13,784 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Magnetic Flux Loss in Molecular Clouds

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    We investigate the detailed processes working in the drift of magnetic fields in molecular clouds. To the frictional force, whereby the magnetic force is transmitted to neutral molecules, ions contribute more than half only at cloud densities nH<104cm3n_{\rm H} < 10^4 {\rm cm}^{-3}, and charged grains contribute more than 90% at nH>106cm3n_{\rm H} > 10^6 {\rm cm}^{-3}. Thus grains play a decisive role in the process of magnetic flux loss. Approximating the flux loss time tBt_B by a power law tBBγt_B \propto B^{-\gamma}, where BB is the mean field strength in the cloud, we find γ2\gamma \approx 2, characteristic to ambipolar diffusion, only at nH<107cm3n_{\rm H} < 10^7 {\rm cm}^{-3}. At higher densities, γ\gamma decreases steeply with nHn_{\rm H}, and finally at nHndecafew×1011cm3n_{\rm H} \approx n_{\rm dec} \approx {\rm a few} \times 10^{11} {\rm cm}^{-3}, where magnetic fields effectively decouple from the gas, γ<<1\gamma << 1 is attained, reminiscent of Ohmic dissipation, though flux loss occurs about 10 times faster than by Ohmic dissipation. Ohmic dissipation is dominant only at nH>1×1012cm3n_{\rm H} > 1 \times 10^{12} {\rm cm}^{-3}. While ions and electrons drift in the direction of magnetic force at all densities, grains of opposite charges drift in opposite directions at high densities, where grains are major contributors to the frictional force. Although magnetic flux loss occurs significantly faster than by Ohmic dissipation even at very high densities as nHndecn_{\rm H} \approx n_{\rm dec}, the process going on at high densities is quite different from ambipolar diffusion in which particles of opposite charges are supposed to drift as one unit.Comment: 34 pages including 9 postscript figures, LaTex, accepted by Astrophysical Journal (vol.573, No.1, July 1, 2002

    On the mechanism for breaks in the cosmic ray spectrum

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    The proof of cosmic ray (CR) origin in supernova remnants (SNR) must hinge on full consistency of the CR acceleration theory with the observations; direct proof is impossible because of the orbit stochasticity of CR particles. Recent observations of a number of galactic SNR strongly support the SNR-CR connection in general and the Fermi mechanism of CR acceleration, in particular. However, many SNR expand into weakly ionized dense gases, and so a significant revision of the mechanism is required to fit the data. We argue that strong ion-neutral collisions in the remnant surrounding lead to the steepening of the energy spectrum of accelerated particles by \emph{exactly one power}. The spectral break is caused by a partial evanescence of Alfven waves that confine particles to the accelerator. The gamma-ray spectrum generated in collisions of the accelerated protons with the ambient gas is also calculated. Using the recent Fermi spacecraft observation of the SNR W44 as an example, we demonstrate that the parent proton spectrum is a classical test particle power law E2\propto E^{-2}, steepening to E3E^{-3} at Ebr7GeVE_{br}\approx7GeV.Comment: APS talk to appear in PoP, 4 figure

    Fragmentation Instability of Molecular Clouds: Numerical Simulations

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    We simulate fragmentation and gravitational collapse of cold, magnetized molecular clouds. We explore the nonlinear development of an instability mediated by ambipolar diffusion, in which the collapse rate is intermediate to fast gravitational collapse and slow quasistatic collapse. Initially uniform stable clouds fragment into elongated clumps with masses largely determined by the cloud temperature, but substantially larger than the thermal Jeans mass. The clumps are asymmetric, with significant rotation and vorticity, and lose magnetic flux as they collapse. The clump shapes, intermediate collapse rates, and infall profiles may help explain observations not easily fit by contemporary slow or rapid collapse models.Comment: 25pp, 20 small eps figures, in press ApJ, April 1, 200

    Singular Isothermal Disks: II. Nonaxisymmetric Bifurcations and Equilibria

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    We review the difficulties of the classical fission and fragmentation hypotheses for the formation of binary and multiple stars. A crucial missing ingredient in previous theoretical studies is the inclusion of dynamically important levels of magnetic fields. As a minimal model for a candidate presursor to the formation of binary and multiple stars, we therefore formulate and solve the problem of the equilibria of isopedically magnetized, singular isothermal disks, without the assumption of axial symmetry. Considerable analytical progress can be made if we restrict our attention to models that are scale-free, i.e., that have surface densities that vary inversely with distance from the rotation axis of the system. In agreement with earlier analysis by Syer and Tremaine, we find that lopsided (M=1) configurations exist at any dimensionless rotation rate, including zero. Multiple-lobed (M = 2, 3, 4, ...) configurations bifurcate from an underlying axisymmetric sequence at progressively higher dimensionless rates of rotation, but such nonaxisymmetric sequences always terminate in shockwaves before they have a chance to fission into M=2, 3, 4, ... separate bodies. On the basis of our experience in this paper, and the preceding Paper I, we advance the hypothesis that binary and multiple star-formation from smooth (i.e., not highly turbulent) starting states that are supercritical but in unstable mechanical balance requires the rapid (i.e., dynamical) loss of magnetic flux at some stage of the ensuing gravitational collapse.Comment: 49 pages, 11 figures, LaTeX, needs aaspp4.sty. The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Lexicographic cones and the ordered projective tensor product

