284 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional bulk band dispersion in polar BiTeI with giant Rashba-type spin splitting

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    In layered polar semiconductor BiTeI, giant Rashba-type spin-split band dispersions show up due to the crystal structure asymmetry and the strong spin-orbit interaction. Here we investigate the 3-dimensional (3D) bulk band structures of BiTeI using the bulk-sensitive hνh\nu-dependent soft x-ray angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES). The obtained band structure is shown to be well reproducible by the first-principles calculations, with huge spin splittings of 300{\sim}300 meV at the conduction-band-minimum and valence-band-maximum located in the kz=π/ck_z=\pi/c plane. It provides the first direct experimental evidence of the 3D Rashba-type spin splitting in a bulk compound.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Consequences of Kaizen Practices in MSMEs in the Philippines: The Case of the Manufacturing Productivity Extension Program (MPEX)

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    The Manufacturing Productivity Extension Program (MPEX) is a fully subsidized public-instigated productivity improvement program directed toward the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) sector. While not advertised and packaged as a Kaizen initiative, it has all the elements of the Kaizen philosophy. Based on survey responses from 64 MPEX beneficiaries and 47 non-MPEX beneficiaries, the study showed that MPEX increased the number of product lines implying that Kaizen practice leads to product innovation among firms. Due to data and confounding issues, significant difference in productivity in terms of number of workers and sales per worker was not established. Firm asset size was implied to influence the capability to implement Kaizen. Regulatory compliance and customer demand requirements and entrepreneurial capacity are catalysts for enabling, adopting, and sustaining Kaizen implementation

    Studies on conjugation of Spirogyra using monoclonal culture

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    We succeeded in inducing conjugation of Spirogyracastanacea by incubating algal filaments on agar plate. Conjugation could be induced using clone culture. The scalariform conjugation was generally observed, while lateral conjugation was rarely. When two filaments formed scalariform conjugation, all cells of one filament behaved as male and those of other filament did as female. Very rarely, however, zygospores were formed in both of pair filaments. The surface of conjugation tube was stained with fluorescently labeled-lectins, such as Bandeiraea (Griffonia) simplicifolia lectin (BSL-I) and jacalin. BSL-I strongly stained the conjugation tubes, while weakly did the cell surface of female gamete first and then that of male gamete. Jacalin stained mainly the conjugation tubes. Addition of jacalin inhibited the formation of papilla, suggesting some important role of jacalin-binding material at the initial step of formation of the conjugation tubes

    Choriocarcinoma in a 73-year-old woman: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant tumor of trophoblastic origin. Most cases present within one year of the antecedent pregnancy (molar or non-molar). However, very rarely, choriocarcinoma can develop from germ cells or from dedifferentiation of endometrial carcinoma into choriocarcinoma. This article concerns a case of choriocarcinoma developing 38 years after the patient's last pregnancy and 23 years after menopause.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 73-year-old African-American woman presented with a three-week history of vaginal bleeding. A vaginal mass was seen on pelvic examination. Ultrasonography showed a thickened complex endometrial echo. Her β-human chorionic gonadotrophin level was found to be elevated (2,704,040 mIU/mL). Vaginal and uterine biopsies were suggestive of choriocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry tests were positive for β-human chorionic gonadotrophin as well as cytokeratin and negative for octamer binding transcription factor 3/4 and α-fetoprotein, supporting the diagnosis of choriocarcinoma. A combination of etoposide, methotrexate, and dactinomycin, followed by cyclophosphamide and vincristine (the so-called EMA/CO regimen) was initiated. After seven cycles of chemotherapy, her β-human chorionic gonadotrophin level dropped below 5 mIU/mL. Our patient is being followed up at our oncology institute.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We report an extremely rare case of choriocarcinoma arising 23 years after menopause. A postmenopausal woman presenting with vaginal bleed from a mass and β-human chorionic gonadotrophin elevation should be evaluated by immunohistochemical analysis to rule out the possibilities of a germ cell origin of the tumor or dedifferentiation of an epithelial tumor. Absence of octamer binding transcription factor 3/4, α-fetoprotein and CD-30 staining helps in exclusion of most germ cell tumors. DNA polymorphism studies can be used to differentiate between gestational and non-gestational tumor origin. These require fresh tissue samples and are time consuming. Finally, the effective first-line therapy for β-human chorionic gonadotrophin-producing high-risk gestational as well as non-gestational trophoblastic tumors is combination chemotherapy (the EMA/CO regimen). Therefore, treatment should be commenced when a potential diagnosis of metastatic trophoblastic tumor is being considered.</p

    Locally applied Simvastatin improves fracture healing in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, statins, are widely prescribed to lower cholesterol. High doses of orally administered simvastatin has previously been shown to improve fracture healing in a mouse femur fracture model. In this study, simvastatin was administered either subcutaneously or directly to the fracture area, with the goal of stimulating fracture repair at acceptable doses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Femur fractures were produced in 70 mature male Balb-C mice and stabilized with marrow-nailing. Three experiments were performed. Firstly, 20 mice received subcutaneous injections of either simvastatin (20 mg) or vehicle. Secondly, 30 mice were divided into three groups of 10 mice receiving continuous subcutaneous delivery of the vehicle substance, the vehicle with 5 mg or with 10 mg of simvastatin per kg bodyweight per day. Finally, in 20 mice, a silicone tube was led from an osmotic mini-pump to the fracture area. In this way, 10 mice received an approximate local dose of simvastatin of 0.1 mg per kg per day for the duration of the experiment and 10 mice received the vehicle compound. All treatments lasted until the end of the experiment. Bilateral femurs were harvested 14 days post-operative. Biomechanical tests were performed by way of three-point bending. Data was analysed with ANOVA, Scheffé's post-hoc test and Student's unpaired t-test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>With daily simvastatin injections, no effects could be demonstrated for any of the parameters examined. Continuous systemic delivery resulted in a 160% larger force at failure. Continuous local delivery of simvastatin resulted in a 170% larger force at failure as well as a twofold larger energy uptake.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study found a dramatic positive effect on biomechanical parameters of fracture healing by simvastatin treatment directly applied to the fracture area.</p

