109 research outputs found


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    This paper refers to the issue of cross-cultural transfer of globally initiated health promotion policies. The purpose of the study is to explore the possibilities of cross-cultural transfer looking at the international language of health promotion and to assess its applicability in terms of transfer to Bulgaria. It also aims to identify aspects of cross-cultural policy validity, consideration of which might assist the process of health promotion global policy transfer. The Walt model for health policy analysis was used as a basic analytical framework. The Hofstede model of national cultures was applied as a guiding tool to assess the cultural constraints and possibilities for cross-national policy transfer. The analysis revealed major difficulties of global health promotion policies transfer to the Bulgarian realities. Ideas were advanced about the need for global policy language interpretation and adaptation to develop a better fit for the purpose of specific locations. The results can be drawn up to set an agenda for further essential work on the pragmatic issues of how to modify the global policy items of health promotion and develop an interpretation that is in line with the realities of the Bulgarian life

    Неравенства в здравето и достъпа до медицинска помощ сред майките във Варненска област

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    През последното столетие е постигнат значителен напредък в сферата на здравеопазването, но въпреки това нивото на неравенствата между различните социални групи остава неприемливо голямо. Неравенствата по отношение на здравето са не само несправедливи, те имат огромна икономическа и социална цена. В тази връзка политическите документи на национално и международно ниво са насочени към осигуряване на равен достъп до здравеопазването и дългосрочна грижа за уязвими групи от населението като начин за намаляване на неравнопоставеността и за борба със социалното изключване

    Assessment of the Subjective Visual Dysfunction of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Using Specialized Questionnaires

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    Recently, the questions of the limited opportunities for measurement of the subjective and often subclinical visual dysfunction are very topical. NEI-VFQ, the questionnaire of the National Eye Institute in the USA and VFQ-25, its short version (25-item Vision Function Questionnaire) are validated for visual-specific assessment of the quality of life of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. MSVQ-7, a specific 7-item MS Vision Questionnaire is proposed, too. The authors used the VFQ-25 translated into Bulgarian, the MSVQ-7 and their correlation with the binocular visual acuity. These questionnaires were administered to 108 MS patients without history of optic neuritis and after optic neuritis as well registered in the MS Centre in Varna and to 30 healthy subjects. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0,0001) between MS patients and controls in all sub-scales and in the overall results from VFQ-25. The analysis of MSVQ-7 showed a statistically significant difference between the answers of question Nos 1, 2, 3 and 5  p<0,001 to p=0,015). The correlation of the results from VFQ-25 and the binocular visual acuity was moderate (Spearman's r=0,6;  <0,01). The application of questionnaires for assessment of visual function may contribute to the identification of less known and sought subclinical visual dysfunctions that appear in normal visual acuity. Our data confirm the possible usage of VFQ-25 and MSVQ-7 for effective measurement of the subjective visual deficit in MS diagnosis

    Uroflowmetry and Ultrasound Measurement of Residual Urine in Early Parkinson`s Disease

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    Urovesical dysautonomic symptoms are present in 27-97% of the patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) dependingon patients' selection criteria and methods used. The micturitional disturbances are typical of patients with more severe PD. The authors studied the urovesical function in 23 PD patients aged 41-60 years and without subjective micturitional complaints by uroflowmetry and ultrasound measurement of residual urine. Urovesical disturbances were established in 30,4% of the patients. The average results for Max Flow Rate (MFR) were 21,85 ±5,49 ml/sec and for residual urine 27,83 ±25,58 ml. The most influencing factor was the severity of the disease measured by the UPDRS. Our results were important additions to the existing information on the urovesical function in PD. Dysautonomic micturitional disturbances were found even in patients without subjective complaints in the early stages of the disease. Their degree correlated most closely to the severity of PD. The necessity of specialized examiantions of dysautonomic urovesical symptoms imposes the presence of a tailor-made patient approach for their early detection and adequate treatment

    Study of Viscosity-temperature Properties of Oil and Gas-condensate Mixtures in Critical Temperature Ranges of Phase Transitions

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    Transport of oil and gas-condensate mixtures of various compositions is found to be accompanied by a slight increase in viscosity in the coldest period when ground temperatures at depth of a condensate pipeline reach 0 – minus 4°С. Fall in temperature of oil fluids under study to minus 10 – minus 30°С is accompanied by a sharp increase in all structural and rheological parameters of the mixture. Even a slight amount of oil added to a gas-condensate mixture causes a significant decrease in viscosity in the negative temperature range. As a result, cloud and pour point of a mixture falls, its amount decreases, the structure of paraffin deposits changes


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    This article discusses the pedagogical tasks of modern society in the process of adaptation of migrant children, psychological and pedagogical features of migrant children in a comprehensive school. В данной статье рассматриваются педагогические задачи современного общества в процессе адаптации детей-мигрантов, психолого-педагогические особенности детей – мигрантов в общеобразовательной школе.

