21 research outputs found

    Russian roulette with unlicensed fat-burner drug 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) : evidence from a multidisciplinary study of the internet, bodybuilding supplements and DNP users

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    BACKGROUND: 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) poses serious health-risks to humans. The aims of this three-stage multidisciplinary project were, for the first time, to assess the risks to the general public from fraudulent sale of or adulteration/contamination with DNP; and to investigate motives, reasons and risk-management among DNP-user bodybuilders and avid exercisers. METHODS: Using multiple search-engines and guidance for Internet research, online retailers and bodybuilding forums/blogs were systematically explored for availability of DNP, advice offered on DNP use and user profiles. Ninety-eight pre-workout and weight-loss supplements were purchased and analysed for DNP using liquid-chromatography-mass-spectrometry. Psychosocial variables were captured in an international sample of 35 DNP users (26.06 ± 6.10 years, 94.3 % male) with an anonymous, semi-qualitative self-reported survey. RESULTS: Although an industrial chemical, evidence from the Internet showed that DNP is sold 'as is', in capsules or tablets to suit human consumption, and is used 'uncut'. Analytical results confirmed that DNP is not on the supplement market disguised under fictitious supplement names, but infrequently was present as contaminant in some supplements (14/98) at low concentration (<100mcg/kg). Users make conscious and 'informed' decisions about DNP; are well-prepared for the side-effects and show nonchalant attitude toward self-experimentation with DNP. Steps are often taken to ensure that DNP is genuine. Personal experience with performance- and appearance enhancing substances appears to be a gateway to DNP. Advice on DNP and experiences are shared online. The significant discrepancy between the normative perception and the actual visibility suggests that DNP use is-contrary to the Internet accounts-a highly concealed and lonesome activity in real life. Positive experiences with the expected weight-loss prevail over the negative experiences from side effects (all but two users considered using DNP again) and help with using DNP safely is considered preferable over scare-tactics. CONCLUSION: Legislation banning DNP sale for human consumption protects the general public but DNP is sold 'as is' and used 'uncut' by determined users who are not dissuaded from experimenting with DNP based on health threats. Further research with stakeholders' active participation is imperative for targeted, proactive public health policies and harm-reduction measures for DNP, and other illicit supplements

    An update on the strategies in multicomponent activity monitoring within the phytopharmaceutical field

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To-date modern drug research has focused on the discovery and synthesis of single active substances. However, multicomponent preparations are gaining increasing importance in the phytopharmaceutical field by demonstrating beneficial properties with respect to efficacy and toxicity.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>In contrast to single drug combinations, a botanical multicomponent therapeutic possesses a complex repertoire of chemicals that belong to a variety of substance classes. This may explain the frequently observed pleiotropic bioactivity spectra of these compounds, which may also suggest that they possess novel therapeutic opportunities. Interestingly, considerable bioactivity properties are exhibited not only by remedies that contain high doses of phytochemicals with prominent pharmaceutical efficacy, but also preparations that lack a sole active principle component. Despite that each individual substance within these multicomponents has a low molar fraction, the therapeutic activity of these substances is established via a potentialization of their effects through combined and simultaneous attacks on multiple molecular targets. Although beneficial properties may emerge from such a broad range of perturbations on cellular machinery, validation and/or prediction of their activity profiles is accompanied with a variety of difficulties in generic risk-benefit assessments. Thus, it is recommended that a comprehensive strategy is implemented to cover the entirety of multicomponent-multitarget effects, so as to address the limitations of conventional approaches.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>An integration of standard toxicological methods with selected pathway-focused bioassays and unbiased data acquisition strategies (such as gene expression analysis) would be advantageous in building an interaction network model to consider all of the effects, whether they were intended or adverse reactions.</p

    Lipidomics Reveals Multiple Pathway Effects of a Multi-Components Preparation on Lipid Biochemistry in ApoE*3Leiden.CETP Mice

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    Background: Causes and consequences of the complex changes in lipids occurring in the metabolic syndrome are only partly understood. Several interconnected processes are deteriorating, which implies that multi-target approaches might be more successful than strategies based on a limited number of surrogate markers. Preparations from Chinese Medicine (CM) systems have been handed down with documented clinical features similar as metabolic syndrome, which might help developing new intervention for metabolic syndrome. The progress in systems biology and specific animal models created possibilities to assess the effects of such preparations. Here we report the plasma and liver lipidomics results of the intervention effects of a preparation SUB885C in apolipoprotein E3 Leiden cholesteryl ester transfer protein (ApoE*3Leiden.CETP) mice. SUB885C was developed according to the principles of CM for treatment of metabolic syndrome. The cannabinoid receptor type 1 blocker rimonabant was included as a general control for the evaluation of weight and metabolic responses. Methodology/Principal Findings: ApoE*3Leiden.CETP mice with mild hypercholesterolemia were divided into SUB885C-, rimonabant- and non-treated control groups. SUB885C caused no weight loss, but significantly reduced plasma cholesterol (-49%, p <0.001), CETP levels (-31%,

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Umbi Bawang dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia) pada Tikus Diabetes Induksi Aloxan Monohidrat Berpotensi Mencegah Komplikasi Pada Penyakit Diabetes Melitus

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    Bawang dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia) merupakan tanaman lokal Kalimantan yang telah lama digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional oleh masyarakat suku Dayak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari potensi ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol umbi bawang dayak untuk mencegah komplikasi penyakit diabetes berdasarkan aktivitas antioksidannya pada tikus diabetes induksi aloksan. Tikus diabetes diberi perlakuan ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol dengan dosis 100 mg/kg BB, sementara tikus non diabetes mendapatkan dosis yang lebih besar, yaitu 500 mg/kg BB. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap aktivitas enzim katalase dan SOD pada serum tikus percobaan, dan terhadap kadar malonaldehid pada organ hati tikus percobaan.&nbsp; Pemberian ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol melalui jalur oral selama 28 hari kepada tikus diabetes memperlihatkan aktivitas SOD dan katalase yang signifikan lebih tinggi, dan kadar malonaldehid hati yang signifikan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tikus diabetes yang tidak diberi perlakuan. Data-data aktivitas antioksidan ini, bersama dengan data aktivitas antihiperglikemik dan data antidislipidemia yang telah dilaporkan sebelumnya memberi petunjuk potensi ekstrak bawang dayak untuk mencegah komplikasi penyakit diabetes pada tikus percobaan