15 research outputs found

    Beyond Refugia: New insights on Quaternary climate variation and the evolution of biotic diversity in tropical South America

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    Haffer’s (Science 165: 131–137, 1969) Pleistocene refuge theory has provided motivation for 50 years of investigation into the connections between climate, biome dynamics, and neotropical speciation, although aspects of the orig- inal theory are not supported by subsequent studies. Recent advances in paleocli- matology suggest the need for reevaluating the role of Quaternary climate on evolutionary history in tropical South America. In addition to the many repeated large-amplitude climate changes associated with Pleistocene glacial-interglacial stages (~40 kyr and 100 kyr cyclicity), we highlight two aspects of Quaternary climate change in tropical South America: (1) an east-west precipitation dipole, induced by solar radiation changes associated with Earth’s precessional variations (~20 kyr cyclicity); and (2) periods of anomalously high precipitation that persisted for centuries-to-millennia (return frequencies ~1500 years) congruent with cold “Heinrich events” and cold Dansgaard-Oeschger “stadials” of the North Atlantic region. The spatial footprint of precipitation increase due to this North Atlantic forcing extended across almost all of tropical South America south of the equator. Combined, these three climate modes present a picture of climate change with different spatial and temporal patterns than envisioned in the original Pleistocene refuge theory. Responding to these climate changes, biomes expanded and contracted and became respectively connected and disjunct. Biome change undoubtedly influenced biotic diversification, but the nature of diversification likely was more complex than envisioned by the original Pleistocene refuge theory. In the lowlands, intermittent forest expansion and contraction led to species dispersal and subsequent isolation, promoting lineage diversification. These pulses of climate-driven biotic interchange profoundly altered the composition of regional species pools and triggered new evolutionary radiations. In the special case of the tropical Andean forests adjacent to the Amazon lowlands, new phylogenetic data provide abundant evidence for rapid biotic diversification during the Pleistocene. During warm interglacials and intersta- dials, lowland taxa dispersed upslope. Isolation in these disjunct climate refugia led to extinction for some taxa and speciation for others.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155561/1/Baker2020.pdfDescription of Baker2020.pdf : Main articl

    Environmental factors determining the distribution of highland plants at low-altitude algific talus sites

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    Algific talus is a micro-scale habitat type where highland plants (subalpine and alpine species) are found, disjunct from their typical range, in lowland forests. On algific talus, cold airflows from the interstices between talus fragments create a local microclimate colder than surrounding forests. Despite of the widely-known occurrence of unique vegetation on algific talus, critical environmental factors determining the distribution of highland species in this habitat type are unclear. In order to reveal the environmental factors enabling highland species to inhabit algific talus, we investigated the vegetation and environments of 26 algific talus sites and four reference (non-algific talus) sites in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Several algific talus sites were dominated by highland species, while some algific talus sites and all non-algific talus sites were dominated by lowland species. Community analysis based on detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical corresponding analysis (CCA) revealed that the algific talus sites dominated by highland species had lower ground temperature, more acidic soil, larger canopy openness, and less diverse vegetation than the sites dominated by lowland species. Highland plants might be maintained under conditions stressful for lowland plants, resulting in less competitive situation. Generalized linear models (GLM), used to evaluate the response of individual highland species to environmental factors, revealed that preferable environmental conditions for highland plants are highly species specific. These results indicate that the maintenance of diverse environments is crucial for the conservation of the unique vegetation and local populations of highland species in algific talus areas

    The spatial extent and dynamics of the Antarctic Cold Reversal

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    International audienceAntarctic ice cores show that a millennial-scale coolingevent, the Antarctic Cold Reversal (14,700 to 13,000 yearsago), interrupted the last deglaciation1–3. The Antarctic ColdReversal coincides with the Bølling–Allerød warm stage in theNorth Atlantic, providing an example of the inter-hemisphericcoupling of abrupt climate change generally referred toas the bipolar seesaw4–9. However, the ocean–atmospheredynamics governing this coupling are debated10–15. Here weexamine the extent and expression of the Antarctic ColdReversal in the Southern Hemisphere using a synthesis of84 palaeoclimate records.We find that the cooling is strongestin the South Atlantic and all regions south of 40 S. Atthe same time, the terrestrial tropics and subtropics showabrupt hydrologic variations that are significantly correlatedwith North Atlantic climate changes. Our transient globalclimate model simulations indicate that the observed extent ofAntarctic Cold Reversal cooling can be explained by enhancednorthward ocean heat transport from the South to NorthAtlantic10, amplified by the expansion and thickening of seaice in the Southern Ocean. The hydrologic variations at lowerlatitudes result from an opposing enhancement of southwardheat transport in the atmosphere mediated by the Hadleycirculation. Our findings reconcile previous arguments aboutthe relative dominance of ocean5,10,11 and atmospheric14,15 heattransports in inter-hemispheric coupling, demonstrating thatthe spatial pattern of past millennial-scale climate changereflects the superposition of both

    Making decisions to conserve species under climate change

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    Severe impacts on biodiversity are predicted to arise from climate change. These impacts may not be adequately addressed by conventional approaches to conservation. As a result, additional management actions are now being considered. However, there is currently limited guidance to help decision makers choose which set of actions (and in what order) is most appropriate for species that are considered to be vulnerable. Here, we provide a decision framework for the full complement of actions aimed at conserving species under climate change from ongoing conservation in existing refugia through various forms of mobility enhancement to ex situ conservation outside the natural environment. We explicitly recognize that allocation of conservation resources toward particular actions may be governed by factors such as the likelihood of success, cost and likely co-benefits to non-target species in addition to perceived vulnerability of individual species. As such, we use expert judgment of probable tradeoffs in resource allocation to inform the sequential evaluation of proposed management interventions