85 research outputs found

    The Effects of Chronic Intake of Cerium Dioxide or Gadolinium Ortovanadate Nanoparticles in Aging Male Rats

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    The acquisition of new nanomaterials with unique properties for biomedical application is an essential requirement now days. It is important and necessary to evaluate the safety and the delayed consequences of nanoparticles entry for living organisms. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of chronic intake of cerium dioxide and gadolinium ortovanadate nanoparticles of some character in aging male rats. In blind experiment 18 – 20 months age Wistar male rats were fed the colloidal solution (0.5 ml) of the nanoparticles either cerium dioxide or gadolinium ortovanadate (GdVO4:Eu3+) during 70 days. Evolution of emotional state, body mass, glucose homeostasis, level of sex hormone (testosterone and estradiol) has been investigated over a period of experiment. At termination, it was analyzed of spermogram and antioxidant properties of sperm and some tissues. The acute toxicity of nanomaterials were evaluate in outbred mice. No effects of cerium dioxide nanoparticles has been found. GdVO4:Eu3+ male rats demonstrated the decrease in accretion of body weight and glucose level, and the less dejection compared with the untreated aging rats. These rats has increased testosterone level, sperm concentration and reduced chemiluminescence of gametes. The acute toxicity test defined GdVO4 nanoparticles as a nontoxic material – LD50 5 g/kg bm. Positive influence of GdVO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles on metabolic processes, emotional capability and reproductive function of senescent organism could be a basis for formation a new direction of antiaging therapy. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3549

    Flows of real gas in nozzles with unsteady local energy supply

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    When gas flows at a high speed in a channel with a variable cross sectional area and high-intensity energy supply, it experiences complicated physical and chemical processes producing high-temperature gas effects. High-temperature gas effects are a key issue related to design and optimization of nozzles of plasmatron of alternating current. The finite volume method is applied to solve unsteady compressible Euler equations with high-temperature gas effects. Solutions of some benchmark test cases are reported, and comparison between computational results of chemically equilibrium and perfect air flowfields is performed. The results of numerical simulation of one-dimensional and two-dimensional under- and over-expanded nozzle flows with a moving region of energy supply are presented. Output nozzle parameters are calculated as functions of a number and time of burning of plasmatron arcs. The results obtained show a qualitative pattern of gas dynamics and thermal processes in the nozzle with unsteady energy supply demonstrating the displacement of the nozzle shock wave towards the nozzle outlet in the over-expanded nozzle flow in comparison to perfect gas flow

    Orthovanadate nanoparticles delay the accelerated aging in rats via the prevention of oxidative disturbances

