16 research outputs found

    Prevention and management of adverse events of novel agents in multiple myeloma: a consensus of the European Myeloma Network

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    During the last few years, several new drugs have been introduced for treatment of patients with multiple myeloma, which have significantly improved the treatment outcome. All of these novel substances differ at least in part in their mode of action from similar drugs of the same drug class, or are representatives of new drug classes, and as such present with very specific side effect profiles. In this review, we summarize these adverse events, provide information on their prevention, and give practical guidance for monitoring of patients and for management of adverse events

    Possible Enhancement of the Effect of Warfarin Secondary to Oral Prednisone Therapy

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    Alarge number of medications have been reported to either increase or decrease the effect of warfarin on the international normalized ratio (INR).1 Therefore, knowledge of medications that may interact with warfarin is essential to ensure safe and effective use of this drug. Patients taking warfarin should undergo more frequent testing of INR upon introduction of new medications that may interact with warfarin. In a recent systematic review of medications and foods that may interact with warfarin, oral corticosteroids were not listed as having clinically significant interactions. 1 In fact, interactions between methylprednisolone and warfarin were described as “highly improbable”.1 We report here a clinically significant increase in INR associated with the initiation of oral prednisone therapy in a patient whose condition had previously been stabilized with warfarin therapy.

    Prevalence of Atrial Fibrillation and Antithrombotic Therapy in Hemodialysis Patients: Cross-Sectional Results of the Vienna InVestigation of AtriaL Fibrillation and Thromboembolism in Patients on HemoDIalysis (VIVALDI)

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) adds significant risk of stroke and thromboembolism in patients on hemodialysis (HD). The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of AF in a population-based cohort of HD patients and practice patterns of antithrombotic therapy for stroke prevention in AF.The Vienna InVestigation of AtriaL fibrillation and thromboembolism in patients on hemodialysis (VIVALDI), an ongoing prospective observational cohort study, investigates the prevalence of AF and the risk of thromboembolic events in HD patients in Vienna, Austria. We analyzed cross-sectional data of 626 patients (63.4% men, median age 66 years, approx. 73% of HD patients in Vienna), who provided informed consent. A structured interview with each patient was performed, recent and archived ECGs were viewed and medical histories were verified with electronic records.The overall prevalence of AF was 26.5% (166 patients, 71.1% men, median age 72 years) of which 57.8% had paroxysmal AF, 3.0% persistent AF, 32.5% permanent AF, and 6.6% of patients had newly diagnosed AF. The median CHA2DS2-VASc Score was 4 [25th-75th percentile 3-5]. In multivariable analysis, AF was independently associated with age (odds ratio: 1.05 per year increase, 95% confidence interval: 1.03-1.07), male sex (1.7, 1.1-2.6), history of venous thromboembolism (2.0, 1.1-3.6), congestive heart failure (1.7, 1.1-2.5), history of or active cancer (1.5, 1.0-2.4) and time on HD (1.08 per year on HD, 1.03-1.13). Antithrombotic treatment was applied in 84.4% of AF patients (anticoagulant agents in 29.5%, antiplatelet agents in 33.7%, and both in 21.1%). In AF patients, vitamin-K-antagonists were used more often than low-molecular-weight heparins (30.1% and 19.9%).The prevalence of AF is high amongst HD patients and is associated with age, sex, and distinct comorbidities. Practice patterns of antithrombotic treatment indicate a lack of consensus for stroke prevention in HD patients with AF