974 research outputs found

    Extended warm gas in Orion KL as probed by methyl cyanide

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    In order to study the temperature distribution of the extended gas within the Orion Kleinmann-Low nebula, we have mapped the emission by methyl cyanide (CH3CN) in its J=6_K-5_K, J=12_K-11_K, J=13_K-12_K, and J=14_K-13_K transitions at an average angular resolution of ~10 arcsec (22 arcsec for the 6_K-5_K lines), as part of a new 2D line survey of this region using the IRAM 30m telescope. These fully sampled maps show extended emission from warm gas to the northeast of IRc2 and the distinct kinematic signatures of the hot core and compact ridge source components. We have constructed population diagrams for the four sets of K-ladder emission lines at each position in the maps and have derived rotational excitation temperatures and total beam-averaged column densities from the fitted slopes. In addition, we have fitted LVG model spectra to the observations to determine best-fit physical parameters at each map position, yielding the distribution of kinetic temperatures across the region. The resulting temperature maps reveal a region of hot (T > 350 K) material surrounding the northeastern edge of the hot core, whereas the column density distribution is more uniform and peaks near the position of IRc2. We attribute this region of hot gas to shock heating caused by the impact of outflowing material from active star formation in the region, as indicated by the presence of broad CH3CN lines. This scenario is consistent with predictions from C-shock chemical models that suggest that gas-phase methyl cyanide survives in the post-shock gas and can be somewhat enhanced due to sputtering of grain mantles in the passing shock front.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A combined IRAM and Herschel/HIFI study of cyano(di)acetylene in Orion KL: tentative detection of DC3N

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    We present a study of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) and cyanodiacetylene (HC5N) in Orion KL, through observations from two line surveys performed with the IRAM 30m telescope and the HIFI instrument on board the Herschel telescope. The frequency ranges covered are 80-280 GHz and 480-1906 GHz. We model the observed lines of HC3N, HC5N, their isotopologues (including DC3N), and vibrational modes, using a non-LTE radiative transfer code. To investigate the chemical origin of HC3N and DC3N in Orion KL, we use a time-dependent chemical model. We detect 40 lines of the ground state of HC3N and 68 lines of its 13C isotopologues. We also detect 297 lines of six vibrational modes of this molecule (nu_7, 2nu_7, 3nu_7, nu_6, nu_5, and nu_6+nu_7) and 35 rotational lines of the ground state of HC5N. We report the first tentative detection of DC3N in a giant molecular cloud with a DC3N/HC3N abundance ratio of 0.015. We provide column densities and isotopic and molecular abundances. We also perform a 2x2" map around Orion IRc2 and we present maps of HC3N lines and maps of lines of the HC3N vibrational modes nu_6 and nu_7. In addition, a comparison of our results for HC3N with those in other clouds allows us to derive correlations between the column density, the FWHM, the mass, and the luminosity of the clouds. The high column densities of HC3N obtained in the hot core, make this molecule an excellent tracer of hot and dense gas. In addition, the large frequency range covered reveals the need to consider a temperature and density gradient in the hot core in order to obtain better line fits. The high D/H ratio (comparable to that obtained in cold clouds) that we derive suggests a deuterium enrichment. Our chemical models indicate that the possible deuterated HC3N present in Orion KL is formed during the gas-phase. This fact provides new hints concerning the processes leading to deuteration.Comment: 50 pages, 33 figures, 13 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Exploring the molecular chemistry and excitation in obscured luminous infrared galaxies: An ALMA mm-wave spectral scan of NGC 4418

