417 research outputs found


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    Selecting a design solution (choice problem) is one of the natures of design decision. If the problem is more complex and involves multi participants, decision aid is necessary. This paper discusses the nature of group judgment and negotiation on multi-criteria decision-making methodologies. It presents a conceptual model of negotiation support in a multi-person decision on building floor system selection. Decision technique (AHP) was applied for decision process in a satisfying options and game theory for coalition formation. An n-person cooperative game is represented by a set of all players. The proposed coalition formation model enables each agent to select individually or coalition. It improves the value of building system decision. It further emphasizes the importance of performance evaluation in the design process and value-based decision. The support model can be extended to an automated negotiation and in different building system selection with proper  modification. Keywords: Multi-person, design decision, IBS, floor system selection

    Evaluation on knowledge extraction and machine learning in resolving Malay word ambiguity

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    The involvement of linguistic professionals in resolving the ambiguity of a word within a particular context will produce a concise meaning of the words that are found in the lexical knowledge based collection. Motivated from that issue, we employed lexical knowledge and machine learning approach which includes the integration of data or/and information from the lexical knowledge based, that is Malay collections which linked to the ambiguous words. We used the most open class word and removed the stop words from the targeted sentences. Experiments have been conducted with and without lexical knowledge on 50 ambiguous words. The Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) method is determined by machine learning, corpus based approaches namely Malay-Malay corpus and English-Malay corpus. The results show that the proposed method has improved the precision in resolving ambiguity.Keywords: ambiguity; lexical knowledge; machine learning; Malay wor

    Unsteady boundary layer flow over a sphere in a porous medium

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    This study focuses on the problem of unsteady boundary layer flow over a sphere in a porous medium. The governing equations which consists of a system of dimensional partial differential equations is applied with dimensionless parameter in order to obtain non-dimensional partial differential equations. Later, the similarity transformation is performed in order to attain nonsimilar governing equations. Afterwards, the governing equations are solved numerically by using the Keller-Box method in Octave programme. The effect of porosity parameter is examined on separation time, velocity profile and skin friction of the unsteady flow. The results attained are presented in the form of table and graph

    Solving fully fuzzy linear programming problems by controlling the variation range of variables

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    This paper deals with a fully fuzzy linear programming problem (FFLP) in which the coefficients of decision variables, the right-hand coefficients and variables are characterized by fuzzy numbers. A method of obtaining optimal fuzzy solutions is proposed by controlling the left and right sides of the fuzzy variables according to the fuzzy parameters. By using fuzzy controlled solutions, we avoid unexpected answers. Finally, two numerical examples are solved to demonstrate how the proposed model can provide a better optimal solution than that of other methods using several ranking functions

    Solving fully fuzzy linear programming problems by controlling the variation range of variables

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    This paper deals with a fully fuzzy linear programming problem (FFLP) in which the coefficients of decision variables, the right-hand coefficients and variables are characterized by fuzzy numbers. A method of obtaining optimal fuzzy solutions is proposed by controlling the left and right sides of the fuzzy variables according to the fuzzy parameters. By using fuzzy controlled solutions, we avoid unexpected answers. Finally, two numerical examples are solved to demonstrate how the proposed model can provide a better optimal solution than that of other methods using several ranking functions

    Predicting the optimal solution in fuzzy linear programming problem

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    In this paper we try to define a percentage form of LR fuzzy numbers which is a useful form of fuzzy numbers and its’ arithmetics. So, we show how the maximum variation range of optimal value of fuzzy objective function can be predicted by using this form of fuzzy numbers. Since fuzzy problems are generally solved through a complicated manner, the purpose of this study is releasing a kind of prediction for the final solution in the way that the manager can access to an outlook to optimal solution (Z∗) without solving the problem. Finally, optimal value of fuzzy objective function on fuzzy linear programming is predicted whenmaximum variation range of fuzzy variable have been predetermined

    A Study of Different Substrate Material on Air Gap Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) Antenna at 28 GHz

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    This paper compared the performance of the conventional Radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna structure. Two different substrates of RLSA antennas were used: The FR4 with the relative permittivity (εr) value of 4.5 and the Duroid/RT5880 with the relative permittivity (εr) value of 2.2. Both substrates had their own thickness, where the Rogers RT Duroid 5880 was thinner with the value of 0.254 mm compared to FR4 which was 1.600 mm. There were two antenna cavities, which were the FR4 hybrid with air gap and the Duroid/RT5880 hybrid with air gap. Based on different substrate, this RLSA antenna was simulated using the CST Microwave Studio simulation software and measured using the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) equipment that can measure the frequency range (10.0 MHz to 50.0 GHz). Moreover, this RLSA antenna was presented, experimented and measured for millimeter wave frequency, which is within the frequency range (24.0 GHz to 32.0 GHz). In the middle of the rectangular, slots on radiating plate, located with fed coated of 50 Ω SSMA connector as a coaxial to waveguide transition frequency reconfigurable millimeter-wave antenna for 5G networks is presented. The results of the simulation and measurement of this RLSA antenna with different substrates show the S11 and wider value of impedance bandwidth performance in millimeter wave frequency

    Outlier detection in 2 × 2 crossover design using Bayesian framework

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    We consider the problem of outlier detection method in 2×2 crossover design via Bayesian framework. We study the problem of outlier detection in bivariate data fitted using generalized linear model in Bayesian framework used by Nawama. We adapt their work into a 2×2 crossover design. In Bayesian framework, we assume that the random subject effect and the errors to be generated from normal distributions. However, the outlying subjects come from normal distribution with different variance. Due to the complexity of the resulting joint posterior distribution, we obtain the information on the posterior distribution from samples by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling. We use two real data sets to illustrate the implementation of the method

    Tagging narrator’s names in Hadith text

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    No AbstractKeywords: tagging; hadith text; nam

    Industrial Solid Waste Management for Better Green Supply Chain: Barriers and Motivation

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    Moving towards green supplychain activity requires an effective wastemanagement that is applicable and efficientfor all industries. The aim of this paper is tofind out the barriers and the motivation of themanufacturing companies to implement solidwaste management. Barriers are found includeslack of technique and technologies, lack of policyenforcement and responsibility and insufficientof awareness and knowledge. Motivation that ledthe manufacturing companies to implement solidwaste management through encouragement ofgovernment, encouragement of non-governmentorganization and socio-psychological incentive. Anumber of databases in fields such as sociology,social sciences, psychology, and economics wereused to acquire literatures on the topic. Thefindings of the paper include the types of factorsthat motivate and demotivate the manufacturingcompanies to implement industrial solid wastemanagement effectively. The paper ends withrecommendations on future research on howthese factors will help manufacturing companiesto implement industrial solid waste managementeffectively and future research for betterenvironment