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    The abilities of gadolinium orthovanadate nanoparticles (GdVO₄ : Eu³⁺ NPs, 8x25 nm) to ameliorate age-related lesions have been studied. To achieve the goal, a model of accelerated aging due to postnatal overfeeding (POF) was used. The features of the model are oxidative misbalance and decrease in survival, as well as adverse metabolic effects. The NPs were orally administrated (briefly or continuously) with drinking water to rats with accelerated aging. Then the prooxidant-antioxidant balance (in liver and blood), survival, and life expectancy were examined. In young (3 months-old) rats with accelerated aging, already the short-term (2 months) NPs implementation significantly corrects the oxidative disturbance. The prolonged use of NPs from 11 to 31 months of life ameliorates significantly the prooxidant-antioxidant misbalance in the liver and blood of POF rats. Wherein, the observed median of survival in the control group is 890 days, in the group with accelerated aging — only 710 days, while the additional receive of NPs increases the score — already 940 days. Furthermore, the death of the last animal in the control group is observed by day 1130, at accelerated aging — by day 1000, and at accelerated aging with additional NPs using — by day 1250. Thus, the both indicators — the survival and the lifespan, are increased due to the NPs applications by 32 % and 25%, respectively, compared with the accelerated ageing group, which receives no NPs. The obtained data show that the prolonged GdVO₄ : Eu³⁺ NPs application in animals with experimental accelerated aging corrects the oxidative misbalance as well as increases the survival of elderly animals. Discovered effects make these nanoparticles a promising geroprotective agent, decreasing the risk of increased mortality and morbidity at premature ageing — adverse consequences of the overnutrition in early life.Досліджено вплив короткочасного й тривалого застосування наночастинок ортованадата гадолінію (НЧ GdVO₄ : Eu³⁺, 8 x 25 нм) на процеси старіння. Для досягнення мети використовувалася модель прискореного старіння внаслідок надлишкового харчування (НХ) в ранньому періоді постнатального онтогенезу; для даної моделі характерним є розвиток окисного дисбалансу та зменшення виживаності тварин й інші метаболічні ефекти. НЧ надавали щурам з прискореним старінням перорально (короткочасно або тривалий час) з питною водою. По закінченні досліджували баланс прооксидантів та антиоксидантів (у печінці та крові), виживаність та тривалість життя. У молодих (3-місячних) щурів з прискореним старінням вже короткочасне (2-місяці) надходження НЧ значно коригує окиснювальні порушення. Тривале використання НЧ від 11-го до 31-го місяця життя значно покращує баланс прооксидантних та антиоксидантних реакцій у печінці та крові, порушений НХ. При цьому середня медіана виживаності у контрольній групі становить 890 днів, у групі з прискореним старінням — лише 710 днів, тоді як додаткове отримання НЧ збільшує величину медіани до 940 днів. Крім того, загибель останньої тварини в контрольній групі спостерігалася на 1130 добу, при прискореному старінні — на 1000 добу, а при прискореному старінні при додатковому використанні НЧ — на 1250 добу. Таким чином, обидва показники — виживаність та тривалість життя – збільшуються через надання НЧ на 32 та 25 %, відповідно, у порівнянні з групою прискореного старіння, щурам якої не вводили НЧ. Виявлені ефекти роблять НЧ GdVO₄ : Eu³⁺, перспективним геропротекторним засобом, що зменшує ризик збільшеної смертності та захворюваності при передчасному старінні, які є несприятливими наслідками надмірного харчування на ранньому етапі постнатального онтогенезу

    Spin alignment of K(892)±K^*(892)^\pm mesons produced in neutron-carbon interactions

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    A new precise measurements of spin density matrix element ρ00\rho_{00} of K(892)±K^*(892)^{\pm} mesons produced inclusively in neutron-carbon interactions at \~60 GeV have been carried out in the EXCHARM experiment at the Serpukhov accelerator. The values of ρ00\rho_{00} obtained in the transversity frame are 0.424±0.011(stat)±0.018(sys)0.424\pm0.011(stat)\pm0.018(sys) for K(892)+K^*(892)^+ and 0.393±0.025(stat)±0.018(sys)0.393\pm0.025(stat)\pm0.018(sys) for K(892)K^*(892)^-. Significant PTP_T dependence of ρ00\rho_{00} has been observed in K(892)+K^*(892)^+ production.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figure

    Cerium oxide nanoparticles and metformin increase the reliability of the prooxidant/anti oxidant balance and the survival of ageing rats

