97 research outputs found

    Estimated vitamin D synthesis and dietary vitamin D intake among Asians in two distinct geographical locations (Kuala Lumpur, 3°N versus Aberdeen, 57°N) and climates

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    Objective: To compare the contributions of UVB exposure and diet to total vitamin D among Asians living in Kuala Lumpur (KL) and Aberdeen (AB). Design: Longitudinal study. Setting: UVB exposure (using polysulfone film badges) and skin colour and dietary vitamin D intake (by web-based questionnaire) were measured at each season in AB and during south-west (SWM) and north-east monsoons (NEM) in KL. Subjects: One hundred and fifteen Asians in KL and eighty-five Asians in AB aged 20–50 years. Results: Median summer UVB exposure of Asians in AB (0·25 SED/d) was higher than UVB exposure for the KL participants (SWM=0·20 SED/d, P=0·02; NEM= 0·14 SED/d, P<0·01). UVB exposure was the major source of vitamin D in KL year-round (60%) but only during summer in AB (59%). Median dietary vitamin D intake was higher in AB (3·50 µg/d (140 IU/d)), year-round, than in KL (SWM=2·05 µg/d (82 IU/d); NEM=1·83 µg/d (73 IU/d), P<0·01). Median total vitamin D (UVB plus diet) was higher in AB only during summer (8·45 µg/d (338 IU/d)) compared with KL (SWM=6·03 µg/d (241 IU/d), P=0·04; NEM=5·35 µg/d (214 IU/d), P<0·01), with a comparable intake across the full year (AB=5·75 µg/d (230 IU/d); KL=6·15 µg/d (246 IU/d), P=0·78). Conclusions: UVB exposure among Asians in their home country is low. For Asians residing at the northerly latitude of Scotland, acquiring vitamin D needs from UVB exposure alone (except in summer) may be challenging due to low ambient UVB in AB (available only from April to October)

    External attacks on automotive system through wireless communication channels

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    The reliance of today’s automotive system on electronics control system is expected to make the cars to be state-of-the-art vehicle. However, this technology dependency results in the cars to be exposed to attacks by the hacker through the manipulation of electronics system. Previously, for the attacker to compromise car’s system, he/she must access the car directly and internally. However, with the incorporation of wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and cellular into automotive system for example in its telematic units, the attacks are evolved from internal attacks into remote attack where the adversary does not have to internally access the car’s system. This paper analyses the vulnerabilities of the automotive system by the remote attacks performed through Bluetooth and cellular. Once the vulnerabilities were analyzed, the threats imposed by these vulnerabilities are accessed. Two scenarios namely theft and surveillance are used to exemplify the threats that are carried by the vulnerability of the automotive system to the remote attacks. From the vulnerability analysis and threat assessment, it can be deduced that the automotive system is vulnerable to attacks and proper countermeasure must be taken to curb the implication from the attacks.Keywords: Hardware Trojan, Insertion, Third-part IP, Trus

    Acquiring anatomical representation of human maxilla for rapid maxillary expansion

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    The purpose of the study is to model and provide a better understanding of maxilla bone involved in the treatment for rapid maxillary expander (RME) for dento-facial applications. The treatment is recommended for patients presented with an arch width deficiency named cross bites. Cross bites often cause abnormal physical forces that disrupt the balance of the occlusal relationship. More commonly, the maxilla or the upper jaw appears to be narrow and contributes to significant degree of crowding in the mouth. Early investigators [1-4] discovered that rapid maxillary expansion resulted in a splitting of the median palatal suture. The expansion is possible with the process of bone resorption and new bone deposition thus maintaining the expansion achieved [10]. This preliminary study shows that the FE model has the potential to be a valuable tool for further analysis of dental simulation and the understanding of orthodontic treatment

    Irradiation Pretreatment of Tropical Biomass and Biofiber for Biofuel Production

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    Interest on biofuel production from biomass and biofiber has gain great attention globally because these materials are abundant, inexpensive, renewable, and sustainable. Generally, the conversion of biomass and biofiber to biofuel involves several processes including biomass production, pretreatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation. Selecting the most efficient pretreatment is crucial to ensure the success of biofuel production since pretreatment has been reported to contribute substantial portion on the production cost. The main goal of the pretreatment is to enhance digestibility of the biomass and biofiber, and to increase sugar production prior to fermentation process. To date, several pretreatment methods have been introduced to pretreat biomass and biofiber including irradiation. This book chapter reviews and discusses different leading irradiation pretreatment technologies along with their mechanism involved during pretreatment of various tropical biomass and biofiber. This chapter also reviews the effect of irradiation pretreatment on the biomass and biofiber component, which could assist the enzymatic saccharification process

    The first decade of biomedical engineering degree program at the University of Malaya: experiences and achievements

