14 research outputs found

    Patient Safety in Orthopedics and Traumatology

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    Surgical specialties have a higher risk of errors and adverse events as represented in literature Orthopedics is one such specialty in which the clinical risk is more conspicuous and, consequently, it has a high exposure to medical-legal disputes . The aim of this work is to analyze the clinical risk and alleged malpractice in medical practice, in order to map professional risk and identify recurrent pitfalls

    Phenotypic Variation and Bistable Switching in Bacteria

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    Microbial research generally focuses on clonal populations. However, bacterial cells with identical genotypes frequently display different phenotypes under identical conditions. This microbial cell individuality is receiving increasing attention in the literature because of its impact on cellular differentiation, survival under selective conditions, and the interaction of pathogens with their hosts. It is becoming clear that stochasticity in gene expression in conjunction with the architecture of the gene network that underlies the cellular processes can generate phenotypic variation. An important regulatory mechanism is the so-called positive feedback, in which a system reinforces its own response, for instance by stimulating the production of an activator. Bistability is an interesting and relevant phenomenon, in which two distinct subpopulations of cells showing discrete levels of gene expression coexist in a single culture. In this chapter, we address techniques and approaches used to establish phenotypic variation, and relate three well-characterized examples of bistability to the molecular mechanisms that govern these processes, with a focus on positive feedback.

    Assessment of ePrescription quality: an observational study at three mail-order pharmacies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The introduction of electronic transfer of prescriptions (ETP) or ePrescriptions in ambulatory health care has been suggested to have a positive impact on the prescribing and dispensing processes. Thereby, implying that ePrescribing can improve safety, quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. In December 2007, 68% of all new prescriptions were transferred electronically in Sweden. The aim of the present study was to assess the quality of ePrescriptions by comparing the proportions of ePrescriptions and non-electronic prescriptions necessitating a clarification contact (correction, completion or change) with the prescriber at the time of dispensing.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A direct observational study was performed at three Swedish mail-order pharmacies which were known to dispense a large proportion of ePrescriptions (38–75%). Data were gathered on all ePrescriptions dispensed at these pharmacies over a three week period in February 2006. All clarification contacts with prescribers were included in the study and were classified and assessed in comparison with all drug prescriptions dispensed at the same pharmacies over the specified period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 31225 prescriptions dispensed during the study period, clarification contacts were made for 2.0% (147/7532) of new ePrescriptions and 1.2% (79/6833) of new non-electronic prescriptions. This represented a relative risk (RR) of 1.7 (95% CI 1.3–2.2) for new ePrescriptions compared to new non-electronic prescriptions. The increased RR was mainly due to 'Dosage and directions for use', which had an RR of 7.6 (95% CI 2.8–20.4) when compared to other clarification contacts. In all, 89.5% of the suggested pharmacist interventions were accepted by the prescriber, 77.7% (192/247) as suggested and an additional 11.7% (29/247) after a modification during contact with the prescriber.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The increased proportion of prescriptions necessitating a clarification contact for new ePrescriptions compared to new non-electronic prescriptions indicates the need for an increased focus on quality aspects in ePrescribing deployment. ETP technology should be developed towards a two-way communication between the prescriber and the pharmacist with automated checks of missing, inaccurate, or ambiguous information. This would enhance safety and quality for the patient and also improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness within the health care system.</p

    Megascopic Quantum Phenomena. A Critical Study of Physical Interpretations

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    A megascopic revalidation is offered providing responses and resolutions of current inconsistencies and existing contradictions in present-day quantum theory. As the core of this study we present an independent proof of the Goldstone theorem for a quantum field formulation of molecules and solids. Along with phonons two types of new quasiparticles appear: rotons and translons. In full analogy with Lorentz covariance, combining space and time coordinates, a new covariance is necessary, binding together the internal and external degrees of freedom, without explicitly separating the centre-of-mass, which normally applies in both classical and quantum formulations. The generally accepted view regarding the lack of a simple correspondence between the Goldstone modes and broken symmetries, has significant consequences: an ambiguous BCS theory as well as a subsequent Higgs mechanism. The application of the archetype of the classical spontaneous symmetry breaking, i.e. the Mexican hat, as compared to standard quantum relations, i.e. the Jahn-Teller effect, superconductivity or the Higgs mechanism, becomes a disparity. In short, symmetry broken states have a microscopic causal origin, but transitions between them have a teleological component. The different treatments of the problem of the centre of gravity in quantum mechanics and in field theories imply a second type of Bohr complementarity on the many-body level opening the door for megascopic representations of all basic microscopic quantum axioms with further readings for teleonomic megascopic quantum phenomena, which have no microscopic rationale: isomeric transitions, Jahn-Teller effect, chemical reactions, Einstein-de Haas effect, superconductivity-superfluidity, and brittle fracture.Comment: 117 pages, 17 sections, final revised version from 20 May 2019 but uploaded after the DOI was know

    Segurança do paciente em cirurgia oncológica: experiência do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo Seguridad del paciente en cirugía oncológica: experiencia del Instituto del Cáncer del Estado de São Paulo Patient safety in oncology surgery: experience of the São Paulo State Cancer Institute

