26 research outputs found


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    Nitrate concentration in ground water is a major problem in specific agricultural areas. Using regression and neural networks, this study models nitrate concentration in ground water as a function of iron concentration in ground water, season and distance of the well from a poultry house. Results from both techniques are comparable and show that the distance of the well from a poultry house has a significant effect on nitrate concentration in groundwater.Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries,

    From Río Cuarto to Córdoba

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    El presente cómic es una historieta que elaboré en el año 2019 para la revista cordobesa Las Fieras. El tema del número era «plantas». Se me ocurrió que podía ser interesante escribir sobre la problemática del agronegocio, la agroindustria y sus consecuencias

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Struktur Modal Pada Perusahaan Property dan Real Estate yang Terdaftar di BEI

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the capital structure as a factor that is considered in the decision-making of the optimal capital structure of property and real estate companies on the IDX in 2016-2017. The population in this study are property and real estate companies listed on the IDX. The sample in this study were 58 companies while the sampling method used purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of this study, it is known that profitability, company size, non-debt tax shield, company growth, and liquidity do not affect the capital structure. While business risk and asset collateral value have a negative effect on capital structure. The results of the F test test revealed that profitability, company size, business risk, asset collateral value, non-debt tax shield, company growth, and liquidity influence the capital structure

    Canta, entre altres, Palabras para Júlia

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    Música.Hi ha una versió de 1994 i una altra de 1978

    Metadata management in Europeana Photography

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    This paper describes the metadata management experience of the Europeana Photography project, a digitization action with final aim of making available in the internet over 430.000 items of early photographs with historical, cultural and artistic value, belonging to the first 100 years of the art of photography.  The metadata converged in Europeana, the European Digital Library which collects about 31 million digitized items of European cultural heritage. It illustrates the way the Europeana Photography project has created and enriched metadata of images being delivered to Europeana through the project, and the context in which it has done so

    A study of the relationship between perceived school culture and reading academic achievement in the special education subgroup at selected West Virginia middle schools.

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    The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine if a relationship existed between school culture as perceived by teachers and administrators and reading academic achievement in the special education subgroup reading achievement as measured by the 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006- 07, and 2007-08 West Virginia Educational Standards Test (WESTEST) in selected West Virginia middle schools. To determine if a relationship existed, teachers and principals at participating middle schools took the School Culture Survey (SCS). One conclusion of this study was that the school culture of the four participating West Virginia middle schools as perceived by teachers and principals was primarily about the presence of Unity of Purpose. Additionally, as a total group teachers and principals demonstrated a high level of agreement in their perceptions of each the six factors of school culture being present. There were also similarities in the perceptions between teachers and principals when separated in groups regarding each of the six factors of school culture measured. Finally, there was suggestive evidence that reading achievement in the special education subgroup may be related to a school culture that is perceived to contain each of the six factors measured

    Valorisation du site Internet de la médiathèque de la MMSH

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    Les sites internet sont de plus en plus un moyen pour les centres de documentation de présenter leur fonds et collection au public intéressé. L'arrivé de l'Internet a profondément marqué les esprits et changé les habitudes, ainsi être présent sur internet et la créer un site web sont devenus des enjeux incontournables pour les entreprises, les associations, les centres de documentations...Telle a été ma mission : mettre à jour un site internet dans une médiathèque