2,813 research outputs found

    Incidence and predictive factors associated with farm accidents in Ohio

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    Impact cratering and the Oort cloud

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    We calculate the expected flux profile of comets into the planetary system from the Oort cloud arising from Galactic tides and encounters with molecular clouds. We find that both periodic and sporadic bombardment episodes, with amplitudes an order of magnitude above background, occur on characteristic timescales ~25-35 Myr. Bombardment episodes occurring preferentially during spiral arm crossings may be responsible both for mass extinctions of life and the transfer of viable microorganisms from the bombarded Earth into the disturbing nebulae. Good agreement is found between the theoretical expectations and the age distribution of large, well-dated terrestrial impact craters of the past 250 million years. A weak periodicity of ~36 Myr in the cratering record is consistent with the Sun's recent passage through the Galactic plane, and implies a central plane density ~0.15 M_Sun pc^(-3). This leaves little room for a significant dark matter component in the disc

    Radio Observations of SN 1980K: Evidence for Rapid Presupernova Evolution

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    New observations of SN 1980K made with the VLA at 20 and 6 cm from 1994 April through 1996 October show that the supernova (SN) has undergone a significant change in its radio emission evolution, dropping by a factor of ~2 below the flux density S \propto t^{-0.73} power-law decline with time t observed earlier. However, although S at all observed frequencies has decreased significantly, its current spectral index of \alpha= -0.42\pm0.15 (S \propto \nu^{+\alpha}) is consistent with the previous spectral index of \alpha=-0.60_{-0.07}^{+0.04}. It is suggested that this decrease in emission may be due to the SN shock entering a new region of the circumstellar material which has a lower density than that expected for a constant speed (w), constant mass-loss rate (Mdot) wind from the progenitor. If such an interpretation is correct, the difference in wind and shock speeds appears to indicate a significant evolution in the mass-loss history of the SN progenitor ~10^4 years before explosion, with a change in circumstellar density (\propto Mdot/w) occurring over a time span of \lesssim 4 kyr. Such features could be explained in terms of a fast ``blue-loop'' evolutionary phase of a relatively massive pre-SN progenitor star. If so, we may, for the first time, provide a stringent constraint on the mass of the SN progenitor based solely on the SN's radio emission.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Ap

    On the investigations of galaxy redshift periodicity

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    In this article we present a historical review of study of the redshift periodicity of galaxies, starting from the first works performed in the seventies of the twentieth century until the present day. We discuss the observational data and methods used, showing in which cases the discretization of redshifts was observed. We conclude that galaxy redshift periodisation is an effect which can really exist. We also discussed the redshift discretization in two different structures: the Local Group of galaxies and the Hercules Supercluster. Contrary to the previous studies we consider all galaxies which can be regarded as a structure member disregarding the accuracy of velocity measurements. We applied the power spectrum analysis using the Hann function for weighting, together with the jackknife error estimator. In both the structures we found weak effects of redshift periodisation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Part. and Nucl. Lett. 200

    The 74MHz System on the Very Large Array

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    The Naval Research Laboratory and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory completed implementation of a low frequency capability on the VLA at 73.8 MHz in 1998. This frequency band offers unprecedented sensitivity (~25 mJy/beam) and resolution (~25 arcsec) for low-frequency observations. We review the hardware, the calibration and imaging strategies, comparing them to those at higher frequencies, including aspects of interference excision and wide-field imaging. Ionospheric phase fluctuations pose the major difficulty in calibrating the array. Over restricted fields of view or at times of extremely quiescent ionospheric ``weather'', an angle-invariant calibration strategy can be used. In this approach a single phase correction is devised for each antenna, typically via self-calibration. Over larger fields of view or at times of more normal ionospheric ``weather'' when the ionospheric isoplanatic patch size is smaller than the field of view, we adopt a field-based strategy in which the phase correction depends upon location within the field of view. This second calibration strategy was implemented by modeling the ionosphere above the array using Zernike polynomials. Images of 3C sources of moderate strength are provided as examples of routine, angle-invariant calibration and imaging. Flux density measurements indicate that the 74 MHz flux scale at the VLA is stable to a few percent, and tied to the Baars et al. value of Cygnus A at the 5 percent level. We also present an example of a wide-field image, devoid of bright objects and containing hundreds of weaker sources, constructed from the field-based calibration. We close with a summary of lessons the 74 MHz system offers as a model for new and developing low-frequency telescopes. (Abridged)Comment: 73 pages, 46 jpeg figures, to appear in ApJ

    Departures From Axisymmetric Morphology and Dynamics in Spiral Galaxies

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    New HI synthesis data have been obtained for six face-on galaxies with the Very Large Array. These data and reanalyses of three additional data sets make up a sample of nine face-on galaxies analyzed for deviations from axisymmetry in morphology and dynamics. This sample represents a subsample of galaxies already analyzed for morphological symmetry properties in the R-band. Four quantitative measures of dynamical nonaxisymmetry are compared to one another and to the quantitative measures of morphological asymmetry in HI and R-band to investigate the relationships between nonaxisymmetric morphology and dynamics. We find no significant relationship between asymmetric morphology and most of the dynamical measures in our sample. A possible relationship is found, however, between morphology and dynamical position angle differences between approaching and receding sides of the galaxy.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, AASTeX, accepted for publication in AJ, postscript figures available at ftp://culebra.tn.cornell.edu/pub/david/figures.tar.g

    A Search for Molecular Gas in GHz Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources

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    We present searches for molecular gas (CO, OH, CS, and Ammonia) in six GHz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources. We do not detect gas in any source and place upper limits on the mass of molecular gas which are generally in the range 1E9 to a few times 1E10 solar masses. These limits are consistent with the following interpretations: (1) GPS sources do not require very dense gas in their hosts, and (2) The GPS sources are unlikely to be confined by dense gas and will evolve to become larger radio sources