9,854 research outputs found

    UHF and VHF radar observations of thunderstorms

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    A study of thunderstorms was made in the Summer of 1985 with the 430-MHz and 50-MHz radars at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Both radars use the 300-meter dish, which gives a beam width of less than 2 degrees even at these long wavelengths. Though the radars are steerable, only vertical beams were used in this experiment. The height resolution was 300 and 150 meters for the UHF and VHF, respectively. Lightning echoes, as well as returns from precipitation and clear-air turbulence were detected with both wavelengths. Large increases in the returned power were found to be coincident with increasing downward vertical velocities at UHF, whereas at VHF the total power returned was relatively constant during the life of a storm. This was attributed to the fact that the VHF is more sensitive to scattering from the turbulence-induced inhomogeneities in the refractive index and less sensitive to scatter from precipitation particles. On occasion, the shape of the Doppler spectra was observed to change with the occurrence of a lightning discharge in the pulse volume. Though the total power and mean reflectivity weighted Doppler velocity changed little during these events, the power is Doppler frequency bins near that corresponding to the updraft did increase substantially within a fraction of a second after a discharge was detected in the beam. This suggests some interaction between precipitation and lightning

    Structure and Mass of a Young Globular Cluster in NGC 6946

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    Using the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope, we have imaged a luminous young star cluster in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. The cluster has an absolute visual magnitude M(V)=-13.2, comparable to the brightest young `super-star clusters' in the Antennae merger galaxy. UBV colors indicate an age of about 15 Myr. The cluster has a compact core (core radius = 1.3 pc), surrounded by an extended envelope. We estimate that the effective radius (Reff) = 13 pc, but this number is uncertain because the outer parts of the cluster profile gradually merge with the general field. Combined with population synthesis models, the luminosity and age of the cluster imply a mass of 8.2x10^5 Msun for a Salpeter IMF extending down to 0.1 Msun, or 5.5x10^5 Msun if the IMF is log-normal below 0.4 Msun. Depending on model assumptions, the central density of the cluster is between 5300 Msun pc^-3 and 17000 Msun pc^-3, comparable to other high-density star forming regions. We also estimate a dynamical mass for the cluster, using high-dispersion spectra from the HIRES spectrograph on the Keck I telescope. The velocity dispersion is 10.0 +/- 2.7 km/s, implying a total cluster mass within 65 pc of (1.7 +/- 0.9) x 10^6 Msun. Comparing the dynamical mass with the mass estimates based on the photometry and population synthesis models, the mass-to-light ratio is at least as high as for a Salpeter IMF extending down to 0.1 Msun, although a turn-over in the IMF at 0.4 Msun is still possible within the errors. The cluster will presumably remain bound, evolving into a globular cluster-like object.Comment: 33 pages, including 10 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Null Strings in Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    The null string equations of motion and constraints in the Schwarzschild spacetime are given. The solutions are those of the null geodesics of General Relativity appended by a null string constraint in which the "constants of motion" depend on the world-sheet spatial coordinate. Because of the extended nature of a string, the physical interpretation of the solutions is completely different from the point particle case. In particular, a null string is generally not propagating in a plane through the origin, although each of its individual points is. Some special solutions are obtained and their physical interpretation is given. Especially, the solution for a null string with a constant radial coordinate rr moving vertically from the south pole to the north pole around the photon sphere, is presented. A general discussion of classical null/tensile strings as compared to massless/massive particles is given. For instance, tensile circular solutions with a constant radial coordinate rr do not exist at all. The results are discussed in relation to the previous literature on the subject.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX, no figure

    Ab initio linear scaling response theory: Electric polarizability by perturbed projection

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    A linear scaling method for calculation of the static {\em ab inito} response within self-consistent field theory is developed and applied to calculation of the static electric polarizability. The method is based on density matrix perturbation theory [Niklasson and Challacombe, cond-mat/0311591], obtaining response functions directly via a perturbative approach to spectral projection. The accuracy and efficiency of the linear scaling method is demonstrated for a series of three-dimensional water clusters at the RHF/6-31G** level of theory. Locality of the response under a global electric field perturbation is numerically demonstrated by approximate exponential decay of derivative density matrix elements.Comment: 4.25 pages in PRL format, 2 figure

    Chaotic Scattering and Capture of Strings by Black Hole

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    We consider scattering and capture of circular cosmic strings by a Schwarzschild black hole. Although being a priori a very simple axially symmetric two-body problem, it shows all the features of chaotic scattering. In particular, it contains a fractal set of unstable periodic solutions; a so-called strange repellor. We study the different types of trajectories and obtain the fractal dimension of the basin-boundary separating the space of initial conditions according to the different asymptotic outcomes. We also consider the fractal dimension as a function of energy, and discuss the transition from order to chaos.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Hennessy-Milner Logic with Greatest Fixed Points as a Complete Behavioural Specification Theory

