552 research outputs found

    Computer vision algorithms on reconfigurable logic arrays

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    Automated design and STEP-NC machining of impellers

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    This paper presents the four stage approach followed for automated design and STEP-NC based machining of impellers. In the first stage, the design calculations are performed to construct the 'Meridional representation' of the radial impeller. Then 3D curves are projected from the 'Meridional representation' and 3D model is generated using UG-NX software. In the second stage, the process planning activities including tooling & setup plan are completed. Here, ball end mill cutters with suitable diameter and length are selected and appropriate process parameters as suited to 5 axis milling are considered. In the third stage, the tool path data based on contour area milling is generated and verified in the UG NX software. Finally, in the fourth stage, the model with the complete data is imported to STEP-NC software and the AP-238 format is generated. In this article the design procedure adopted for construction of 'Meridional Section' of a radial turbine is discussed with the general methdology to automate the process planning and tool path generation. A test case of radial impeller is presented with the results obtained by adopting STEP-NC format

    The Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bacterial and Fungal Species from Potato Fields of Indore District of Madhya Pradesh

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    The microorganisms of rhizosphere play an important role in development of healthy plant. The rhizosphere is the specific fine region of soil that is directly in contact with soil microorganisms and significantly influenced by root secretions. In present study we have studied the microflora of Potato fields of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh. The sampling of soil from rhizosphere using a soil corer with a diameter of 3 cm at a depth of 0–20 cm and sampling of plant root materials as rhizoplane were collected three times: during seedling stage, peak of vegetative growth and fruiting of potato (October/November to February/March) from potato fields of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh. The samples were serial diluted and streaked over the Nutrient Agar and PDA media Plates for the isolation of Bacterial and Fungus. For the identification of Cultured bacterial and fungal species were further analyzed by morphological and Molecular analysis using PCR and sequencing of 16S and ITS region of Bacteria and Fungus species. We reported various types of bacterial (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aerogenosa, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas putida etc.) and fungal species (Species of Penicillium and Trichoderma etc.) which are required for the development of healthy plant and protection of potato plant from other pathogens. Keywords: Bacterial species, Fungal species, Molecular identification, 16S Gene

    The Assessment of Early Blight Resistance in Different Variety of Solanum tuberosum and Biological Management of Early Blight

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    The early blight is a common disease in Potato caused by Alternaria species. The present work focused on two aspects, first one is to evaluate the antagonistic effect of isolated bacterial and fungal species from potato fields of Depalpur, Sanwar and Indore tehsils   of Indore district of Madhya Pradesh and other side we have screened the resistant variety against Alternaria species for selected potato  fields of Indore district. Isolated Bacterial and fungal species were evaluated against Alternaria species by dual culture technique. Data was collected on radial growth and inhibition of growth. For the screening of the resistant variety against Alternaria species for selected potato fields of Indore district, field visits were conducted and evaluated the morphological observation time to time. We have found all studied species of Trichoderma retarded the growth of A. solani but T. harzianum most strongly suppressed the growth of Alternaria solani and in terms of bacterial species promising antagonists were reported as Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis. The Percent disease index (PDI) caused by Alternaria species in Potato  plants were evaluated in  Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Chipsona-2, Kufri  Jawahar, Kufri Surya in different villages of Indore districts, We reported high Percent disease index in Kufri Chipsona-1 and Kufri Surya followed by Kufri Chipsona-2 but it was recorded lower in Kufri Jawahar. Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, Kufri Chipsona-1, Kufri Chipsona-2, Kufri Jawahar, Kufri Surya, Early blight resistanc