    BCL10 is rarely mutated in human prostate carcinoma, small-cell lung cancer, head and neck tumours, renal carcinoma and sarcomas

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    We have used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to screen for mutations in the BCL 10 gene in 81 primary prostate carcinomas, 20 squamous cell cancers of the head and neck, 15 small-cell lung cancer cell lines, 24 renal carcinoma cell lines and 13 sarcoma cell lines. We failed to find evidence of somatically acquired mutations of the BCL10 gene suggesting that BCL 10 does not play a major role in the development of these malignancies

    Timing of embryonic quiescence determines viability of embryos from the calanoid copepod, Acartia tonsa (Dana)

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    <div><p>Like 41 other calanoid copepods, <i>Acartia tonsa</i>, are capable of inducing embryonic quiescence when experiencing unfavorable environmental conditions. The ecdysone-signaling cascade is known to have a key function in developmental processes like embryogenesis and molting of arthropods, including copepods. We examined the role of <i>ecdysteroid-phosphate phosphatase</i> (<i>EPPase</i>), <i>ecdysone receptor</i> (<i>EcR</i>), <i>ß fushi tarazu transcription factor 1</i> (<i>ßFTZ-F1</i>), and the <i>ecdysteroid-regulated early gene E74</i> (<i>E74</i>), which represent different levels of the ecdysone-signaling cascade in our calanoid model organism. Progression of embryogenesis was monitored and hatching success determined to evaluate viability. Embryos that were induced quiescence before the gastrulation stage would stay in gastrulation during the rest of quiescence and exhibited a slower pace of hatching as compared to subitaneous embryos. In contrast, embryos developed further than gastrulation would stay in gastrulation or later stages during quiescence and showed a rapid pace in hatching after quiescence termination. Expression patterns suggested two peaks of the biological active ecdysteroids, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). The first peak of 20E was expressed in concert with the beginning of embryogenesis originating from yolk-conjugated ecdysteroids, based on <i>EPPase</i> expression. The second peak is suggested to originate from <i>de novo</i> synthesized 20E around the limb bud stage. During quiescence, the expression patterns of <i>EPPase</i>, <i>EcR</i>, <i>ßFTZ-F1</i>, and <i>E74</i> were either decreasing or not changing over time. This suggests that the ecdysone-signaling pathway play a key role in the subitaneous development of <i>A</i>. <i>tonsa</i> embryogenesis, but not during quiescence. The observation is of profound ecological and practical relevance for the dynamics of egg banks.</p></div

    Mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor gene are linked to smoking-independent, lung adenocarcinoma

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations are a potential predictor of the effectiveness of EGFR inhibitors for the treatment of lung cancer. Although EGFR mutations were reported to occur with high frequency in nonsmoking Japanese adenocarcinoma patients, the exact nature has not been fully elucidated. We examined EGFR gene mutations within exons 18–21 and their correlations to clinico-pathological factors and other genetic alterations in tumour specimens from 154 patients who underwent resection for lung cancer at Kyoto University Hospital. Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations were observed in 60 tumours (39.0%), all of which were adenocarcinoma. Among the patients with adenocarcinoma (n=108), EGFR mutations were more frequently observed in nonsmokers than former smokers or current smokers (83.0, 50.0, 15.2%, respectively), in women than men (76.3 vs 34.0%), in tumours with bronchio-alveolar component than those without bronchio-alveolar component (78.9 vs 42.9%), and in well or moderately differentiated tumours than poorly differentiated tumours (72.0, 64.4, 34.2%). No tumours with EGFR mutations had any K-ras codon 12 mutations, which were well-known smoking-related gene mutations. In conclusion, adenocarcinomas with EGFR mutation had a distinctive clinico-pathological feature unrelated to smoking. Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations may play a key role in the development of smoking-independent adenocarcinoma

    Novel Protocol for the Chemical Synthesis of Crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone Analogues — An Efficient Experimental Tool for Studying Their Functions

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    The crustacean Hyperglycemic Hormone (cHH) is present in many decapods in different isoforms, whose specific biological functions are still poorly understood. Here we report on the first chemical synthesis of three distinct isoforms of the cHH of Astacus leptodactylus carried out by solid phase peptide synthesis coupled to native chemical ligation. The synthetic 72 amino acid long peptide amides, containing L- or D-Phe3 and (Glp1, D-Phe3) were tested for their biological activity by means of homologous in vivo bioassays. The hyperglycemic activity of the D-isoforms was significantly higher than that of the L-isoform, while the presence of the N-terminal Glp residue had no influence on the peptide activity. The results show that the presence of D-Phe3 modifies the cHH functionality, contributing to the diversification of the hormone pool