38 research outputs found

    Teknik Komunikasi Dalam Perubahan Sosial

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    In global view, a da\u27i as a religious preacher showshimself as a life parameter. Through his role, he isexpected to color life of a group of society which iswithin the dynamic development. Therefore a demandfor a da\u27I should not only limit to the message hecarries, but also on credible character attaches tohimself, in order to influence his audiences are made.This kind of day within his role and function will beable to plan his dakwah, decide the methods, observethedakwah objects, decide the dakwah strategies, andget appropriate evaluation. This article will furtherdescribe this

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Komunikasi Interpersonal

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    Kehidupan manusia akan selalu berinteraksi dan melakukan komunikasi (termasuk komunikasi interpersonal) dengan orang lain. Melalui komunikasi interpersonal akan selalu terjadi tatap muka yang lebih mudah dalam menyampaikan pesan. Fokus komunikasi interpersonal dalam praktiknya terdapat empat arus untuk membangun masyarakat/sumber daya manusia yaitu: memberikan infomasi/nasehat pada masyarakat atas dan bawah, membangun keberlangsungan antara orang-orang yang berada pada level yang sama dalam sebuah komunitas, dan membangun keberlangsungan antara orang-orang yang berbeda pada level yang sama dalam sebuah komunitas. Pemberdayaan masyarakat yang memiliki pribadi yang luhur membutuhkan proses pembelajaran tertentu dan porses ini tidak akan berjalan tanpa komunikasi (interpersonal) antara penentu kebijakan dengan kliennya yang disiapkan untuk menjadi masyarakat yang mandiri. Jadi dapat dipahami, kontribusi komunikasi interpersonal dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat memiliki akhlakul karimah sangatlah besar. Masyarakat tidak akan bisa menjadi kader pemberdayaan yang layak dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat mestinya tidak menafikan komunikasi interpersonal. Jenis komunikasi ini dapat berjalan secara baik dan terus menerus, dapat dikatakan bahwa penentu kebijakan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat akan memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan

    The Application of Unity-Oriented Persuasive Communication of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the Plural Society of Medina City

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    Plural society built by the prophet was a reflection of an ideal society that can live together as the result of the application of a persuasive communication. A plural society is a society that is composed of various groups, races, tribes, nations, and others. Their existence should get a proper guidance so that people could possess certain qualities such as loving the good deeds and against the bad deeds and violence as Islam instructs. Universal Islamic values govern relations based on mutual respect, non-coercion, justice, humanity, togetherness, and brotherhood. Islam as a social religion strongly supports the effort to establish the relationship of human dignity as a whole. For that, it seems necessary to have a persuasive communication that can touch the psychological aspects of various societies. This method will be easier to bring about an effective result that is the commitment of each group on faith and humanity with the boundaries of rights and obligations. Such situation can foster motivation and confidence to achieve unity and the welfare of the people, which in turn they can live in tolerance, justice, togetherness, brotherhood, and many others

    Komunikasi Interpersonal Orang Tua Muslim Dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Remaja Studi Di Kelurahan Way Huwi Jati Agung Lampung Selatan

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    Interpersonal communication is the communicationthat takes place between people who areinterdependent and have some knowledge of eachother. It includes what takes place between a son andhis father, a teacher and a student, two friends, and soon. Interpersonal communication is often extended toinclude small intimate groups such as the family.Through this interpersonal communication, parents inWay Huwi Village can build character teenagers,established effective communication and meaningful,and it is able to achieve the goal of fostering moralbehavior in teenagers. Muslims parents build teenagersgood behavior through communication process: thestages of the message, which can affect teenagers\u27behavior. The parents perceived who has a certaincredibility which trusted by the teenagers. Throughinterpersonal communication, Muslim parents find away to build their teenagers character


