1,149 research outputs found

    Hamster-to-rat heart and liver xenotransplantation with FK506 plus antiproliferative drugs

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    Heterotopic hamster hearts transplanted to unmodified LEW rats underwent humoral rejection in 3 days. Survival was prolonged to a median of 4 days with 2 mg/kg/day FK506. As monotherapy, 15 mg/kg/day cyclophosphamide greatly prolonged graft survival-far more than could be accomplished with RS-61443, brequinar (BQR), mizoribine, methotrexate, or deoxyspergualin. However, when FK506 treatment, which was ineffective alone, was combined with a short induction course (14 or 30 days) of subtherapeutic BQR, RS-61443, or cyclophosphamide, routine survival of heart xenografts was possible for as long as the daily FK506 was continued. In addition, a single large dose of 80 mg/kg cyclophosphamide 10 days preoperatively allowed routine cardiac xenograft survival under FK506. The ability of these antimetabolites to unmask the therapeutic potential of FK506 correlated, although imperfectly, with the prevention of rises of preformed heterospecific cytotoxic antibodies immediately postoperatively. As an adjunct to FK506, azathioprine was of marginal value, whereas mizoribine, methotrexate, and deoxyspergualin (DSPG) were of intermediate efficacy. After orthotopic hepatic xenotransplantation, the perioperative survival of the liver with its well-known resistance to antibodies was less dependent than the heart on the antimetabolite component of the combined drug therapy, but the unsatisfactory results with monotherapy of FK506, BQR, RS-61443, or cyclophosphamide were changed to routine success by combining continuous FK506 with a short course of any of the other drugs. Thus, by breaking down the antibody barrier to xenotransplantation with these so-called antiproliferative drugs, it has been possible with FK506 to transplant heart and liver xenografts with consistent long-term survival of healthy recipients

    The influence of magnetic order on the magnetoresistance anisotropy of Fe1+δ−x_{1+\delta-x}Cux_{x}Te

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    We performed resistance measurements on Fe1+δ−x_{1+\delta-x}Cux_{x}Te with xEDX≤0.06x_{EDX}\leq 0.06 in the presence of in-plane applied magnetic fields, revealing a resistance anisotropy that can be induced at a temperature far below the structural and magnetic zero-field transition temperatures. The observed resistance anisotropy strongly depends on the field orientation with respect to the crystallographic axes, as well as on the field-cooling history. Our results imply a correlation between the observed features and the low-temperature magnetic order. Hysteresis in the angle-dependence indicates a strong pinning of the magnetic order within a temperature range that varies with the Cu content. The resistance anisotropy vanishes at different temperatures depending on whether an external magnetic field or a remnant field is present: the closing temperature is higher in the presence of an external field. For xEDX=0.06x_{EDX} = 0.06 the resistance anisotropy closes above the structural transition, at the same temperature at which the zero-field short-range magnetic order disappears and the sample becomes paramagnetic. Thus we suggest that under an external magnetic field the resistance anisotropy mirrors the magnetic order parameter. We discuss similarities to nematic order observed in other iron pnictide materials.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Humoral and cellular immunopathology of hepatic and cardiac hamster-into-rat xenograft rejection: Marked stimulation of IgM<sup>++bright</sup>/IgD<sup>+dull</sup> splenic B cells

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    Normal Lewis rat serum contains antibodies (IgM > IgG) that bind to hamster leukocytes and endothelial cells. Transplantation of either the heart or liver from hamster rat results in release of hamster hematolymphoid cells from the graft, which lodge in the recipient spleen (cell migration), where recipient T- and B-cell populations initiate DNA synthesis within one day. There is marked stimulation of splenic IgM++(bright)/IgD+(dull) B cells in the marginal zone and red pulp, which account for 48% of the total splenic blast cell population by 4 days after liver transplantation. CD4+ predominant T-cell proliferation in the splenic periarterial lymphatic sheath and paracortex of peripheral lymph nodes occurs almost simultaneously. The effector phase of rejection in cardiac recipients is dominated by complement-fixing IgM antibodies, which increase daily and result in graft destruction in 3 to 4 days, even in animals treated with FK506. In liver recipients, combined antibody and cellular rejection, associated with graft infiltration by OX8+ natural killer, and fewer W3/25+ (CD4) lymphocytes, are responsible for graft failure in untreated recipients at 6 to 7 days. FK506 inhibits the T-cell response in liver recipients and significantly prolongs graft survival, but does not prevent the rise or deposition of IgM antibodies in the graft. However, a single injection of cyclophosphamide 10 days before transplantation effectively depletes the splenic IgM++(bright)/IgD+(dull) cells and in combination with FK506, results in 100% survival of both cardiac and hepatic xenografts for more than 60 days. Although extrapolation of morphological findings to functional significance is fraught with potential problems, we propose the following mechanisms of xenograft rejection. The reaction initially appears to involve primitive host defense mechanisms, including an IgM-producing subpopulation of splenic B cells and natural killer cells. Based on the reaction and distribution of OX8+ and W3/25+ cells, antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses seem worthy of further investigation as possible effector mechanisms. Effective control of xenograft rejection is likely to require a dual pharmaceutical approach, one to contain T-cell immunity and another to blunt the primitive B-cell response

    Effects of a Focused Breathing Mindfulness Exercise on Attention, Memory, and Mood: The Importance of Task Characteristics

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    Previous research has shown that long-Term mindfulness training has beneficial effects on cognitive functioning and emotional regulation, but results are mixed regarding single mindfulness exercises, especially on attention and memory tasks. Thus, the present study aimed to analyse the effects of the Focused Breathing Exercise (FB) on cognitive performance, using standardised tests. Forty-six healthy undergraduate students were randomly assigned either to a FB or a Control condition. Two cognitive tasks (the Concentrated Attention task of the Toulouse-Pierron Factorial Battery and the Logical Memory Subtest I from the Wechsler Memory Scale III), along with mood evaluations (the Positive and Negative Affect Scale), were implemented both before and after the interventions. Results showed no significant differences for the attention task and mood evaluations. Nonetheless, the FB enhanced performance for the memory task significantly more than the Control exercise. The findings highlight that mindfulness does not affect equally all types of cognitive performances. Task characteristics may be important and their analysis can help to disentangle how mindfulness interferes with cognitive processes
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