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    In comparison with the action of metformin — mimetic of the calorie restricted diet, which prolong the animals lifespan, it has been studied the effect of nanoparticles of cerium dioxide (CeO₂ NPs (1-2 nm)) on survival, physiological indices (the concentration of thyroxine, rectal temperature), as well as biochemical indices (content of lipid hydroperoxides, aconitase, glutathione peroxidase, glutaredoxin, glutathione reductase, NADP⁺ -dehydrogenase activities (glucose-6-phosphate-, malate- and isocitrate dehydrogenase)) in serum, liver mitochondrial and postmitochondrial fraction of ageing rats. It has been found that the prolonged use of CeO₂ NPs with drinking water (0.25-0.30 mg/kg of body weight per day) and metformin (100-110 mg/kg of body weight per day) from 670 days after the birth lead to a significant increase in survival (the median survival of control rats was 900, in animals treated with CeO₂ NPs — 960, and metformin — 990 days), a decrease in rectal temperature, a slowdown in the decrease in the level of thyroxine in blood, and normalization of the prooxidant/antioxidant balance in liver and blood tissues. Calculated integral index of reliability of prooxidant-antioxidant balance (reliability coefficient) in the studied tissues of rats in response to the application of the CeO₂ NPs increased 4.99 times, and metformin — 4.94 times compared to intact animals. The data obtained allow us concluding about the prospects of the CeO₂ NPs, as well as metformin for the development of geroprotector drugs, increasing the healthspan and survival of an ageing organism.У порівнянні з дією метформіну — міметика низькокалорійної дієти, що продовжує життя тварин, вивчається вплив наночастинок діоксиду церію (CeO₂ НЧ (1—2 нм)) на виживання, фізіологічні показники (концентрація тироксину, ректальна температура) та біохімічні показники (вміст ліпідних гідроперок сидів, активність ферментів аконітази, глутатіонпероксидази, глутаредоксину, глутатіонредуктази, НАДФ⁺-дегідрогеназ (глюкозо-6-фосфат дегідрогеназа, малат дегідрогеназа та ізоцитрат дегідрогеназа) у сироватці крові, мітохондріальної та постмітохондріальної фракцій печінки. Було встановлено, що тривале використання CeO₂ НЧ з питною водою (0,25—0,30 мг / кг маси тіла на добу) або метформіну (100—110 мг / кг маси тіла на добу) з 670 днів після народження призводило до значного збільшення виживання (медіана виживаності контрольних щурів становила 900 днів, у тварин, які отримували CeO₂ НЧ — 960 днів, і метформіну — 990 днів), зниження ректальної температури, уповільнення зниження тироксину в крові та нормалізації прооксидантно/антиоксидантного балансу в тканинах печінки та крові. Розрахований інтегральний показник надійності прооксидантно/антиоксидантного балансу (коефіцієнт надійності) у досліджуваних тканинах щурів у відповідь на використання CeO₂ НЧ зріс в 4,99 раза, а метформіну — у 4,94 раза порівняно з інтактними тваринами. Отримані дані дозволяють зробити висновки щодо перспектив наночастинок CeO₂, а також метформіну для розробки геропротекторних препаратів, що сприяють поліпшенню здоров’я та збільшують виживаність організму при старінні

    Soft-tissue response to synthetic polymer implants made of cross-linked polyurethane and containing a biologically active substance, albucid or dacarbazine, in animals

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    Background: It is an urgent task of the today’s science to search for and introduce biointegrable synthetic materials into medical practice. Purpose: To investigate the soft tissue response to the polymer sample implants made of cross-linked polyurethane with an immobilized biologically active substance, albucid or dacarbazine, in animals. Materials and Methods: Thirty Wistar rats were used to assess the soft tissue response to polymer sample implants under examination. The cross-linked polyurethane-based sample implants with an immobilized biologically active substance, albucid or dacarbazine, were used in the experimental study. Results: The development of the connective tissue capsule around the sample implant, with the capsule completely separating the implant from the surrounding host tissue, was observed at the early time points. Sample implant porosity contributed to cell migration and gradual ingrowth of tissue structures into the implants, which prevented fast implant resorption, and was indicative of the implant biocompatibility with the host tissues. The placement of albucid-containing polyurethane implants in experimental animals resulted in the surrounding host tissue responses typical of aseptic inflammation. The placement of the dacarbazine-containing polyurethane implant in the back of each animal resulted in apparent changes in surrounding host tissue typical for the inflammatory process. It is likely that dacarbazine from the dacarbazine-containing polyurethane sample implant was durably released in the host tissues surrounding the sample, and exerted some biologically active effect which resulted in persistent inflammation at the site of implantation. Conclusion: The albucid- and dacarbazine-containing polymer materials obtained seem promising, and might be widely used as soft tissue substitutes in restorative and reconstructive eye and maxillofacial surgery

    Regional investment policy: Analysis and assessment of the investment environment state