    Structurally specific thermal fluctuations identify functional sites for DNA transcription

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    We report results showing that thermally-induced openings of double stranded DNA coincide with the location of functionally relevant sites for transcription. Investigating both viral and bacterial DNA gene promoter segments, we found that the most probable opening occurs at the transcription start site. Minor openings appear to be related to other regulatory sites. Our results suggest that coherent thermal fluctuations play an important role in the initiation of transcription. Essential elements of the dynamics, in addition to sequence specificity, are nonlinearity and entropy, provided by local base-pair constraints

    Mathematical simulation of water and methanol segregation processes at field preparation of gas condensate

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    Calculation modulus for water and methanol segregation processes from gas condensate has been developed. Applying the developed technological system the influence of process variables on segregation processes of water and methanol is studied. Modes of operation of liquid separators at which the most efficient segregation of water-methanol solution from unstable condensate occurs are recommende

    Blood pressure and hypertension in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients with long duration

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) has significantly better prognosis which has led to increased cardio-vascular diseases (CVD) prevalence. The detection of CVD risk factors and their treatment become tasks of paramount importance. Among them, high blood pressure (BP) is a target of primary purpose. Aim: to explore the blood pressure values, the prevalence of hypertension (HTN) and its management in patients with T1DM with long duration and without overt CVD, in comparison to matched controls. Participants and methods: totally, 124 patients with T1DM were matched to 59 controls by sex, age and approximate body mass index (BMI). All participants filled in questionnaires with information on demographics, physical activity, life style, concomitant diseases, treatments, presence of complications, etc. Blood samples were taken for laboratory and biomarkers investigation. Blood pressure was measured by investigators twice and the mean of the two measurements was used. HTN was accepted using standard definitions. BP values were compared using t-test. Multiple linear regression models with dependent variable BP measures and age, sex, BMI, presence of T1DM, glycated hemoglobin levels, creatinine levels as independent variables were created. ANOVA method was used to test the interaction of sex and presence of T1DM. Results: The mean age of the participants was 43.47 ± 10.1 years, 54% were males. The mean duration of T1DM was 25.31 ± 8.2 years and the mean HbA1c was 8.42 ± 1.8% for diabetic patients. The mean blood pressure measures in T1DM groups were higher than in controls, both in males and females. The difference reached significance for SBP and pulse pressure (PP). The presence of T1DM independently affected the BP values, after adjusting for major confounders. The mean adjusted differences between T1DM and controls were 8.37 mm Hg for SBP, 4.92 mm Hg for DBP, and 5.19 mm Hg for PP (p < 0.001). HTN was significantly more frequent in T1DM patients than in controls – 54% vs. 27%, p = 0.0001, mainly due to already known hypertension. BP control was insufficient – in only 36% and 13% of the treated hypertensive participants, respectively, for BP < 140/90 and < 130/80 mm Hg. The majority of the patients with HTN were treated with combination therapy, mostly single-pill fixed dosage but 30% of the hypertensive patients with diabetes did not take antihypertensive medications. Inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system were the preferred class of medications. Conclusions: SBP and PP were significantly higher in middle-aged patients with T1DM with long duration than their control counterparts. The presence of HTN was significantly more common in T1DM. Although treated according to the current recommendations, the control of BP was far from effective. These results show the need for constant screening of patients with T1DM for HTN and other risk factors and for more aggressive antihypertensive treatment to prevent future CVD events

    The integrated effect on properties and composition of high-paraffin oil sludge

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    The study is devoted to the integrated effect of acoustic treatment and addition of an inhibitor on viscosity-temperature properties and n-alkane composition in high-paraffin oil sludge. Ultrasonic treatment for 1 minute and addition of the inhibitor at the concentration of 0.05% wt. decrease viscosity by 10 times and pour point by 8°С