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    A preocupação com a segurança do paciente em centro cirúrgico (CC) tem sido crescente, devido à elevada frequência de erros e eventos adversos, que muitas vezes poderiam ser prevenidos. A Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) propôs o Protocolo Universal (PU) para a prevenção do lado, procedimento e paciente errado. No Brasil foram poucas as instituições que o implantaram, sendo necessária a divulgação e avaliação da sua efetividade. O objetivo foi relatar a experiência do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP) na implantação do PU-JCAHO. O protocolo inclui três etapas: verificação pré-operatória, marcação do sitio cirúrgico (lateralidade) e TIME OUT. O CC do ICESP está em funcionamento desde novembro de 2008. O PU-JCAHO é aplicado integralmente a todas as cirurgias. Até junho de 2009 foram realizadas 1019 cirurgias, sem registro de erro ou evento adverso. A implantação do PU-JCAHO é simples, sendo ferramenta útil para prevenir erros e eventos adversos em CC.<br>La preocupación por la seguridad del paciente en centro quirúrgico (CC, siglas en portugués) ha sido creciente, debido a la elevada frecuencia de errores y eventos adversos que muchas veces podrían ser prevenidos. La Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) propuso el Protocolo Universal (PU) para la prevención de sitio, procedimiento o paciente equivocados. En Brasil, pocas instituciones lo implantaron, haciéndose necesaria la divulgación y evaluación de su efectividad. El objetivo del trabajo fue relatar la experiencia del Instituto del Cáncer del Estado de São Paulo (ICESP) en la implantación del PU-JCAHO. El protocolo incluye tres etapas: verificación preoperatoria, marcación del sitio quirúrgico (lateralidad) y TIME OUT. El CC del ICESP está en funcionamiento desde noviembre de 2008. El PU-JCAHO es aplicado integralmente en todas las cirugías. Hasta junio de 2009 fueron efectuados 1019 procedimientos quirúrgicos, sin registro de error o evento adverso. La implantación del PU-JCAHO es simple, y es una herramienta útil para prevenir errores y eventos adversos en el quirófano.<br>Patient safety concerns in surgery are increasing. The frequency of surgery-related adverse events and errors is high, and most could be avoided. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) proposed the Universal Protocol (UP-JCAHO) for preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, and wrong person surgery. In Brazil, very few health-care institutions have adopted this Protocol. Thus, there is a need to improve its dissemination and assess its effectiveness. The aim of the present study was to report the experiences of the Sao Paulo State Cancer Institute (ICESP, acronym in Portuguese) in implementing the UP-JCAHO. The Protocol comprises three steps: pre-operative verification process, marking the operative site and Time out immediately before starting the procedure. The ICESP surgical center (SC) has been functioning since November 2008. The UP-JCAHO is applied to all surgeries. A total 1019 surgeries were performed up to June 2009. No errors or adverse events were registered. The implementation of the UP-JCAHO is simple. It can be a useful tool to prevent error and adverse events in SC

    Terminologia de incidentes com medicamentos no contexto hospitalar Terminology for drug incidents in the hospital context

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    Incidentes com medicamentos geram problemas aos pacientes e custos adicionais ao sistema de saúde. A variedade de termos utilizada para comunicá-los propicia divergências nos resultados de pesquisas e confundem notificadores. Objetivou-se revisar os termos utilizados para descrever estes incidentes confrontando-os com as conceituações/definições oficiais disponíveis. Pesquisaram-se as bases PubMed, MEDLINE, IPA e LILACS para selecionar estudos publicados entre janeiro de 1990 e dezembro de 2005. Selecionaram-se 33 publicações. Verificou-se que a terminologia supranacional recomendada para descrever incidentes com medicamentos é insuficiente, mas que há consenso de uso das expressões em função do gênero do incidente. O termo Reação Adversa a Medicamento é mais utilizado quando não se verifica intencionalidade. A expressão Evento Adverso a Medicamento foi mais usada quando se descreviam incidentes durante a hospitalização; e Problema Relacionado a Medicamento foi mais utilizada em estudos que avaliaram atenção/cuidados farmacêuticos (uso/falta do medicamento). Ainda assim, a linha divisória entre essas três categorias não é clara e simples. Futuros estudos das relações entre as categorias e investigações multidisciplinares sobre erro humano podem subsidiar a proposição de novas conceituações.<br>In-hospital drug incidents cause problems for patients and additional costs for the health system. The variety of terms used to report them leads to disparities in research results and confuses the professionals that report them. This study aimed to review the terms used to describe drug incidents by collating them with the official concepts and definitions. PubMed, MEDLINE, IPA, and LILACS were searched to select studies published from January 1990 to December 2005. Thirty-three publications were selected. The supranational terminology recommended for describing drug incidents proved insufficient, but there was consensus that the expressions are used as a function of the type of incident. Adverse drug reaction is used when no intent is identified. Adverse drug event mainly describes incidents during hospitalization, and drug-related problem is used in studies on pharmaceutical care (use or lack of the drug). Still, the division between these categories is neither clear nor simple. Future studies on the relations between categories and multidisciplinary research on human error could support proposals for new concepts