134 research outputs found

    Eye-tracking Study: Systematic Effects of Task Instructions on Selective Attention and Inductive Learning

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    Participants studied paintings with respective task instructions and were subsequently tested on identification performance for trained paintings as well as new paintings by the same artists. Eye tracking analyses indicate that each task instruction led to distinctive fixation patterns for the paintings, which may influence inductive learning performance. Generally, participants given the alternative pattern of the instructions performed significantly better than those who received the successive pattern of instructions both in trained and new paintings


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    本研究の目的は、母性看護学実習の学生のストレスと対処行動を明らかにし、母性看護学実習指導の課題を検討することである。母性看護学実習修了後の学生49名を対象に自記式質問紙調査を実施した。結果、病棟実習及び外来・分娩見学実習に共通のストレス内容は、【看護実践能力不足に伴う焦り・不安・緊張】【看護援助・観察に伴う時間調整の難しさ】【報告に関連した未熟さ・不安・緊張】と病棟実習では他2つ、実習環境・人間関係等のストレス内容は、【スタッフとの関係で感じる不安・緊張】他1つが抽出された。ストレス対処行動は、問題中心型の『積極的な問題解決』『他 者からの援助』と情動中心型の『逃避』『諦め』『行動・感情の抑制』であった。実習指導の課題として以下の内容が示唆された。母性看護学特有の実習指導の課題としては、1.展開の早い母子の経過を予測し、実習前に習得した知識と看護技術を実習場面で実践できるように、学生の実習前の事前課題と演習を強化する。2.妊産褥婦を多角的に捉えコミュニケーション能力やウェルネス思考でアセスメント能力を培えるように、学生の考え方や経験を支持する。3.母性看護の対象への看護上の判断と経過の理解につながるように、学生が指導者と共に看護場面に参加することを促す。また、臨床看護学特有の実習指導の課題としては、4.学生の指導者への報告や相談の場面では指導者が学生の考え方や経験を支持する働きがもてるように、指導者と教員が協働して実習指導の充実を図る。5.学生の実習課題が明確となるように日々のカンファレンスと振り返りを通して学生が臨床状況を言語化することを助ける

    Tetranins: new putative spider mite elicitors of host plant defense

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    Summary The two‐spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) is a plant‐sucking arthropod herbivore that feeds on a wide array of cultivated plants. In contrast to the well‐characterized classical chewing herbivore salivary elicitors that promote plant defense responses, little is known about sucking herbivores' elicitors. To characterize the sucking herbivore elicitors, we explored putative salivary gland proteins of spider mites by using an Agrobacterium‐mediated transient expression system or protein infiltration in damaged bean leaves. Two candidate elicitors (designated as tetranin1 (Tet1) and tetranin2 (Tet2)) triggered early leaf responses (cytosolic calcium influx and membrane depolarization) and increased the transcript abundances of defense genes in the leaves, eventually resulting in reduced survivability of T. urticae on the host leaves as well as induction of indirect plant defenses by attracting predatory mites. Tet1 and/or Tet2 also induced jasmonate, salicylate and abscisic acid biosynthesis. Notably, Tet2‐induced signaling cascades were also activated via the generation of reactive oxygen species. The signaling cascades of these two structurally dissimilar elicitors are mostly overlapping but partially distinct and thus they would coordinate the direct and indirect defense responses in host plants under spider mite attack in both shared and distinct manners

    Comparison in the views of life and death between nurses and docters of a University Hospital

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    医師と看護師の死生観とその影響要因の相違をふまえ,質の高い緩和ケアチームについて検討することを目的とした.A 大学病院に勤務する医師と看護師に死生観について質問紙調査を行った.平井らが開発した死生観尺度(▯=0.88,7因子27項目)を用いた.有効回答は医師120名(医師群)と看護師347名(看護師群)であった。統計処理については危険率5%未満を有意差とした.分析にはSPSS11.0J for Windows(SPSS社製)を用いた.倫理的配慮は倫理審査会の承認を得た後,対象者へは参加の自由とプライバシーの保護を保証した.①「死への恐怖・不安」と「人生の目的意識」の因子には群間で有意差は認められなかった.②「死後の世界観」,「解放としての死」,「死からの回避」,「死への関心」や「寿命観」の5因子において両群間で有意に看護師群の方が高かった.③年齢などの各要因と死生観尺度との関係は両群者ともに年齢と「寿命観」で有意差が認められた.④死を迎える時に,希望する場所と死生観尺度得点に有意差が認められた.医師と看護師の死生観は「死後の世界観」などの因子得点で有意差が認められ,緩和ケアチームを効果的に展開していくためには双方の死生観の理解と,ケアへの活用の必要性が示唆された.A high quality palliative care team has been examined considering the differences between doctors and nurses in their views of life and death and its influential factors. A survey has been conducted on doctors and nurses employed at A University Hospital in their views of life and death. “Rinroshiki Syakudo”, a scale developed by Hirai et al(▯=0.88,7 factors,27 items), has been used as a scale of their views. The results of 120 doctors and 347 nurses were analyzed by t-test, and significant difference was defined as a risk below 5%. SPSS 11.0J for Windows(by SPSS)was used for the analysis. After an approval of an audit for an ethical consideration, participants were ensured their freedom to participate and privacy protection. 1) No significant differences have been found in factors “death anxiety” and “life purpose” in scales of views of life and death 2) However 5 factors, “after life belief”, “death relief”,“death avoidance”, “death concern” and “supernatural belief” were significantly high in nurses. 3) There was also a significant difference between the age and their “supernatural belief” in both doctors and nurses. 4) There were also significant differences in “where they want to die” and the total score of the scale, when facing own death. There being differences in factors such as “afterlife belief” between doctors’ views and those of nurses, the result suggested the need to understand both of the views and reflect them to palliative care

    Genotype–phenotype correlation for extracolonic aggressive phenotypes in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis

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    Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients develop various life-threatening extracolonic comorbidities that appear individually or within a family. This diversity can be explained by the localization of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) variant, but few reports provide definitive findings about genotype–phenotype correlations. Therefore, we investigated FAP patients and the association between the severe phenotypes and APC variants. Of 247 FAP patients, 126 patients from 85 families identified to have APC germline variant sites were extracted. These sites were divided into six groups (Regions A to F), and the frequency of severe comorbidities was compared among the patient phenotypes. Of the 126 patients, the proportions of patients with desmoid tumor stage ≥III, number of FGPs ≥1000, multiple gastric neoplasms, gastric neoplasm with high-grade dysplasia, and Spigelman stage ≥III were 3%, 16%, 21%, 12%, and 41%, respectively, while the corresponding rates were 30%, 50%, 70%, 50%, and 80% in patients with Region E (codons 1398–1580) variants. These latter rates were significantly higher than those for patients with variants in other regions. Moreover, the proportion of patients with all three indicators (desmoid tumor stage ≥III, number of FGPs ≥1000, and Spigelman stage ≥III) was 20% for those with variants in Region E and 0% for those with variants in other regions. Variants in Region E indicate aggressive phenotypes, and more intensive management is required