1,833 research outputs found

    Adapta??es no material did?tico para ensino de leitura da l?ngua portuguesa para alunos surdos em sala de aula bil?ngue

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    O presente estudo traz reflex?es acerca do material did?tico de L?ngua Portuguesa (LP) ofertado em salas de aula bil?ngue para alunos surdos. Discute sobre as necessidades de adapta??o desse material para desenvolvimento da leitura, e trata da necessidade do professor reconhecer esse aluno como um aprendiz visual, considerando sua comunica??o por meio da Libras. O presente estudo se configura como uma pesquisa a??o, com a finalidade de propor crit?rios para adapta??es de material de L?ngua Portuguesa no ensino direcionado ao aluno surdo em salas de aula bil?ngue do quarto ano do ensino fundamental, numa abordagem qualitativa. A an?lise dos dados acontece mediante um di?logo entre os estudos bibliogr?ficos analisados e as adapta??es realizadas pela autora do trabalho em uma atividade proposta no livro did?tico em estudo. Com inten??o de refletir sobre a forma mais eficaz de desenvolver a capacidade leitora, da L?ngua Portuguesa, do aluno surdo, o presente artigo traz considera??es sobre o ensino direcionado a esse aluno, reconhecendo suas capacidades e necessidades. Apresenta uma adapta??o para o desenvolvimento desse aluno no processo de desenvolvimento de leitura no ensino da L?ngua Portuguesa, como sua segunda l?ngua (L2)

    Acoustic signals in the sand fly Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia (Diptera: Psychodidae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acoustic signals are part of the courtship of many insects and they often act as species-specific signals that are important in the reproductive isolation of closely related species. Here we report the courtship songs of the sand fly <it>Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia</it>, one of the main vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Recordings were performed using insects from three localities from Eastern Brazil: Posse and Jacarepaguá in Rio de Janeiro State and Corte de Pedra in Bahia State. The three areas have remnants of the Brazilian Atlantic forest, they are endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis and <it>L. intermedia </it>is the predominant sand fly species. We observed that during courtship <it>L. intermedia </it>males from all populations produced pulse songs consisting of short trains. No significant differences in song parameters were observed between the males of the three localities.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>L. intermedia </it>males produce acoustic signals as reported for some other sand flies such as the sibling species of the <it>Lutzomyia longipalpis </it>complex. The lack of differences between the males from the three localities is consistent with previous molecular studies of the <it>period </it>gene carried out in the same populations, reinforcing the idea that <it>L. intermedia </it>is not a species complex in the studied areas and that the three populations are likely to have similar vectorial capacities.</p

    Influence of spin reorientation on magnetocaloric effect in NdAl2: A microscopic model

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    We report a theoretical investigation about the influence of the spin reorientation from easy magnetic direction to the applied magnetic field direction on the magnetocaloric properties of NdAl2. This compound was fully investigated using a model Hamiltonian which includes the Zeeman-exchange interactions and the crystalline electrical field, which are responsible for the magnetic anisotropy. All theoretical results were obtained using the proper model parameters for NdAl2, found in the literature. The existence of a minimum in magnetic entropy change below the phase transition was predicted and ascribed to the strong jump on the spin reorientation.74


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    SUMMARY The municipality of Cantagalo is an area with sustained transmission of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). Monthly sand fly collections were performed for three years (June 2012 - May 2015) using a CDC light trap. A total of 3,310 specimens belonging to 12 species were trapped: Nyssomyia intermedia, Nyssomyia whitmani, Migonemyia migonei, Evandromyia lenti, Evandromyia cortelezzii, Micropygomyia quinquefer, Brumptomyia brumpti, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Micropygomyia schreiberi, Pintomyia fischeri, Sciopemyia sordellii, and Evandromyia edwardsi. The last seven species have not been previously recorded in this area. The highest abundance of species occurred between October and March. October was the month with the highest number of captured sand flies, one month before the peak in the summer rainfall. In October the highest number of Ny. intermedia, Ny. whitmani and Mg. migonei, were also collected, the three epidemiologically most important species. The high abundance of species with epidemiological importance for ACL transmission might explain the sporadic occurrence of the disease in the area

    Methods for in vitro evaluating antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants : the need for standardization.