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    We introduce lexicographic cones, a method of assigning an ordered vector space \Lex(S) to a poset SS, generalising the standard lexicographic cone. These lexicographic cones are then used to prove that the projective tensor cone of two arbitrary cones is a cone, and to find a new characterisation of finite-dimensional vector lattices.Comment: 8 page

    Thermodynamic properties of a classical d-dimensional spin-S Heisenberg ferromagnet with long-range interactions via the spectral density method

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    The thermodynamic properties of a classical d-dimensional spin-S Heisenberg ferromagnet, with long-range interactions decaying as rpr^{-p} and in the presence of an external magnetic field, is investigated by means of the spectral density method in the framework of classical statistical mechanics. We find that long-range order exists at finite temperature for d<p<2dd<p<2d with d2d\leq 2 and for p>dp>d with d>2d>2, consistently with known theorems. Besides, the related critical temperature is determined and a study of the critical properties is performed.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, Submitted to Physica

    N N bar,Delta bar N, Delta N bar excitation for the pion propagator in nuclear matter

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    The particle-hole and Delta -hole excitations are well-known elementary excitation modes for the pion propagator in nuclear matter. But, the excitation also involves antiparticles, namely, nucleon-antinucleon, anti-Delta-nucleon and Delta-antinucleon excitations. These are important for high-energy momentum as well, and have not been studied before, to our knowledge. In this paper, we give both the formulas and the numerical calculations for the real and the imaginary parts of these excitations.Comment: Latex, 3 eps file

    Sub-Alfvenic Non-Ideal MHD Turbulence Simulations with Ambipolar Diffusion: I. Turbulence Statistics

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    Most numerical investigations on the role of magnetic fields in turbulent molecular clouds (MCs) are based on ideal magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). However, MCs are weakly ionized, so that the time scale required for the magnetic field to diffuse through the neutral component of the plasma by ambipolar diffusion (AD) can be comparable to the dynamical time scale. We have performed a series of 256^3 and 512^3 simulations on supersonic but sub-Alfvenic turbulent systems with AD using the Heavy-Ion Approximation developed in Li, McKee, & Klein (2006). Our calculations are based on the assumption that the number of ions is conserved, but we show that these results approximately apply to the case of time-dependent ionization in molecular clouds as well. Convergence studies allow us to determine the optimal value of the ionization mass fraction when using the heavy-ion approximation for low Mach number, sub-Alfvenic turbulent systems. We find that ambipolar diffusion steepens the velocity and magnetic power spectra compared to the ideal MHD case. Changes in the density PDF, total magnetic energy, and ionization fraction are determined as a function of the AD Reynolds number. The power spectra for the neutral gas properties of a strongly magnetized medium with a low AD Reynolds number are similar to those for a weakly magnetized medium; in particular, the power spectrum of the neutral velocity is close to that for Burgers turbulence.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Quasiparticle Effective Mass for the Two- and Three-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    We calculate the quasiparticle effective mass for the electron gas in two and three dimensions in the metallic region. We employ the single particle scattering potential coming from the Sj\"{o}lander-Stott theory and enforce the Friedel sum rule by adjusting the effective electron mass in a scattering calculation. In 3D our effective mass is a monotonically decreasing function of rsr_s throughout the whole metallic domain, as implied by the most recent numerical results. In 2D we obtain reasonable agreement with the experimental data, as well as with other calculations based on the Fermi liquid theory. We also present results of a variety of different treatments for the effective mass in 2D and 3D.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Ground State Properties of One Dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg Model with Dimerization and Quadrumerization

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    The one dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg model with dimerization and quadrumerization is studied by means of the numerical exact diagonalization of finite size systems. Using the phenomenological renormalization group and finite size scaling law, the ground state phase diagram is obtained in the isotropic case. It exhibits a variety of the ground states which contains the S=1 Haldane state, S=1 dimer state and S=1/2 dimer state as limiting cases. The gap exponent ν\nu is also calculated which coincides with the value for the dimerization transition of the isotropic Heisenberg chain. In the XY limit, the phase diagram is obtained analytically and the comparison is made with the isotropic case.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure