11 research outputs found

    Incorporació de petites seqüències de cinema comercial en l'ensenyament de la toxicologia

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352El Grup d’Innovació Docent en Toxicologia “Orfila”, amb el propòsit de millorar la comprensió de determinats conceptes, està assajant la integració de petites seqüències de cinema comercial en el desenvolupament de les classes presencials. La manifestació dramàtica d’un fet real permet als estudiants relacionar-se amb la situació clínica i assimilar més fàcilment els nous conceptes, així, el llenguatge audiovisual subministra estímuls afectius i permet reforçar el coneixement a través de les emocions. Per tant, les petites seqüències poden utilitzar-se en un moment determinat com un instrument de transmissió del coneixement per a la millora de la comprensió d’alguns conceptes. Cal doncs, detectar en quins punts dels temes del programa de Toxicologia és més adient i efectiva la utilització d’aquest recurs didàctic

    ORFILA - Grup d'Innovació Docent en Toxicologia

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/4335

    Recomendaciones de expertos sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hepatitis C crónica en el medio penitenciario Expert recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection in the prison setting

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    La prevalencia de la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) en las prisiones españolas es muy elevada (38,5%). Las características de los pacientes infectados, especialmente la elevada coinfección con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), hacen probable que la morbilidad y mortalidad producida por enfermedad hepática grave secundaria a esta infección aumente de forma considerable en los próximos años. Un grupo de expertos multidisciplinar con experiencia con pacientes internados en prisiones españolas ha sido invitado a establecer una serie de recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hepatitis C en las prisiones españolas.The prevalence of HCV infection in Spanish prisons is very high (38.5%). The characteristics of the infected patients, particularly the high rate of HIV coinfection, makes it very likely that the morbidity and mortality produced by serious liver disease secondary to this infection will increase considerably in the coming years. A group of Spanish experts with experience in patients who are inmates has been invited to establish a series of recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection in Spanish prisons

    Incorporació de petites seqüències de cinema comercial en l'ensenyament de la toxicologia

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352El Grup d’Innovació Docent en Toxicologia “Orfila”, amb el propòsit de millorar la comprensió de determinats conceptes, està assajant la integració de petites seqüències de cinema comercial en el desenvolupament de les classes presencials. La manifestació dramàtica d’un fet real permet als estudiants relacionar-se amb la situació clínica i assimilar més fàcilment els nous conceptes, així, el llenguatge audiovisual subministra estímuls afectius i permet reforçar el coneixement a través de les emocions. Per tant, les petites seqüències poden utilitzar-se en un moment determinat com un instrument de transmissió del coneixement per a la millora de la comprensió d’alguns conceptes. Cal doncs, detectar en quins punts dels temes del programa de Toxicologia és més adient i efectiva la utilització d’aquest recurs didàctic

    ORFILA - Grup d'Innovació Docent en Toxicologia

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/4335

    Assessment of two complementary influenza surveillance systems : Sentinel primary care influenza-like illness versus severe hospitalized laboratory-confirmed influenza using the moving epidemic method

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    Monitoring seasonal influenza epidemics is the corner stone to epidemiological surveillance of acute respiratory virus infections worldwide. This work aims to compare two sentinel surveillance systems within the Daily Acute Respiratory Infection Information System of Catalonia (PIDIRAC), the primary care ILI and Influenza confirmed samples from primary care (PIDIRAC-ILI and PIDIRAC-FLU) and the severe hospitalized laboratory confirmed influenza system (SHLCI), in regard to how they behave in the forecasting of epidemic onset and severity allowing for healthcare preparedness. Epidemiological study carried out during seven influenza seasons (2010-2017) in Catalonia, with data from influenza sentinel surveillance of primary care physicians reporting ILI along with laboratory confirmation of influenza from systematic sampling of ILI cases and 12 hospitals that provided data on severe hospitalized cases with laboratory-confirmed influenza (SHLCI-FLU). Epidemic thresholds for ILI and SHLCI-FLU (overall) as well as influenza A (SHLCI-FLUA) and influenza B (SHLCI-FLUB) incidence rates were assessed by the Moving Epidemics Method. Epidemic thresholds for primary care sentinel surveillance influenza-like illness (PIDIRAC-ILI) incidence rates ranged from 83.65 to 503.92 per 100.000 h. Paired incidence rate curves for SHLCI-FLU/PIDIRAC-ILI and SHLCI-FLUA/PIDIRAC-FLUA showed best correlation index' (0.805 and 0.724 respectively). Assessing delay in reaching epidemic level, PIDIRAC-ILI source forecasts an average of 1.6 weeks before the rest of sources paired. Differences are higher when SHLCI cases are paired to PIDIRAC-ILI and PIDIRAC-FLUB although statistical significance was observed only for SHLCI-FLU/PIDIRAC-ILI (p-value Wilcoxon test = 0.039). The combined ILI and confirmed influenza from primary care along with the severe hospitalized laboratory confirmed influenza data from PIDIRAC sentinel surveillance system provides timely and accurate syndromic and virological surveillance of influenza from the community level to hospitalization of severe cases