    Recent developments in sustainable manufacturing of gears: a review

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    Abstract: Environment awareness is of the utmost importance to all socially responsible manufacturers. To be competitive on a global scale manufacturing needs to be aligned with various strict environmental regulations. The manufacturing industry at large is striving to improve productivity and product quality while maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. This can only be achieved by adopting sustainable techniques of manufacturing which include minimizing the number of manufacturing steps by employing advanced and alternative methods, environment-friendly lubricants and lubrication techniques while machining, reducing wastage, active waste management and minimizing energy consumption etc. Gear manufacturing industries, the major service providers to all other industrial and manufacturing segments are also focusing on to implement the techniques targeting overall sustainability. Some of the recent developments to achieve sustainability in gear manufacturing can be summarized as reducing the use of mineral-based cutting fluids by employing alternative lubrication techniques i.e. minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) and dry machining, material saving, waste reduction, minimizing energy consumption and maintaining economic efficiency by reducing the number of gear manufacturing stages (eliminating the necessity of finishing processes) by utilizing advanced methods such as gear rolling and wire electric-discharge machining (WEDM), and finally increasing productivity by minimizing tool wear at high gear cutting speeds through the use of alternative tool materials and coatings. This paper reviews and amasses the current state of technology for sustainable manufacturing of gears and also recommends ways to improve the productivity and quality while simultaneously ensuring environmental sustainability

    Screening of efficient arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for Azadirachta indica under nursery condition: a step towards afforestation of semi-arid region of western India

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    To optimize nursery practices for efficient plant production procedures and to keep up to the ever growing demand of seedlings, identification of the most suitable species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), specific for a given tree species, is clearly a necessary task. Sixty days old seedlings of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) raised in root trainers were inoculated with six species of AMF and a mixed inoculum (consortia) and kept in green house. Performances of the treatments on this tree species were evaluated in terms of growth parameters like plant height shoot collar diameter, biomass and phosphorous uptake capabilities. Significant and varied increase in the growth parameters and phosphorous uptake was observed for most of the AMF species against control. Consortia culture was found to be the best suited AMF treatment for A.indica, while Glomus intraradices and Glomus mosseae were the best performing single species cultures. It is the first time in the state of Gujarat that a wide variety of AMF species, isolated from the typical semi-arid region of western India, were tested for the best growth performance with one of the most important tree species for the concerned region

    Pharmacognostic Standardization, Physico- and Phytochemical Evaluation of Amaranthus Spinosus Linn. Root

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    Amaranthus spinosus Linn. (Amaranthaceae) is found throughout India. This tree species has been of interest to researchers because it is a medicinal plant employed in the Indian traditional system of medicine. Pharmacognostic standardization; physico-and phytochemical evaluation of the roots of Amaranthus spinosus was carried out, to determine its macro-and microscopical characters, and also some of its quantitative standards. Microscopical studies were done by using the trinocular microscope. Total ash, water-soluble ash, acid-insoluble ash, sulfated ash values, and alcohol-and water-soluble extractive values were determined for physico-chemical evaluations. A preliminary phytochemical screening was also done to detect different phytoconstituents. Microscopically, the root showed cork, cortex, stellar region, and calcium oxalate crystals. Powder microscopy showed anamalous secondary growth in between the xylem vessels and Calcium Oxalate crystals in the cortex region. Total ash was approximately three times more than acid insoluble and water soluble ash. The ethanol soluble extractive was approximately the same as the water soluble extractive. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) of the Petroleum-ether extract using Benzene : Ethyl acetate (6 : 1), showed six spots. In the chloroform extract, using Benzene : Ethyl acetate (4 : 1) nine spots were seen, and in the ethanol extract, using Chloroform: Methanol (93 : 7), only four spots were observed, using Iodine vapor as a viewing medium. Phytochemically, the root exhibited terpenes, alkaloids, glycosides, and sugars. These findings might be useful to supplement information with regard to its identification parameters, which are assumed significant in the way of acceptability of herbal drugs, in the present scenario, which lacks regulatory laws to control the quality of herbal drugs

    Secure Iris Recognition Based on Local Intensity Variations

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    In this paper we propose a fast and efficient iris recognition algorithm which makes use of local intensity variations in iris textures. The presented system provides fully revocable biometric templates suppressing any loss of recognition performance
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