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    The urgency of the problem studied in the paper is conditioned by the fact that stable functioning and development of economic entities, sectors of the economy, regions and the country cannot be carried out without investments. In the modern economy of the Russian Federation, whose conditions of existence can be called non-stationary, one of the problems is attracting investment resources into economic activity and overcoming the conditions for slowing and stopping the growth of the country's economy caused by external unfavorable economic circumstances. In connection with the foregoing, the policy of attracting and managing investments in the regions of the Russian Federation, with a view to ensuring conditions for overcoming the crisis phenomena and resuming the economic growth of the country and its subjects is of particular interest. The intensification of the state investment policy is a core prerequisite for the transition of the economy to sustainable growth. However, in economic market conditions the state is not able to solve this problem to the full. Therefore, the process of activating investment policy at the regional level is becoming topical. The purpose of the paper is to study the management and implementation of investment policy in the region on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan, the analysis and assessment of the investment environment's state. The leading method to research this problem is the statistical one, which is a method of quantitative analysis of a set of homogeneous facts that determine in the aggregate the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. The paper presents the results of assessing the socio-economic development of the region, analyzes the indicators that allow characterizing the investment environment's state. The paper also presents the strategic priorities of the region's investment activities, analyzes the opportunities for their implementation in conditions of non-stationary state, and makes sound conclusions about the need to activate regional investment policies. The materials of the paper are of practical value for specialists dealing with the implementation of the investment policy of the region. © Authors. Terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) apply. © the authors


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    The paper studied an influence of fine irrigation on tea plants yield, physiological-biochemical and leaf anatomical and morphological parameters in Adygea conditions. The high efficiency of this irrigation method was established: yields have increased on average by 65 % over three years and amounted to 56.25 c/ha. The main indicators characterizing water regime state in tea plants were determined: cell sap concentration during the whole tea harvesting period and within irrigation was in the optimal values (8.0 ±1.0 %), whereas without irrigation it increased to 12.5 %, indicating a lack of moisture; water deficiency in leaves at the end of tea harvesting was 15.74 ±2.23 % in the control, whereas under irrigated conditions it was 6.66 ±0.35 %. Under the influence of irrigation, photosynthesis intensity increased 1.5-2.4 times. A comparative analysis of tea leaf anatomical and morphological traits showed a significant increase in the assimilation surface, lamina thickness and stomata distribution density under the influence of irrigation.Изучено влияние мелкодисперсного орошения на урожайность чайных насаждений, физиолого-биохимические и анатомо-морфологические параметры листьев чая в условиях Адыгеи. Установлена высокая эффективность данного способа полива: урожайность возросла в среднем за три года на 65 % и составила 56,25 ц/га. Определены основные показатели, характеризующие состояния водного режима растений чая: концентрация клеточного сока в течение всего листосборного периода при орошении находилась в оптимальных значениях 8,0 ±1,0 %, тогда как без полива она повышалась до 12,5 %, что свидетельствовало о дефиците влаги; водный дефицит листьев в конце листосбора на контроле составил 15,74 ±2,23 %, тогда как в условиях орошения - 6,66 ±0,35 %. Под влиянием полива увеличилась интенсивность фотосинтеза в 1,5-2,4 раза. Сравнительный анализ анатомо-морфологических особенностей строения листьев чая показал существенное увеличение площади ассимиляционной поверхности, толщины листовой пластинки, плотности распределения устьиц под влиянием орошения

    Regional investment policy: Analysis and assessment of the investment environment state

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    The urgency of the problem studied in the paper is conditioned by the fact that stable functioning and development of economic entities, sectors of the economy, regions and the country cannot be carried out without investments. In the modern economy of the Russian Federation, whose conditions of existence can be called non-stationary, one of the problems is attracting investment resources into economic activity and overcoming the conditions for slowing and stopping the growth of the country's economy caused by external unfavorable economic circumstances. In connection with the foregoing, the policy of attracting and managing investments in the regions of the Russian Federation, with a view to ensuring conditions for overcoming the crisis phenomena and resuming the economic growth of the country and its subjects is of particular interest. The intensification of the state investment policy is a core prerequisite for the transition of the economy to sustainable growth. However, in economic market conditions the state is not able to solve this problem to the full. Therefore, the process of activating investment policy at the regional level is becoming topical. The purpose of the paper is to study the management and implementation of investment policy in the region on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan, the analysis and assessment of the investment environment's state. The leading method to research this problem is the statistical one, which is a method of quantitative analysis of a set of homogeneous facts that determine in the aggregate the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. The paper presents the results of assessing the socio-economic development of the region, analyzes the indicators that allow characterizing the investment environment's state. The paper also presents the strategic priorities of the region's investment activities, analyzes the opportunities for their implementation in conditions of non-stationary state, and makes sound conclusions about the need to activate regional investment policies. The materials of the paper are of practical value for specialists dealing with the implementation of the investment policy of the region. © Authors. Terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) apply. © the authors