22 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of common forensic presumptive tests on the ability to obtain results using a novel rapid DNA platform.

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    The rise of DNA evidence to the forefront of forensic science has led to high sample numbers being submitted for profiling by investigators to casework laboratories: bottleneck effects are often seen resulting in slow turnaround times and sample backlog. The ParaDNA(®) Screening and Intelligence Tests have been designed to guide investigators on the viability of potential sources of DNA allowing them to determine which samples should be sent for full DNA analysis. Both tests are designed to augment the arsenal of available forensic tests for end users and be used concurrently to those commonly available. Therefore, assessing the impact that common forensic tests have on such novel technology is important to measure. The systems were tested against various potential inhibitors to which samples may be exposed as part of the investigative process. Presumptive test agents for biological materials (blood, semen and saliva) and those used as fingerprint enhancement agents were both used. The Screening Test showed a drop in performance following application of aluminium powder and cyanoacrylate (CNA) on fingerprints samples; however this drop in performance was not replicated with high template DNA. No significant effect was observed for any agent using the Intelligence Test. Therefore, both tests stand up well to the chemical agents applied and can be used by investigators with confidence that system performance will be maintained

    A survey of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) gene superfamily in the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    Salmon lice,Lepeophtheirus salmonis(Krøyer, 1837), are fish ectoparasites causing significant economic damage in the mariculture of Atlantic salmon,Salmo salarLinnaeus, 1758. The control ofL.salmonisat fish farms relies to a large extent on treatment with anti-parasitic drugs. A problem related to chemical control is the potential for development of resistance, which inL.salmonisis documented for a number of drug classes including organophosphates, pyrethroids and avermectins. The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) gene superfamily is found in all biota and includes a range of drug efflux transporters that can confer drug resistance to cancers and pathogens. Furthermore, some ABC transporters are recognised to be involved in conferral of insecticide resistance. While a number of studies have investigated ABC transporters inL.salmonis, no systematic analysis of the ABC gene family exists for this species. This study presents a genome-wide survey of ABC genes inL.salmonisfor which, ABC superfamily members were identified through homology searching of theL.salmonisgenome. In addition, ABC proteins were identified in a reference transcriptome of the parasite generated by high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of a multi-stage RNA library. Searches of both genome and transcriptome allowed the identification of a total of 33 genes / transcripts coding for ABC proteins, of which 3 were represented only in the genome and 4 only in the transcriptome. Eighteen sequences were assigned to ABC subfamilies known to contain drug transporters,i.e. subfamilies B (4 sequences), C (11) and G (2). The results suggest that the ABC gene family ofL.salmonispossesses fewer members than recorded for other arthropods. The present survey of theL.salmonisABC gene superfamily will provide the basis for further research into potential roles of ABC transporters in the toxicity of salmon delousing agents and as potential mechanisms of drug resistance

    Glucokinase (GCK) and other susceptibility genes for beta-cell dysfunction: the candidate approach.

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    There are well-documented examples in the literature of where determining the genetic aetiology of a disorder has provided insights into important regulatory pathways and protein interactions, and, more recently, has led to improved treatment options for patients. The studies of monogenic forms of beta-cell dysfunction are no exception. Naturally occurring mutations in the gene for the beta-cell enzyme glucokinase (GCK) result in both hyper- and hypo-glycaemia. Over 200 mutations have been described, and careful study of the mutational mechanisms for a number of these has provided important insights into glucokinase regulation. Increased understanding of post-translational regulatory mechanisms holds the promise of novel pharmacotherapeutic options for the treatment of T2DM (Type 2 diabetes mellitus). It is well established that common genetic variation in genes involved in monogenic forms of beta-cell dysfunction contributes to susceptibility to T2DM. Recent genome-wide scans for association have identified a number of novel T2DM susceptibility genes which probably influence beta-cell mass and/or function. Their identification allows the investigation of the role of rare mutations in monogenic beta-cell dysfunction. Current results indicate the importance of these genes in pancreatic development and suggest that mutations which result in a severe functional defect could be lethal

    Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus caused by a novel homozygous (T168A) glucokinase (GCK) mutation: initial response to oral sulphonylurea therapy.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical response to sulphonylurea treatment in a child with a homozygous T168A GCK (glucokinase) mutation, causing permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM). STUDY DESIGN: Oral glibenclamide was given for 3 months. Pancreatic beta cell function was assessed by a glucagon stimulation test. Mutant and wild-type (WT) GCK were characterized. RESULTS: Sulphonylurea treatment resulted in a 12-fold increase in basal and stimulated C-peptide levels. HbA1c levels were reduced from 9.4% to 8.1% on a reduced insulin dose (0.85 to 0.60 U/kg/day). Mutant T168A-GST-GCK showed reduced kinetic activity (0.02 fold) compared to WT. CONCLUSIONS: Sulphonylureas can close the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel and elicit insulin secretion, but the ATP generated from metabolism is insufficient to fully restore insulin secretory capacity. Nonetheless, sulphonylurea treatment should be tried in patients with GCK-PNDM, particularly those with mutations resulting in less severe kinetic defects, in whom improved glycemic control may be obtained with lower doses of insulin

    Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus caused by a novel homozygous (T168A) glucokinase (GCK) mutation: initial response to oral sulphonylurea therapy.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical response to sulphonylurea treatment in a child with a homozygous T168A GCK (glucokinase) mutation, causing permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus (PNDM). STUDY DESIGN: Oral glibenclamide was given for 3 months. Pancreatic beta cell function was assessed by a glucagon stimulation test. Mutant and wild-type (WT) GCK were characterized. RESULTS: Sulphonylurea treatment resulted in a 12-fold increase in basal and stimulated C-peptide levels. HbA1c levels were reduced from 9.4% to 8.1% on a reduced insulin dose (0.85 to 0.60 U/kg/day). Mutant T168A-GST-GCK showed reduced kinetic activity (0.02 fold) compared to WT. CONCLUSIONS: Sulphonylureas can close the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel and elicit insulin secretion, but the ATP generated from metabolism is insufficient to fully restore insulin secretory capacity. Nonetheless, sulphonylurea treatment should be tried in patients with GCK-PNDM, particularly those with mutations resulting in less severe kinetic defects, in whom improved glycemic control may be obtained with lower doses of insulin

    Identification and functional characterisation of novel glucokinase mutations causing maturity-onset diabetes of the young in Slovakia.

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    Heterozygous glucokinase (GCK) mutations cause a subtype of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (GCK-MODY). Over 600 GCK mutations have been reported of which (approx)65% are missense. In many cases co-segregation has not been established and despite the importance of functional studies in ascribing pathogenicity for missense variants these have only been performed for <10% of mutations. The aim of this study was to determine the minimum prevalence of GCK-MODY amongst diabetic subjects in Slovakia by sequencing GCK in 100 Slovakian probands with a phenotype consistent with GCK-MODY and to explore the pathogenicity of identified variants through family and functional studies. Twenty-two mutations were identified in 36 families (17 missense) of which 7 (I110N, V200A, N204D, G258R, F419S, c.580-2A>C, c.1113-1114delGC) were novel. Parental DNA was available for 22 probands (covering 14/22 mutations) and co-segregation established in all cases. Bioinformatic analysis predicted all missense mutations to be damaging. Nine (I110N, V200A, N204D, G223S, G258R, F419S, V244G, L315H, I436N) mutations were functionally evaluated. Basic kinetic analysis explained pathogenicity for 7 mutants which showed reduced glucokinase activity with relative activity indices (RAI) between 0.6 to <0.001 compared to wild-type GCK (1.0). For the remaining 2 mutants additional molecular mechanisms were investigated. Differences in glucokinase regulatory protein (GKRP) -mediated-inhibition of GCK were observed for both L315H and I436N when compared to wild type (IC(50) 14.6+/-0.1 mM and 20.3+/-1.6 mM vs.13.3+/-0.1 mM respectively [p<0.03]). Protein instability as assessed by thermal lability studies demonstrated that both L315H and I436N show marked thermal instability compared to wild-type GCK (RAI at 55(degrees Celsius) 8.8+/-0.8% and 3.1+/-0.4% vs. 42.5+/-3.9% respectively [p<0.001]). The minimum prevalence of GCK-MODY amongst Slovakian patients with diabetes was 0.03%. In conclusion, we have identified 22 GCK mutations in 36 Slovakian probands and demonstrate that combining family, bioinformatic and functional studies can aid the interpretation of variants identified by molecular diagnostic screening