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    Tulisan ini berbicara tentang pemanfaatan media sosial dalam dakwah untuk menanggulangi benih-benih ideologi ekstrimis oleh kaum Islam radikal. Melakukan dakwah dengan mengunakan fasilitas digital dengan mudah dilakukan. Namun, kemajuan teknologi dan informasi khususnya media televisi, memungkinkan seorang da’i untuk berimprovisasi agar materi dakwah tetap menarik untuk disimak. Dampaknya, orientasi dakwah juga semakin berkembang bahkan cenderung menjadi bias. Pola berdakwah melalui media sebagai wujud kemajuan teknologi menjadi tantangan bagi diri sendiri bagi seseorang da’i. Islam sebagai agama memiliki beberapa karaketristiknya yang sangat luas dan khas. Untuk itu perlu dikenali dan dipahami agar menjadi muslim yang memiliki maslahat bagi sesama manusia. Karakteristik ajaran Islam yang bersumber dari al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah harus didakwahkan secara persuasif yang diharapkan dapat menyentuh aspek psikologis dan budaya manusia. Tujuan dakwah dapat menjadi solusi atas problem yang dihadapai oleh umat manusia. Melalui cara ini munculah kegiatan dakwah yang bernuansa harmonis, toleransi, adanya persatuan-kesatuan, kebersamaan, keadilan, dan menghilangkan diskriminasi. Akhirnya dakwah akan dapat mengkikis adanya faham-faham radikal. This article discusses about the utilization of social media in da’wah to cope the seeds of extreme ideology spreaded by radical Islamic groups. Conducting da’wah by using digital facilities is easilty done. However, the advance of technology and information, especially television, enable a preacher to improvise to keep the da'wah material interesting to observe. Consequently, da’wah orientation is also growing, even tending to be biased. The pattern of da'wah through media as a form of technological progress becomes a challenge for a da'i. Islam as a religion has some characteristics which is very broad and unique. Therefore, it is important to be recognized and understood to be a Muslim who has maslahat for human beings. The characteristics of Islamic teachings sourced from al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah must be persuasively preached and expected can touch the psychological and human cultural aspects. The purpose of da'wah can be a solution to the problems faced by mankind. In this way the arises da'wah activities that have harmonious nuance, tolerance, unity, togetherness, justice, and eliminating discrimination. Finally, the da'wah will be able to erode the existence of radical ideas.. &nbsp


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    Communicating is the foundation of education.Without communication, ideas, directions, andthoughts are lost or misunderstood. Students may notunderstand teaching material, educators may notunderstand directions given to them, and teachers maynot understand that a gap in communication isforming. So teacher student communication plays abig part in the success of classroom interaction.According to Cooper, effective teachers shoulddemonstrate competencies in sending and receivingmessages that give or obtain information, express orrespond to feelings, speculate or theorize, maintainsocial relationships and facilitate interaction, and seekto convince or influence. Beyond these competencies,several teacher communication behaviors andstrategies must be learned to enhance student learning.What teachers need to know obviously goes beyondhow to enhance self-presentation, how to keepstudents on task, and how to manage studentresistance. Effective communication includes muchmore than simple knowledge transmission. This articlewill discusses somethings related to teacher studentcommunication


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    The Ministry of Religious Affairs has formulated the Regulation of the Director General of Islamic Public Guidance No. DJ.II/542 of 2013 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Pre-Marriage Courses, which are applied at the Office of Religious Affairs of Tanjung Karang Timur District. This research aims to know how far the level of significance of pre-marriage courses is to people of marriageable age as a form of increasing understanding of the community from the perspective of Islamic community development. The approach used is a qualitative approach. Data is sourced from primary, secondary, and population and sample data. The population is 16 pairs of prospective brides or 32 people, and the sample is 8 pairs of prospective brides or 16. With data collection techniques such as interviews, observation, documentation, and data analysis. Based on the results from research on the implementation of pre-marital courses and the processes carried out, it can be concluded that pre-marital courses are beneficial and necessary for the community. Community development aims to improve the quality of life of the community through the awareness process, the capacity-building process, and the enrichment process. It is significant for creating a Sakinah family