25 research outputs found

    Medical workers of health care institutions as a risk group for chemo-resistant tuberculosis: analysis of incidence, a clinical case.

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    The purpose of our study was to analyze the prevalence of morbidity of medical workers of health care institutions and anti-tuberculosis institutions, as well as the analysis of resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis strains among medical personal of health facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Retrospective analysis for 2015 - 2017 of electronic database of the patients register (TB-manager), outpatient cards and case histories of patients which underwent treatment in pulmonary-tuberculosis and surgical departments of CI «DnepropetrovskRegional Clinical Treatment and Prophylactic Association "Phthisiology"» DRC» was conducted . The incidence of tuberculosis among medical workers in health care institutions of Ukraine remains at a fairly high, stable level (426 cases of tuberculosis in 2016, 389 cases in 2017) on the background of the decrease in the incidence among the general population (59.5 people per 100 thousand population in 2014 and 51.9 per 100 thousand population in 2017 ). In Ukraine among tuberculosis patients – medical workers,  the overwhelming majority are workers of establishments of the general medical network (GMN) - 351 people, while in anti-tuberculosis institutions (ATI) in 2017, 38 cases of tuberculosis were registered. The article presents the clinical case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR) in staff member of the pathoanatomical bureau, one of the medical institutions of the city Dnipro

    Medical workers of health care institutions as a risk group for chemo-resistant tuberculosis: analysis of incidence, a clinical case.

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    The purpose of our study was to analyze the prevalence of morbidity of medical workers of health care institutions and anti-tuberculosis institutions, as well as the analysis of resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis strains among medical personal of health facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Retrospective analysis for 2015 - 2017 of electronic database of the patients register (TB-manager), outpatient cards and case histories of patients which underwent treatment in pulmonary-tuberculosis and surgical departments of CI «DnepropetrovskRegional Clinical Treatment and Prophylactic Association "Phthisiology"» DRC» was conducted . The incidence of tuberculosis among medical workers in health care institutions of Ukraine remains at a fairly high, stable level (426 cases of tuberculosis in 2016, 389 cases in 2017) on the background of the decrease in the incidence among the general population (59.5 people per 100 thousand population in 2014 and 51.9 per 100 thousand population in 2017 ). In Ukraine among tuberculosis patients – medical workers,  the overwhelming majority are workers of establishments of the general medical network (GMN) - 351 people, while in anti-tuberculosis institutions (ATI) in 2017, 38 cases of tuberculosis were registered. The article presents the clinical case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR) in staff member of the pathoanatomical bureau, one of the medical institutions of the city Dnipro


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    The aim of the work – determination of the degree of students’ awareness in State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” about various issues of tuberculosis, their attitude to patients with tuberculosis and people who have recovered from tuberculosis, as well as studying students’ views about the relevance of this disease.The main body. We analyzed the questionnaires of 491 students of the 4th year of medical faculties of State Institution “Dnipro­petrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” at the age from 21 to 30 years. This questioning was conducted at the first practical lesson, before the beginning of the lecture cycle on Phthisiology. The majority of respondents (93.9 %) have considered the problem with tuberculosis in our country relevant and important for their future practical activities. 77.6 % of fourth-year students have noted the importance of social risk factors for the development of tuberculosis. Students have been well-oriented in the main symptoms of the disease and the ways of transmission of the infection, but have showed insufficient knowledge in the methods of detection, diagnosis, treatment of patients. In addition, students have had of fear of becoming ill while on the cycle.Conclusions. The analysis has showed insufficient awareness of students of higher medical schools about issues of tuberculosis, low motivation to study the discipline. Students have poorly informed about methods of detection and diagnosis of the disease, its initial symptoms, high-risk groups and so on. Misunderstandings of relevance of the problem of tuberculosis and prejudiced, inhuman attitude to the patient can contribute to the formation of low doctor’s alertness to this disease in the future and prevent them from implementing the basic principles of TB control – timely detection and prevention of the disease.Мета роботи – аналіз сучасного стану та досвіду викладання педіатрії англомовним студентам 4-го та 5-го років навчання на кафедрі педіатрії № 2 Харківського національного медичного університету.Основна частина. Викладання педіатрії англомовним студентам вимагає високого рівня професійної підготовки, педагогічної майстерності та вільного володіння англійською мовою. Для підвищення якості підготовки іноземних студентів на кафедрі проводиться постійний пошук та впровадження сучасних інноваційних технологій, регулярне оновлення методичних матеріалів, створення навчальних посібників та підручників з урахуванням міжнародних стандартів надання медичної допомоги дітям.Висновок. Зменшення кількості студентів у групах та лекційних потоках, удосконалення матеріально-технічної бази (комп’ютеризація, розвиток фантомних класів тощо) дозволить поліпшити якість навчання та оволодіння практичними навичками

    Determination technique of quasireference value of a carrier radio signal frequency of uncooperated onboard lighting source during radio monitoring

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    The article discloses the technique defining quasireference value of a carrier radio signal frequency of uncooperated onboard lighting source by calculation and compensation of the Doppler shift at radio monitoring. Provided simulation results show checked operability of the offered technique with assessment of observation accuracy and received quasireference value of a carrier frequency accepted a radio signal compared with real sample under various conditions

    Cyclic lipopeptide profile of the plant-beneficial endophytic bacterium Bacillus subtilis HC8

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    In a previous study (Malfanova et al. in Microbial Biotech 4:523-532, 2011), we described the isolation and partial characterization of the biocontrol endophytic bacterium B. subtilis HC8. Using thin-layer chromatography, we have detected several bioactive antifungal compounds in the methanolic extract from the acid-precipitated supernatant of HC8. In the present study, we have further analyzed this methanolic extract using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Based on the comparison of retention times and molecular masses with those of known antifungal compounds, we identified three families of lipopeptide antibiotics. These include four iturins A having fatty acyl chain lengths of C14 to C17, eight fengycins A (from C14 to C18 and from C15 to C17 containing a double bond in the acyl chain), four fengycins B (C15 to C18), and five surfactins (C12 to C16). Evaluation of the antifungal activity of the isolated lipopeptides showed that fengycins are the most active ones. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an endophytic Bacillus subtilis producing all three major families of lipopeptide antibiotics containing a very heterogeneous mixture of homologues. The questions remain open which of these lipopeptides (1) are being produced during interaction with the plant and (2) are contributing to the biocontrol activity of HC8. © 2012 The Author(s)