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    We obtained an ALMA Cycle 0 spectral scan of the dusty LIRG NGC 4418, spanning a total of 70.7 GHz in bands 3, 6, and 7. We use a combined local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE (NLTE) fit of the spectrum in order to identify the molecular species and derive column densities and excitation temperatures. We derive molecular abundances and compare them with other Galactic and extragalactic sources by means of a principal component analysis. We detect 317 emission lines from a total of 45 molecular species, including 15 isotopic substitutions and six vibrationally excited variants. Our LTE/NLTE fit find kinetic temperatures from 20 to 350 K, and densities between 105^5 and 107^7 cm−3^{-3}. The spectrum is dominated by vibrationally excited HC3_3N, HCN, and HNC, with vibrational temperatures from 300 to 450 K. We find high abundances of HC3_3N, SiO, H2_2S, and c-HCCCH and a low CH3_3OH abundance. A principal component analysis shows that NGC 4418 and Arp 220 share very similar molecular abundances and excitation, which clearly set them apart from other Galactic and extragalactic environments. The similar molecular abundances observed towards NCG 4418 and Arp 220 are consistent with a hot gas-phase chemistry, with the relative abundances of SiO and CH3_3OH being regulated by shocks and X-ray driven dissociation. The bright emission from vibrationally excited species confirms the presence of a compact IR source, with an effective diameter 350 K. The molecular abundances and the vibrationally excited spectrum are consistent with a young AGN/starburst system. We suggest that NGC 4418 may be a template for a new kind of chemistry and excitation, typical of compact obscured nuclei (CON). Because of the narrow line widths and bright molecular emission, NGC 4418 is the ideal target for further studies of the chemistry in CONs.Comment: accepted by A&A on 29/06/201

    Can grain size sensitive flow lubricate faults during the initial stages of earthquake propagation?

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    Recent friction experiments carried out under upper crustal P–T conditions have shown that microstructures typical of high temperature creep develop in the slip zone of experimental faults. These mechanisms are more commonly thought to control aseismic viscous flow and shear zone strength in the lower crust/upper mantle. In this study, displacement-controlled experiments have been performed on carbonate gouges at seismic slip rates (1 m s−1), to investigate whether they may also control the frictional strength of seismic faults at the higher strain rates attained in the brittle crust. At relatively low displacements (900 °C) grain boundary sliding (GBS) deformation mechanisms. The observed micro-textures are strikingly similar to those predicted by theoretical studies, and those observed during experiments on metals and fine-grained carbonates, where superplastic behaviour has been inferred. To a first approximation, the measured drop in strength is in agreement with our flow stress calculations, suggesting that strain could be accommodated more efficiently by these mechanisms within the weaker bulk slip zone, rather than by frictional sliding along the main slip surfaces in the slip zone. Frictionally induced, grainsize-sensitive GBS deformation mechanisms can thus account for the self-lubrication and dynamic weakening of carbonate faults during earthquake propagation in nature

    Chemical Features in the Circumnuclear Disk of the Galactic Center

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    The circumnuclear disk (CND) of the Galactic Center is exposed to many energetic phenomena coming from the supermassive black hole Sgr A* and stellar activities. These energetic activities can affect the chemical composition in the CND by the interaction with UV-photons, cosmic-rays, X-rays, and shock waves. We aim to constrain the physical conditions present in the CND by chemical modeling of observed molecular species detected towards it. We analyzed a selected set of molecular line data taken toward a position in the southwest lobe of the CND with the IRAM 30m and APEX 12-meter telescopes and derived the column density of each molecule using a large velocity gradient (LVG) analysis. The determined chemical composition is compared with a time-dependent gas-grain chemical model based on the UCL\_CHEM code that includes the effects of shock waves with varying physical parameters. Molecules such as CO, HCN, HCO+^+, HNC, CS, SO, SiO, NO, CN, H2_2CO, HC3_3N, N2_2H+^+ and H3_3O+^+ are detected and their column densities are obtained. Total hydrogen densities obtained from LVG analysis range between 2×1042 \times 10^4 and 1×106 1 \times 10^6\,cm−3^{-3} and most species indicate values around several ×105 \times 10^5\,cm−3^{-3}, which are lower than values corresponding to the Roche limit, which shows that the CND is tidally unstable. The chemical models show good agreement with the observations in cases where the density is ∼104 \sim10^4\,cm−3^{-3}, the cosmic-ray ionization rate is high, >10−15 >10^{-15} \,s−1^{-1}, or shocks with velocities >40 > 40\,km s−1^{-1} have occurred. Comparison of models and observations favors a scenario where the cosmic-ray ionization rate in the CND is high, but precise effects of other factors such as shocks, density structures, UV-photons and X-rays from the Sgr A* must be examined with higher spatial resolution data.Comment: 17 Pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Laboratory Characterization and Astrophysical Detection of Vibrationally Excited States of Vinyl Cyanide in Orion-KL

