found among the different actors of the Romani Nationalism. This research defines the Romani Nationalism as a movement which does not have a clear forerunner and does not have a uniform perspective and inclinations, notwithstanding the common agreement not to aim for the establishment of a Romani state. In order to understand such dynamics, the research questions and chapters were divided in three main areas. In the first part, it is discussed if the framework of the Romani and Romani-Friendly organizations can be seen as nationalist, basing the discussion in authors as Gellner (1983), Smith (2008) and others. The comparison with Hroch's (2000) model of analysis about nationalism indicated the existence of a structure which is not (only) a nationalist movement, but also an anti-racist mobilization which employs nationalist tools. The second part analyses the Roma Nation along a set of representations which can be analytically divided in Pan-Romani and Social- Political: the...in Czech Language Douglas Neander Sambati Abstrakt Tato práce rozvíjí historicko-sociologický přístup analyzující obecné postupy, strategie, akce a diskurzy romských a Romům přátelských organizací prostřednictvím teorií o nacionalismu. Zaměřuje se na překrývání se a rozpory mezi různými aktéry romského nacionalismu. Tento text definuje romský nacionalismus jako hnutí, které nemá jasného předchůdce a nemá jednotnou perspektivu a inklinace, a to bez ohledu na dohodu neusilovat o založení romského státu. Pro lepší pochopení této dynamiky byly výzkumné otázky a kapitoly rozděleny do tří hlavních oblastí. První část je věnována otázce zda rámec romských a Romům přátelských organizací může být považován za nacionalistický, na základě názorů v dílech autorů jako Gellner (1983), Smith (2008) a další. Srovnání s Hrochovým (2000) modelem analýzy nacionalismu indikuje existenci struktury, která není (pouze) nacionalistickým hnutím, ale také protirasistickou mobilizací, využívající nacionalistické nástroje. Druhá část analyzuje romský národ v rámci souboru prezentací, které lze analyticky rozdělit na pan-romské a sociálně- politické: první, prosazující myšlenku příbuzenství mezi všemi Cikány/Romy; druhý, zdůrazňující společné sociální, politické a ekonomické výzvy. Tyto soubory prezentací o romském národě...Doktorský obor Historická sociologiePhD. - Historical SociologyFaculty of HumanitiesFakulta humanitních studi

    Dimensionamento e análise econômica de usinas de energia fotovoltaica para grande produtor agropecuário

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    Considering the great energy expenditure by the rural environment as a whole, and with its obtaining through sources of fossil fuel, extremely polluting, it has become necessary that there are other means of obtaining energy. This work has the objective of dimensioning a photovoltaic system with the intention of supplying a large agricultural property in a partial or complete way, besides an economic analysis comparing the financial return of the same with other investments common to Brazilians. The work is divided in two parts, the first details from the creation, the components and the current impact of photovoltaic systems in general, besides the study of energy expenditure in agriculture. The second part is the scaling itself of how many plates, which investors and other expenses will be needed to supply the most diverse analyzed situations. Following is an economic analysis of this system, focusing on the time of return of the investment and how will be its total income after 10 years. It was possible to verify how this medium for financial application is better than the others used.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Considerando o grande gasto energético pelo meio rural como um todo, e com sua obtenção feita através de fontes de combustível fóssil, extremamente poluente, tem se tornado necessário que existam outros meios de obtenção de energia. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de dimensionar um sistema fotovoltaico com o intuito de abastecer uma grande propriedade agropecuária de forma parcial ou completa, além de uma análise econômica comparando o retorno financeiro do mesmo com outros investimentos comuns aos brasileiros. O trabalho é divido em duas partes, a primeira detalha desde a criação, aos componentes e o atual impacto de sistemas fotovoltaicos de uma forma geral, além do estudo de gasto energético na agricultura. A segunda parte é o dimensionamento em si de quantas placas, quais inversores e outros gastos que serão necessários para o abastecimento das mais diversas situações analisadas. Na sequência é realizada uma análise econômica deste sistema, tendo como foco, o tempo de retorno do investimento e como será seu rendimento total após 10 anos. Foi possível verificar o quão este meio para aplicação financeira é melhor do que os outros utilizados