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    The Department of Biomedical Engineering, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya was established in the 1997/1998 academic session with an intake of 20 students and five academic staff. The Department has undergone numerous changes in the structure of its degree programme, with each one of them recognised and fully accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Council and Ministry of Higher Education. The Department has played an active role at national and global levels, in the areas of biomedical engineering education and research collaboration. Several initiatives have been planned to ensure the Department stays at the forefront of disseminating biomedical engineering innovations in Malaysia

    Comparison study of the prosthetics interface pressure profile of air splint socket and ICRC polypropylene socket for upper limb prosthetics

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    This study examined the interface pressure differences at the stump socket between an ICRC polypropylene socket and an air splint socket for a common wearer of transhumeral amputee using F-socket transducers. Two F-socket sensors arrays were attached to the residual limb. The subject was asked to complete the following tasks: Normal position, stand in a normal position without conducting any motion and shoulder movements, flexion/extension and abduction. The results revealed that the interface pressure applied using ICRC polypropylene socket was maximize at the end distal of the residual limb and give more pressure contact to any shoulder movements. Conversely, while using air splint socket, the socket was able to auto-adjust for required socket fitting even for any change while doing shoulder movements. Our result demonstrated how the comparison of pressure applied at the stump socket may lead in chosen the suitable prosthetic's socket for the amputee. The impending development of an auto adjusted socket that uses an air splint system will provide the prosthetic socket with a less contact pressure at the residual limb. (c) 2014 Nalecz Institute of Biocybemetics and Biomedical Engineering. Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved

    Passively mode-locked fiber laser by utilizing TTG film on a D-shaped fiber as a saturable absorber

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    In this paper, we propose a mode-locked fiberlaser by utilizing single layer Trivial Transfer Graphene film (TTGF) as a saturable absorber (SA). The SA was deposited on the top of a side-polished D-shaped fiber. The SA was then integrated in the ring cavity configuration, with a clockwise light propagation. Three distinctive 2 m erbium doped fibers (EDFs) those are Metro-Gain15 EDF, Iso-Gain6 EDF and Iso-Gain12 EDF were used as gain media, interchangeable in the experiment. From the results, the Metro-Gain15 EDF gives the most proficient gain medium on generating a passively mode-locked fiber laser. The Metro-Gain15 Erbium doped mode-locked Laser was successfully producing ultrashort pulse with 8 nm spectral band-width, 13 MHz of repetition rate and 915 fs pulse duration. These outcomes demonstrated that TTGF deposited on the D-shaped fiber is a suitable component as an SA to produce a stable output passively mode-locked fiber laser for many optical fiber applications

    Pairing as an instructional strategy to promote soft skills amongst clinical dental students

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    Training dentists today is challenging as they are expected to provide a wide range of dental care. In the provision of good dental care, soft skills are equally important as clinical skills. Therefore in dental education the development of soft skills are of prime concern. This study sought to identify the development of soft skills when dental students are paired in their clinical training. In this perception study, four open-ended items were used to elicit students’ feedback on the appropriateness of using clinical pairing as an instructional strategy to promote soft skills. The most frequently cited soft skills were teamwork (70%) and communication (25%) skills. However, both negative and positive behaviours were reported. As for critical thinking and problem solving skills, more positive behaviours were reported for abilities such as to explain, analyze, find ideas and alternative solutions, and make decisions. Leadership among peers was not evident as leading without legitimate authority could be a hindrance to its development. If clinical pairing is to be used as an effective instructional strategy to promote soft skills amongst students, clear guidelines need to be developed to prepare students to work in a dental team and the use of appropriate assessment tools can facilitate the development of these soft skills

    A conventional multiplex PCR for the detection of four common soil-transmitted nematodes in human feces : development and validation

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    Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections, mainly caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworms, are among the most common intestinal parasites that infect humans. The infections are widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical countries, including Malaysia, particularly in underprivileged communities. Microscopic and culture techniques have been used as a gold standard for diagnostic techniques. However, these methods yield low sensitivity and specificity, laborious and time-consuming. Therefore, simple, rapid, and accurate alternative methods are needed for the simultaneous detection of STH infections. Although advanced technologies such as real-time multiplex PCR have been established, the use of this technique as a routine diagnostic is limited due to the high cost of the instrument. Therefore, a single-round multiplex conventional PCR assay for rapid detection of four STH species in the fecal sample was developed in this study. To perform the single-round multiplex PCR, each pair of species-specific primers was selected from target genes, including Ancylostoma duodenale (Internal Transcribed Spacer 2; accession No. AJ001594; 156 base pair), Necator americanus (ITS 2; accession No. AJ001599; 225 base pair), Ascaris lumbricoides (Internal Transcribed Spacer 1; accession No. AJ000895; 334 base pair) and Trichuris triciura (partial ITS 1, 5.8s rRNA and partial ITS 2; accession No. AM992981; 518 base pair). The results showed that the newly designed primers could detect the DNA of STH at low concentrations (0.001 ng/μl) with no cross-amplification with other species. This assay enables the differentiation of single infections as well as mixed infections. It could be used as an alternative and is a convenient method for the detection of STHs, especially for the differentiation of N. americanus and A. duodenale