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    New laboratory data of CH2_2CHCN (vinyl cyanide) in its ground and vibrationally excited states at the microwave to THz domain allow searching for these excited state transitions in the Orion-KL line survey. Frequency-modulated spectrometers combined into a single broadband 50-1900 GHz spectrum provided measurements of CH2_2CHCN covering a spectral range of 18-1893 GHz, whose assignments was confirmed by Stark modulation spectra in the 18-40 GHz region and by ab-initio anharmonic force field calculations. For analyzing the emission lines of CH2_2CHCN species detected in Orion-KL we used the excitation and radiative transfer code (MADEX) at LTE conditions. The rotational transitions of the ground state of this molecule emerge from four cloud components of hot core nature which trace the physical and chemical conditions of high mass star forming regions in the Orion-KL Nebula. The total column density of CH2_2CHCN in the ground state is (3.0±\pm0.9)x1015^{15} cm−2^{-2}. We report on the first interstellar detection of transitions in the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad in space, and in the v11=2 and v11=3 states in Orion-KL. The lowest energy vibrationally excited states of vinyl cyanide such as v11=1 (at 328.5 K), v15=1 (at 478.6 K), v11=2 (at 657.8 K), the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad (at 806.4/809.9 K), and v11=3 (at 987.9 K) are populated under warm and dense conditions, so they probe the hottest parts of the Orion-KL source. Column density and rotational and vibrational temperatures for CH2_2CHCN in their ground and excited states, as well as for the isotopologues, have been constrained by means of a sample of more than 1000 lines in this survey. Moreover, we present the detection of methyl isocyanide (CH3_3NC) for the first time in Orion-KL and a tentative detection of vinyl isocyanide (CH2_2CHNC) and give column density ratios between the cyanide and isocyanide isomers.Comment: 46 pages, 22 figures, 14 tables, 9 online table

    ILC Beam Energy Measurement by means of Laser Compton Backscattering

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    A novel, non-invasive method of measuring the beam energy at the International Linear Collider is proposed. Laser light collides head-on with beam particles and either the energy of the Compton scattered electrons near the kinematic end-point is measured or the positions of the Compton backscattered γ\gamma-rays, the edge electrons and the unscattered beam particles are recorded. A compact layout for the Compton spectrometer is suggested. It consists of a bending magnet and position sensitive detectors operating in a large radiation environment. Several options for high spatial resolution detectors are discussed. Simulation studies support the use of an infrared or green laser and quartz fiber detectors to monitor the backscattered photons and edge electrons. Employing a cavity monitor, the beam particle position downstream of the magnet can be recorded with submicrometer precision. Such a scheme provides a feasible and promising method to access the incident beam energy with precisions of 10−410^{-4} or better on a bunch-to-bunch basis while the electron and positron beams are in collision.Comment: 47 pages, 26 figures, version as accepted by Nucl. Instr. Meth. A after improvement

    Epoxy Resins for Flooring Applications, an Optimal Host for Recycling Deactivated Cement Asbestos

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    Cement asbestos slates, commonly known as Eternit((R)) and still abundant in private and public buildings, were deactivated through a thermal process. The resulting deactivated cement asbestos powder (DCAP), a mixture of Ca-Mg-Al silicates and glass, was compounded with Pavatekno Gold 200 (PT) and Pavafloor H200/E (PF), two different epoxy resins (bisphenol A epichlorohydrin) for flooring applications. The addition of the DCAP filler to the PF samples causes a slight but acceptable decrease in the relevant mechanical properties (compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths) upon increasing DCAP content. The addition of the DCAP filler to pure epoxy (PT resin) causes a slight decrease in the tensile and flexural strengths with increasing DCAP content, while the compressive strength is almost unaffected, and the Shore hardness increases. The main mechanical properties of the PT samples are significantly better than those of the filler-bearing sample of normal production. Overall, these results suggest that DCAP can be advantageously used as filler in addition to, or in substitution for, commercial barite. In particular, the sample with 20 wt% of DCAP is the best performing in terms of compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths, whereas the sample with 30 wt% of DCAP shows the highest Shore hardness, which is an important property to be considered in flooring applications
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