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    A crescente incid?ncia de pat?genos resistentes aos medicamentos atuais incentiva a busca de novos agentes antimicrobianos. Neste contexto, as plantas medicinais se destacam, sendo uma importante fonte de novos f?rmacos. Existem diversos m?todos para avaliar a atividade antibacteriana e antif?ngica de extratos, fra??es, ?leos essenciais e subst?ncias isoladas de vegetais. Os mais conhecidos incluem m?todos de difus?o, dilui??o e bioautografia. A proposta desse trabalho ? apresentar os m?todos mais utilizados atualmente, juntamente com suas vantagens, desvantagens e fatores interferentes. Entre os artigos indexados na biblioteca SciELO, abrangendo os ?ltimos dez anos, somente 4,4% das pesquisas com plantas medicinais est?o relacionadas com atividade antimicrobiana. O m?todo mais utilizado foi a microdilui??o (57,9%), o mais recomendado devido ? alta sensibilidade, ? quantidade m?nima de reagentes e amostra e ? possibilidade de um maior n?mero de r?plicas. Nos trabalhos que utilizaram esse m?todo, foram verificadas diverg?ncias de fatores que podem interferir nos resultados. A fim de facilitar a obten??o de resultados compar?veis e reprodut?veis, destaca-se a necessidade da padroniza??o dos m?todos utilizadas pelos pesquisadores. Recomenda-se utilizar como refer?ncia as normas estabelecidas pelo CLSI para meio de cultura e concentra??o de in?culo nos testes. Al?m disso, tamb?m recomenda-se a inclus?o de um controle negativo da forma de solubiliza??o das amostras, com quantifica??o do crescimento microbiano, para evitar a interfer?ncia nos resultados.The increasing incidence of resistant pathogens to current drugs encourages the search for new antimicrobial agents. In this context, medicinal plants are an important source of new drugs. There are several methods for evaluating the antibacterial and antifungal activity of extracts, fractions, essential oils and isolated substances from the plant. The most known include diffusion, dilution and bioautography methods. The purpose of this paper is to present the most used methods currently, along with their advantages, disadvantages and interfering factors. Among the works available in the SciELO database, covering the last ten years, only 4,4% of research on medicinal plants are related to the antimicrobial activity. The most used method is microdilution (57,9%), the best recommended due to high sensitivity, the minimum quantity of reagents and sample and the possibility of a more significant number of replicates. In articles that used this method, differences were observed in factors that may affect the results. Thereby, there is the need for standardization of methods used by researchers to facilitate obtaining comparable and reproducible results. To achieve comparable and reproducible results, there is the need to standardize the methods used by the researchers. It is recommended to use as reference the standards established by CLSI for culture medium and inoculum concentration in the tests. It also recommended the inclusion of negative control of the solubilization of the samples with quantification of microbial growth to avoid interference with the results

    Severity of acute hepatitis and its outcome in patients with dengue fever in a tertiary care hospital Karachi, Pakistan (South Asia)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liver injury due to dengue viral infection is not uncommon. Acute liver injury is a severe complicating factor in dengue, predisposing to life-threatening hemorrhage, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and encephalopathy. Therefore we sought to determine the frequency of hepatitis in dengue infection and to compare the outcome (length of stay, in hospital mortality, complications) between patients of Dengue who have mild/moderate (ALT 23-300 IU/L) v/s severe acute hepatitis (ALT > 300 IU/L).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A Cohort study of inpatients with dengue viral infection done at Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi. All patients (≥ 14 yrs age) admitted with diagnosis of Dengue Fever (DF), Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) or Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) were included. Chi square test was used to compare categorical variables and fischer exact test where applicable. Survival analysis (Cox regression and log rank) for primary outcome was done. Student t test was used to compare continuous variables. A p value of less than or equal to 0.05 was taken as significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six hundred and ninety nine patients were enrolled, including 87% (605) patients with DF and 13% (94) patients with DHF or DSS. Liver functions tests showed median ALT of 88.50 IU/L; IQR 43.25-188 IU/L, median AST of 174 IU/L; IQR 87-371.5 IU/L and median T.Bil of 0.8 mg/dl; IQR 0.6-1.3 mg/dl. Seventy one percent (496) had mild to moderate hepatitis and 15% (103) had severe hepatitis. Mean length of stay (LOS) in patients with mild/moderate hepatitis was 3.63 days v.s 4.3 days in those with severe hepatitis (P value 0.002). Overall mortality was 33.3% (n = 6) in mild/moderate hepatitis vs 66.7% (n = 12) in severe hepatitis group (p value < 0.001). Cox regression analysis also showed significantly higher mortality in severe hepatitis group (H.R (4.91; 95% CI 1.74-13.87 and P value 0.003) and in DHF/DSS (5.43; CI 1.86-15.84 and P value 0.002). There was a significant difference for the complications like Bleeding (P value < 0.001), Acute Renal failure (ARF) (P value 0.002), Acalculus cholecystitis (P value 0.04) and encephalopathy (P value 0.02) in mild/moderate and Severe hepatitis groups respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Severe hepatitis (SGPT>300IU) in Dengue is associated with prolonged LOS, mortality, bleeding and RF.</p