    Particle number and mass exposure concentrations by commuter transport modes in Milan, Italy

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    There is increasing awareness amongst the general public about exposure to atmospheric pollution while travelling in urban areas especially when taking active travelling modes such as walking and cycling. This study presents a comparative investigation of ultrafine particles (UFP), PM10, PM2.5, PM1 exposure levels associated with four transport modes (i.e., walking, cycling, car, and subway) in the city of Milan measured by means of portable instruments. Significant differences in particle exposure between transport modes were found. The subway mode was characterized by the highest PM mass concentrations: PM10, PM2.5, PM1 subway levels were respectively about 2-4-3 times higher than those of the car and open air active modes (i.e. cycling and walking). Conversely, these latter modes displayed the highest UFP levels about 2 to 3 times higher than the subway and car modes, highlighting the influence of direct traffic emissions. The car mode (closed windows, air conditioning and air recirculation on) reported the lowest PM and UFP concentration levels. In particular, the open-air/car average concentration ratio varied from about 2 for UFP up to 4 for PM1 and 6 for PM10 and PM2.5, showing differences that increase with increasing particle size. This work points out that active mode travelling in Milan city centre in summertime results in higher exposure levels than the car mode. Walkers’ and cyclists’ exposure levels is expected to be even higher during wintertime, due to the higher ambient PM and UFP concentration. Interventions intended to re-design the urban mobility should therefore include dedicated routes in order to limit their exposure to PM and UFP by increasing their distance from road traffic

    Metabarcoding techniques for assessing biodiversity of marine animal forests

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    The “marine animal forests” are among the most diverse ecosystems in the Biosphere. However, exhaustive biodiversity assessment of these communities has been so far elusive. The real extent of biodiversity and its temporal and spatial variability patterns remain unknown for most animal forests, mainly due to the inability of traditional taxonomy methods to cope with such degree of diversity and structural complexity. The development of metabarcoding techniques has revolutionized biomonitoring. Using this approach, thousands of species present in any environmental sample can be detected by high-throughput DNA sequencing and identified using public databases. Though initially limited to homogeneous substrates such as plankton or sediments, the applications of metabarcoding have been recently extended to communities on heterogeneous complex hard bottom substrates. Here we present novel metabarcoding protocols, based on the use of short fragments of 18S rRNA or cytochrome c oxidase I genes as genetic markers. We aim to develop methods for robust, reproducible eukaryotic biodiversity assessment of structurally complex communities such as marine animal forests, allowing characterization of communities living on hard-bottom substrates or other marine benthic ecosystems. We propose some guidelines focusing on sampling techniques, sample preprocessing, DNA extraction, selection of genetic markers, and bioinformatic pipelines, including steps such as sequence filtering (removal of low quality reads), clustering algorithms for delimiting molecular operational taxonomic units, and automated taxonomic assignment using reference databases. We expect these recommendations will help marine ecologists to become familiar with the paradigm shift that metabarcoding represents in the way marine ecosystems will be monitored and managed in the next future

    Pharmacological treatment of asthma in a cohort of adults during a 20-year period: results from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey I, II and III

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    Asthma often remains uncontrolled, despite the fact that the pharmacological treatment has undergone large changes. We studied changes in the treatment of asthma over a 20-year period and identified factors associated with the regular use of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) treatment. Changes in the use of medication were determined in 4617 randomly selected subjects, while changes in adults with persistent asthma were analysed in 369 participants. The study compares data from three surveys in 24 centres in 11 countries. The use of ICSs increased from 1.7% to 5.9% in the general population and the regular use of ICSs increased from 19% to 34% among persistent asthmatic subjects. The proportion of asthmatic subjects reporting asthma attacks in the last 12 months decreased, while the proportion that had seen a doctor in the last 12 months remained unchanged (42%). Subjects with asthma who had experienced attacks or had seen a doctor were more likely to use ICSs on a regular basis. Although ICS use has increased, only one-third of subjects with persistent asthma take ICSs on a regular basis. Less than half had seen a doctor during the last year. This indicates that underuse of ICSs and lack of regular healthcare contacts remains a problem in the management of asthma