121 research outputs found

    Assessment of Pyrometallurgical Scheme Options of Red Mud and Scale Co-processing

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    The analysis of various options for the use of alumina production wastes (red mud) and oiled scale using various methods of agglomeration to produce conditioned commercial iron is presented. Co-processing utilization of red mud and oiled scale allows to obtain raw materials with an iron content of more than 50%, which meets the modern requirements for charge materials for use in the blast furnace process. The calculation analysis carried out using a mathematical model of blast furnace process, allowed to determine the optimal proportion of the iron-containing material for the partial replacement of charge materials without reducing the technical and economic indicators of blast furnace smelting. Keywords: Bayer process, red mud, oiled scale, mathematical model, blast furnace process, metallurgical properties, complex utilizatio

    Typesis of key abilities of the enterprise

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    Modern conditions of functioning of industrial enterprises are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and dynamism of the external environment, increased competition in domestic and foreign markets, which determines the need to search for new approaches to forming the competitive advantages of the enterprise. In the conditions of unpredictable and chaotically changing external environment, the enterprise’s task is to timely respond to such changes. However, it is impossible to foresee the changes that occur daily on the external and internal markets, in a competitive environment, among partners and counterparties, changes associated with the emergence of new technology, products and technologies, and even more so in time to react to them through strategic and tactical changes. This forces enterprises to look for the basis for forming competitive advantages in the internal environment, based on available resources, capabilities and competencies. Configurations of such assets create stable business attributes that are difficult to copy and inherit from competitors and create the basis for the formation of the company’s competitive advantages — the key capabilities of the enterprise. Competitive advantages based on key capabilities are sustainable, long-term and difficult to copy. The article explores the types of capabilities of the enterprise depending on the characteristics of the subject area, which allowed to form a typification of the capabilities of the enterprise. This typification serves as the basis for identifying and analyzing capabilities, their consolidation and reconfiguration in order to ensure the competitive advantages of the enterprise. Provision of competitive advantages of the enterprise based on the formation and development of its key capabilities is possible due to the identification of key business attributes, the consolidation and reconfiguration of which will allow to form the key capabilities of the enterprise and transform them into competitive advantages

    Blood Flow Modelling of Linear and Sequential Bypass Coronal Vessels of the Heart

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    Abstract The paper presents results of blood flow parameters numerical simulation in the coronal vessels of the left coronary artery. Described mathematical model characterizing the hemodynamics of the coronary artery blood vessels allows the simulation of blood flow parameters changes in the coronal vessels subjected to bypass surgery. On the basis of this model blood flow parameters of linear and sequential bypasses types were calculated and compared

    Pionic Degrees of Freedom in Atomic Nuclei and Quasielastic Knockout of Pions by High-Energy Electrons

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    The nonlinear model of pionic condensate in nuclei by G. Preparata can be efficiently verified by investigation of the quasielastic knockout process of pions out of nuclei by high energy electrons. First, a momentum distribution (MD) of the collective pions has a bright maximum at q=0.3 Gev.Second the excitation spectrum of a recoil nucleus is concentrated at low energies E lesser than 1MeV. The results for the pion knockout from mesonic clouds of individual nucleons are absolutely different. The latter results are presented both for pion and rho-meson clouds localized on nucleons.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Innovational methods of development of intellectual labor for economy’s security

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    The notion “development of intellectual labor for the purpose of economy’s security” is viewed as development of society’s intellectual potential that includes the protected socio-economic information, developed by a person or a group of persons. The social factors that reduce economic security and their consequences in economy are given, namely: negative dynamics of implementing new progressive technologies into production, insufficient coordination of work in the sphere of innovational development, etc. The forms of intellectual development of human resources (intellectual development of personality, control over intellectual information) are offered, which bring the country’s economy to competitiveness and security. The traditional and innovational methods of intellectual labor development are studied (studying in universities and colleges, increase of personnel’s qualification in view of academic degrees (Ph.D., doctor of economics), as well as receipt of economic information through Internet resources, scientific publication, statistical information, etc.), as well as the methods of development of IT services and methods of prevention of intellectual diversions and violation of information confidentiality. It is offered to implement the program of equal initial possibilities for intellectual development of human resources in view of access to higher education, creative activities, as well as legal protection for everyone, etc. Analysis of implementation of innovational methods of intellectual labor development supposes planning activities in view of development of intellectual labor for the purpose of the region’s economy’s security.peer-reviewe

    Assessing cytokine status of patients with chronic endometritis combined with endometrial hyperplastic processes in reproductive period

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    The goal of our study was to examine local and serum cytokine level involved in regulating inflammation in patients with chronic endometritis combined with endometrial hyperplastic processes. On admission, all patients underwent hysteroscopy with separate diagnostic curettage followed by histological examination of samples isolated from the uterine and cervical canal mucosa. Such manipulations were indicated due to abnormal uterine bleeding as well as suspected endometrial pathology based on ultrasound examination. According to the histological examination data of the endometrial samples, all patients were divided into two groups: group I contained 45 women with CE combined with PEG without atypia; group II — 38 patients with morphologically verified CEE combined with AEG without atypia. Level of IL-1P, IL-2, IL-6, IFNy, TNFa in biological fluids (aspirate from the uterus; serum) was measured by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that in both groups (91.1% and 89.6%, respectively) the vast majority of patients was hospitalized due to abnormal uterine bleeding. Oligomenorrhea alternated with intermenstrual bleeding (66.7% and 71.2%, respectively) and dominated in pattern of menstrual cycle disorders in the examined patients, whereas 11 (24.4%) and 7 (18.4%) patients from group I and II, respectively, were noted to suffer from severe menstrual bleeding. Overall, analyzing the data on cytokine level both in the uterine aspirate and serum evidences about ongoing inflammatory process found at examination time point. Upon that, such process was not only local, but also exhibited signs of a systemic inflammatory response. The data on cytokine level in the uterine aspirate from patients with CE coupled to PGE or CGE without atypia point at local inflammatory process characterized by significantly increased concentration of IL-ф, IL-2, IL-6, TNFa and IFNy. At the same time, higher level of IL-ф and IFNy in patients from group II might indicates that degree of morphological changes in the endometrium could affect the level of local cytokine production. Thus, the data obtained evidence that immune changes in chronic endometritis combined with non-atypical endometrial hyperplastic processes mostly occur locally. In this regard, measuring cytokine concentration in the uterine aspirate is a diagnostic predictor and serves as a sign for monitoring therapeutic effectiveness of therapy in this cohort of patients


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    The research objective had been to evaluate the autonomic status in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients and to identify its lipid metabolism interaction. Patients and methods. During the research process 40patients had been examined who received continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The autonomic status was studied using the questionnaire (A.N. Wayne test) and sympathetic skin response (SSR) by electroneuromyograph «Neuro–MEP–4». 20 conventionally healthy individuals formed the control group matched according to age and sex. Results. Obtained questionnaire data showed clinical symptoms of autonomic dysfunction in 37 cases among 40 (92,5%) PD patients. Analysis of the correlation level of autonomic disorders with lipid metabolism showed a significant dependence with the concentration of high density lipoprotein (HDL) (p=–0,43;p=0,01), low density lipoprotein (LDL) (p=0,55; p=0,001) and atherogenic index. Also a comparative analysis of the main CSAP PD patients’ indicators and conditionally healthy individuals showed a statistically significant decrease in the amplitudes of the first and second phases of SSR. Also SSR results analysis in conjunction with the autonomic disorders clinical implications afforded the ground for the lower extremities polyneuropathy diagnosis in 18 cases among 25 (72%) patients. Moreover, the study of lipid profile showed the correlation of total cholesterol (TC) with all studied SSR parameters: A1 (r=0,64; p=0,0006), A2 (r=0,79; p<0,0001), latent period (LP) (r=–0,45; p=0,04). Conclusions. The autonomic status of CAPD patients is characterized by low level of vegetative regulation total power and the imbalance of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences in comparison with conventionally healthy individuals and it is correlated with lipid spectrum


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    From the results of reduction smelting of agglomerated cakes from leaching mixtures of greasy mill scale (GMS) with 75 and 100 % of red mud (RM) and fired pellets made from these agglomerated cakes, the possibility of selective separation of Fe, P and Ga in pig iron, and Al2O3, TiO2, Sc2O3 – in slag suitable for cement production has been established. We found that, depending on the melt holding period (20–60 min at temperature of 1620 °C), the following elements (in %): 98 Fe, 22–66 Si, 1 S, 99 P, 11–20 Ti, 98–99 Ga pass into pig iron. The compounds (in %): 95–99 Al2O3, 55–65 SiO2, 88–90 TiO2, 98–99 Sc2O3 are concentratedin the slag. The process flow diagram of GMS and RM joint utilization has been developed.По результатам проведенных восстановительных плавок кеков от выщелачивания смесей замасленной прокатной окалины (ЗПО) с 75 и 100 % красного шлама (КШ) и обожженных окатышей, приготовленных из этих кеков, установлена возможность селективного разделения компонентов исходных материалов с концентрированием Fe, P и Ga в чугуне, а Al2O3, TiO2, Sc2О3 – в шлаке, пригодном для производства цемента. Показано, что в зависимости от продолжительности выдержки расплавов (20–60 мин при температуре 1620 °С) в чугун переходят, %: 98 Fe, 22–66 Si, 1 S, 99 P, 11–20 Ti, 98–99 Ga.В шлаке концентрируются, %: 95–99 Al2O3, 55–65 SiO2, 88–90 TiO2, 98–99 Sc2О3. Разработана технологическая схема совместной утилизации ЗПО и КШ

    Immunological substantiation of complex therapy in patients with mild HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Introduction. As is known, the development of invasive cervical cancer is preceded by cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of varying severity, which is a pathological process in which cells with varying degrees of atypia and impaired differentiation appear in the thickness of the stratified squamous epithelium of the cervix.Objective. To study the  effect of  complex therapy in  patients with mild HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia on the dynamics of local cytokine status and autoimmunity parameters.Materials and methods. The study included 86 patients aged 35 to 40 years with morphologically verified mild cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. The main group consisted of 52 patients who, along with radio wave destruction of the cervix, were prescribed an immunostimulating drug with antiviral activity “Groprinosin-Richter” 1000 mg 3 times a day for 10 days 10–14 days before destruction and similar 2 courses after 10–14 days after it. The comparison group included 34 patients who underwent only radio wave destruction of the cervix.Results. An analysis of the outcomes of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions after 6 months showed that in the main group, CIN I regression was observed in 92.3% of patients, persistence – in 7.7% of cases, while in the comparison group, CIN I regression was noted in 73,5% of cases, persistence – in 26.5% of patients.Conclusions. Conducting complex therapy, including radio wave destruction and the use of a drug with immunostimulating and antiviral activity “Groprinosin-Richter” in  patients with low-grade HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, leads to the elimination of the initial imbalance of cytokines and normalization of autoantibody levels, helping to reduce the likelihood of HPV persistence and CIN progression to invasive cervical cancer uterus