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    There are two fundamentally different approaches to specifying and verifying properties of systems. The logical approach makes use of specifications given as formulae of temporal or modal logics and relies on efficient model checking algorithms; the behavioural approach exploits various equivalence or refinement checking methods, provided the specifications are given in the same formalism as implementations. In this paper we provide translations between the logical formalism of Hennessy-Milner logic with greatest fixed points and the behavioural formalism of disjunctive modal transition systems. We also introduce a new operation of quotient for the above equivalent formalisms, which is adjoint to structural composition and allows synthesis of missing specifications from partial implementations. This is a substantial generalisation of the quotient for deterministic modal transition systems defined in earlier papers

    Voltage-Controlled Superconducting Quantum Bus

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    We demonstrate the ability of an epitaxial semiconductor-superconductor nanowire to serve as a field-effect switch to tune a superconducting cavity. Two superconducting gatemon qubits are coupled to the cavity, which acts as a quantum bus. Using a gate voltage to control the superconducting switch yields up to a factor of 8 change in qubit-qubit coupling between the on and off states without detrimental effect on qubit coherence. High-bandwidth operation of the coupling switch on nanosecond timescales degrades qubit coherence

    Quantum Coherent String States in AdS_3 and SL(2,R) WZWN Model

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    In this paper we make the connection between semi-classical string quantization and exact conformal field theory quantization of strings in 2+1 Anti de Sitter spacetime. More precisely, considering the WZWN model corresponding to SL(2,R) and its covering group, we construct quantum {\it coherent} string states, which generalize the ordinary coherent states of quantum mechanics, and show that in the classical limit they correspond to oscillating circular strings. After quantization, the spectrum is found to consist of two parts: A continuous spectrum of low mass states (partly tachyonic) fulfilling the standard spin-level condition necessary for unitarity |j|< k/2, and a discrete spectrum of high mass states with asymptotic behaviour m^2\alpha'\propto N^2 (N positive integer). The quantization condition for the high mass states arises from the condition of finite positive norm of the coherent string states, and the result agrees with our previous results obtained using semi-classical quantization. In the k\to\infty limit, all the usual properties of coherent or {\it quasi-classical} states are recovered. It should be stressed that we consider the circular strings only for simplicity and clarity, and that our construction can easily be used for other string configurations too. We also compare our results with those obtained in the recent preprint hep-th/0001053 by Maldacena and Ooguri.Comment: Misprints corrected. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    From the WZWN Model to the Liouville Equation: Exact String Dynamics in Conformally Invariant AdS Background

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    It has been known for some time that the SL(2,R) WZWN model reduces to Liouville theory. Here we give a direct and physical derivation of this result based on the classical string equations of motion and the proper string size. This allows us to extract precisely the physical effects of the metric and antisymmetric tensor, respectively, on the {\it exact} string dynamics in the SL(2,R) background. The general solution to the proper string size is also found. We show that the antisymmetric tensor (corresponding to conformal invariance) generally gives rise to repulsion, and it precisely cancels the dominant attractive term arising from the metric. Both the sinh-Gordon and the cosh-Gordon sectors of the string dynamics in non-conformally invariant AdS spacetime reduce here to the Liouville equation (with different signs of the potential), while the original Liouville sector reduces to the free wave equation. Only the very large classical string size is affected by the torsion. Medium and small size string behaviours are unchanged. We also find illustrative classes of string solutions in the SL(2,R) background: dynamical closed as well as stationary open spiralling strings, for which the effect of torsion is somewhat like the effect of rotation in the metric. Similarly, the string solutions in the 2+1 BH-AdS background with torsion and angular momentum are fully analyzed.Comment: 24 pages including 4 postscript figures. Enlarged version including a section on string solutions in 2+1 black hole background. To be published in Phys. Rev. D., December 199

    Ionized and neutral gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946

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    The characteristics of ionized and HI gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946, obtained with the 6-m telescope (BTA) SAO RAS, the Gemini North telescope, and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), are presented. The complex is unusual as hosting a super star cluster, the most massive known in an apparently non-interacting giant galaxy. It contains a number of smaller clusters and is bordered by a sharp C-shaped rim. We found that the complex is additionally unusual in having peculiar gas kinematics. The velocity field of the ionized gas reveals a deep oval minimum, ~300 pc in size, centered 7" east of the supercluster. The Vr of the ionized gas in the dip center is 100 km/s lower than in its surroundings, and emission lines within the dip appear to be shock excited. This dip is near the center of an HI hole and a semi-ring of HII regions. The HI (and less certainly, HII) velocity fields reveal expansion, with the velocity reaching ~30 km/s at a distance about 300 pc from the center of expansion, which is near the deep minimum position. The super star cluster is at the western rim of the minimum. The sharp western rim of the whole complex is plausibly a manifestation of a regular dust arc along the complex edge. Different hypotheses about the complex and the Vr depression origins are discussed, including a HVC/dark mini-halo impact, a BCD galaxy merging, and a gas outflow due to release of energy from the supercluster stars.Comment: MN RAS, accepte
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