16 research outputs found

    P113 is a merozoite surface protein that binds the N terminus of Plasmodium falciparum RH5.

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    Invasion of erythrocytes by Plasmodium falciparum merozoites is necessary for malaria pathogenesis and is therefore a primary target for vaccine development. RH5 is a leading subunit vaccine candidate because anti-RH5 antibodies inhibit parasite growth and the interaction with its erythrocyte receptor basigin is essential for invasion. RH5 is secreted, complexes with other parasite proteins including CyRPA and RIPR, and contains a conserved N-terminal region (RH5Nt) of unknown function that is cleaved from the native protein. Here, we identify P113 as a merozoite surface protein that directly interacts with RH5Nt. Using recombinant proteins and a sensitive protein interaction assay, we establish the binding interdependencies of all the other known RH5 complex components and conclude that the RH5Nt-P113 interaction provides a releasable mechanism for anchoring RH5 to the merozoite surface. We exploit these findings to design a chemically synthesized peptide corresponding to RH5Nt, which could contribute to a cost-effective malaria vaccine

    A protease cascade regulates release of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum from host red blood cells

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    Malaria parasites replicate within a parasitophorous vacuole in red blood cells (RBCs). Progeny merozoites egress upon rupture of first the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM), then poration and rupture of the RBC membrane (RBCM). Egress is protease-dependent1, but none of the effector molecules that mediate membrane rupture have been identified and it is unknown how sequential rupture of the two membranes is controlled. Minutes before egress, the parasite serine protease SUB1 is discharged into the parasitophorous vacuole2,3,4,5,6 where it cleaves multiple substrates2,5,7,8,9 including SERA6, a putative cysteine protease10,11,12. Here, we show that Plasmodium falciparum parasites lacking SUB1 undergo none of the morphological transformations that precede egress and fail to rupture the PVM. In contrast, PVM rupture and RBCM poration occur normally in SERA6-null parasites but RBCM rupture does not occur. Complementation studies show that SERA6 is an enzyme that requires processing by SUB1 to function. RBCM rupture is associated with SERA6-dependent proteolytic cleavage within the actin-binding domain of the major RBC cytoskeletal protein β-spectrin. We conclude that SUB1 and SERA6 play distinct, essential roles in a coordinated proteolytic cascade that enables sequential rupture of the two bounding membranes and culminates in RBCM disruption through rapid, precise, SERA6-mediated disassembly of the RBC cytoskeleton

    Juxtamembrane Shedding of Plasmodium falciparum AMA1 Is Sequence Independent and Essential, and Helps Evade Invasion-Inhibitory Antibodies

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    The malarial life cycle involves repeated rounds of intraerythrocytic replication interspersed by host cell rupture which releases merozoites that rapidly invade fresh erythrocytes. Apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA1) is a merozoite protein that plays a critical role in invasion. Antibodies against AMA1 prevent invasion and can protect against malaria in vivo, so AMA1 is of interest as a malaria vaccine candidate. AMA1 is efficiently shed from the invading parasite surface, predominantly through juxtamembrane cleavage by a membrane-bound protease called SUB2, but also by limited intramembrane cleavage. We have investigated the structural requirements for shedding of Plasmodium falciparum AMA1 (PfAMA1), and the consequences of its inhibition. Mutagenesis of the intramembrane cleavage site by targeted homologous recombination abolished intramembrane cleavage with no effect on parasite viability in vitro. Examination of PfSUB2-mediated shedding of episomally-expressed PfAMA1 revealed that the position of cleavage is determined primarily by its distance from the parasite membrane. Certain mutations at the PfSUB2 cleavage site block shedding, and parasites expressing these non-cleavable forms of PfAMA1 on a background of expression of the wild type gene invade and replicate normally in vitro. The non-cleavable PfAMA1 is also functional in invasion. However – in contrast to the intramembrane cleavage site - mutations that block PfSUB2-mediated shedding could not be stably introduced into the genomic pfama1 locus, indicating that some shedding of PfAMA1 by PfSUB2 is essential. Remarkably, parasites expressing shedding-resistant forms of PfAMA1 exhibit enhanced sensitivity to antibody-mediated inhibition of invasion. Drugs that inhibit PfSUB2 activity should block parasite replication and may also enhance the efficacy of vaccines based on AMA1 and other merozoite surface proteins

    Microbiome to Brain:Unravelling the Multidirectional Axes of Communication

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    The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in host physiology. Disruption of its community structure and function can have wide-ranging effects making it critical to understand exactly how the interactive dialogue between the host and its microbiota is regulated to maintain homeostasis. An array of multidirectional signalling molecules is clearly involved in the host-microbiome communication. This interactive signalling not only impacts the gastrointestinal tract, where the majority of microbiota resides, but also extends to affect other host systems including the brain and liver as well as the microbiome itself. Understanding the mechanistic principles of this inter-kingdom signalling is fundamental to unravelling how our supraorganism function to maintain wellbeing, subsequently opening up new avenues for microbiome manipulation to favour desirable mental health outcome

    Commensal pneumococci go nuclear

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    Malaria parasite cGMP-dependent protein kinase regulates blood stage merozoite secretory organelle discharge and egress.

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    The malaria parasite replicates within an intraerythrocytic parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Eventually, in a tightly regulated process called egress, proteins of the PV and intracellular merozoite surface are modified by an essential parasite serine protease called PfSUB1, whilst the enclosing PV and erythrocyte membranes rupture, releasing merozoites to invade fresh erythrocytes. Inhibition of the Plasmodium falciparum cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PfPKG) prevents egress, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. Here we show that PfPKG activity is required for PfSUB1 discharge into the PV, as well as for release of distinct merozoite organelles called micronemes. Stimulation of PfPKG by inhibiting parasite phosphodiesterase activity induces premature PfSUB1 discharge and egress of developmentally immature, non-invasive parasites. Our findings identify the signalling pathway that regulates PfSUB1 function and egress, and raise the possibility of targeting PfPKG or parasite phosphodiesterases in therapeutic approaches to dysregulate critical protease-mediated steps in the parasite life cycle

    Calcium-dependent permeabilization of erythrocytes by a perforin-like protein during egress of malaria parasites

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    Clinical malaria is associated with proliferation of blood-stage parasites. During the blood stage, Plasmodium parasites invade host red blood cells, multiply, egress and reinvade uninfected red blood cells to continue the life cycle. Here we demonstrate that calcium-dependent permeabilization of host red blood cells is critical for egress of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites. Although perforin-like proteins have been predicted to mediate membrane perforation during egress, the expression, activity and mechanism of action of these proteins have not been demonstrated. Here, we show that two perforin-like proteins, perforin-like protein 1 and perforin-like protein 2, are expressed in the blood stage. Perforin-like protein 1 localizes to the red blood cell membrane and parasitophorous vacuolar membrane in mature schizonts following its Ca(2+)-dependent discharge from micronemes. Furthermore, perforin-like protein 1 shows Ca(2+)-dependent permeabilization and membranolytic activities suggesting that it may be one of the effector proteins that mediate Ca(2+)-dependent membrane perforation during egress