14 research outputs found

    Four-dimensional lattice chiral gauge theories with anomalous fermion content

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    In continuum field theory, it has been discussed that chiral gauge theories with Weyl fermions in anomalous gauge representations (anomalous gauge theories) can consistently be quantized, provided that some of gauge bosons are permitted to acquire mass. Such theories in four dimensions are inevitablly non-renormalizable and must be regarded as a low-energy effective theory with a finite ultraviolet (UV) cutoff. In this paper, we present a lattice framework which enables one to study such theories in a non-perturbative level. By introducing bare mass terms of gauge bosons that impose ``smoothness'' on the link field, we explicitly construct a consistent fermion integration measure in a lattice formulation based on the Ginsparg-Wilson (GW) relation. This framework may be used to determine in a non-perturbative level an upper bound on the UV cutoff in low-energy effective theories with anomalous fermion content. By further introducing the St\"uckelberg or Wess-Zumino (WZ) scalar field, this framework provides also a lattice definition of a non-linear sigma model with the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term.Comment: 18 pages, the final version to appear in JHE

    Reduction of the sign problem using the meron-cluster approach

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    The sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo calculations is analyzed using the meron-cluster solution. The concept of merons can be used to solve the sign problem for a limited class of models. Here we show that the method can be used to \textit{reduce} the sign problem in a wider class of models. We investigate how the meron solution evolves between a point in parameter space where it eliminates the sign problem and a point where it does not affect the sign problem at all. In this intermediate regime the merons can be used to reduce the sign problem. The average sign still decreases exponentially with system size and inverse temperature but with a different prefactor. The sign exhibits the slowest decrease in the vicinity of points where the meron-cluster solution eliminates the sign problem. We have used stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo combined with the concept of directed loops.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    The sign problem in Monte Carlo simulations of frustrated quantum spin systems

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    We discuss the sign problem arising in Monte Carlo simulations of frustrated quantum spin systems. We show that for a class of ``semi-frustrated'' systems (Heisenberg models with ferromagnetic couplings Jz(r)<0J_z(r) < 0 along the zz-axis and antiferromagnetic couplings Jxy(r)=Jz(r)J_{xy}(r)=-J_z(r) in the xyxy-plane, for arbitrary distances rr) the sign problem present for algorithms operating in the zz-basis can be solved within a recent ``operator-loop'' formulation of the stochastic series expansion method (a cluster algorithm for sampling the diagonal matrix elements of the power series expansion of exp(βH){\rm exp}(-\beta H) to all orders). The solution relies on identification of operator-loops which change the configuration sign when updated (``merons'') and is similar to the meron-cluster algorithm recently proposed by Chandrasekharan and Wiese for solving the sign problem for a class of fermion models (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 83}, 3116 (1999)). Some important expectation values, e.g., the internal energy, can be evaluated in the subspace with no merons, where the weight function is positive definite. Calculations of other expectation values require sampling of configurations with only a small number of merons (typically zero or two), with an accompanying sign problem which is not serious. We also discuss problems which arise in applying the meron concept to more general quantum spin models with frustrated interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Quantum Monte Carlo with Directed Loops

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    We introduce the concept of directed loops in stochastic series expansion and path integral quantum Monte Carlo methods. Using the detailed balance rules for directed loops, we show that it is possible to smoothly connect generally applicable simulation schemes (in which it is necessary to include back-tracking processes in the loop construction) to more restricted loop algorithms that can be constructed only for a limited range of Hamiltonians (where back-tracking can be avoided). The "algorithmic discontinuities" between general and special points (or regions) in parameter space can hence be eliminated. As a specific example, we consider the anisotropic S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in an external magnetic field. We show that directed loop simulations are very efficient for the full range of magnetic fields (zero to the saturation point) and anisotropies. In particular for weak fields and anisotropies, the autocorrelations are significantly reduced relative to those of previous approaches. The back-tracking probability vanishes continuously as the isotropic Heisenberg point is approached. For the XY-model, we show that back-tracking can be avoided for all fields extending up to the saturation field. The method is hence particularly efficient in this case. We use directed loop simulations to study the magnetization process in the 2D Heisenberg model at very low temperatures. For LxL lattices with L up to 64, we utilize the step-structure in the magnetization curve to extract gaps between different spin sectors. Finite-size scaling of the gaps gives an accurate estimate of the transverse susceptibility in the thermodynamic limit: chi_perp = 0.0659 +- 0.0002.Comment: v2: Revised and expanded discussion of detailed balance, error in algorithmic phase diagram corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    IL Buono, IL Bruto, IL Cattivo...

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