3,578 research outputs found

    Nature-inspired Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Side Lobe Suppression in a Symmetric Linear Antenna Array

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    In this paper, we proposed a newly modified cuckoo search (MCS) algorithm integrated with the Roulette wheel selection operator and the inertia weight controlling the search ability towards synthesizing symmetric linear array geometry with minimum side lobe level (SLL) and/or nulls control. The basic cuckoo search (CS) algorithm is primarily based on the natural obligate brood parasitic behavior of some cuckoo species in combination with the Levy flight behavior of some birds and fruit flies. The CS metaheuristic approach is straightforward and capable of solving effectively general N-dimensional, linear and nonlinear optimization problems. The array geometry synthesis is first formulated as an optimization problem with the goal of SLL suppression and/or null prescribed placement in certain directions, and then solved by the newly MCS algorithm for the optimum element or isotropic radiator locations in the azimuth-plane or xy-plane. The study also focuses on the four internal parameters of MCS algorithm specifically on their implicit effects in the array synthesis. The optimal inter-element spacing solutions obtained by the MCS-optimizer are validated through comparisons with the standard CS-optimizer and the conventional array within the uniform and the Dolph-Chebyshev envelope patterns using MATLABTM. Finally, we also compared the fine-tuned MCS algorithm with two popular evolutionary algorithm (EA) techniques include particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithms (GA)

    Persepsi Jurnalis Dan Praktisi Humas Terhadap Nilai Berita

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    Jurnalis dan praktisi Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) mempunyai hubungan dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya. Jurnalis membutuhkan informasi dari praktisi Humas dan praktisi Humas membutuhkan jurnalis untuk memberitakan informasinya. Oleh karena itu, keduanya membutuhkan persepsi yang sama dalam melihat nilai berita guna menjalankan fungsinya. Survey dilakukan untuk melihat perbedaan pendapat terkait nilai berita antara jurnalis dan praktisi Humas dan perbedaan karakteristik demografi yang menyebabkan perbedaan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan yang substansial dalam melihat nilai berita di antara mereka. Tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh karakter demografi , tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh fakta, ketertarikan akan berita, dan informasi yang rinci untuk mengkonstruksi berita

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap USAha Mikro, Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Di Kota Pekanbaru Dalam Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asen (Mea)

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    When the ASEAN economy opens, the flow of trade in goods and services, investment and labor migration among ASEAN countries are no longer being obstacles. This will provide an opportunity and a challenge for the economic development of all countries that are involved, including Indonesia. Sustainment and competitiveness of UMKM in Indonesia are priorities in the implementation of MEA 2015. This is because UMKM is one of the central points of unemployment and poverty alleviation as well country's economy. UMKM sustains economic system of a particular area of the city specifically Pekanbaru. Based on this phenomenon, it is expected that the government plan efforts and strategies to provide protection for UMKM, particularly legal protection. The aim is to provide a sense of security, both in mind and physical from harassment and various threats to UMKM stakeholders in Pekanbaru to face MEA 2015

    In re Harrods Ltd.: The Brussels Convention and the Proper Application of Forum Non Conveniens to Non-Contracting States

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    Although the doctrine of forum non conveniens is unknown in Continental legal systems, Community law does not prevent English courts from preserving their discretion to stay proceedings, in conflicts involving a defendant domiciliary, in favor of more appropriate courts in a non-Contracting State. Where the provisions of the Brussels Convention do not address a legal question, the answer must be sought in the objectives and scheme of the Convention. The English Court of Appeals in Harrods properly understood that Community law does not require ritualistic reliance on the Convention\u27s jurisdiction conferring provisions in cases involving a defendant domiciled in a Contracting State and the jurisdiction of a court in a non-Contracting State

    A Study on Impulsive Buying Behaviour in Online Shopping

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    Purpose: The present study aims to provide a broad overview of impulsive buying through literature review, find stimuli that triggers Impulse buying during online shopping, analyze the influence of respondents’ demographic and psychographic factors on impulsive buying and to construct and validate regression model.   Theoretical framework: The study extensively reviewed available literature pertaining to various theories affecting consumer while purchasing goods online and offline. It largely conforms to the existing models of consumer behavior such as learning model (peer influence per se), psychoanalytical model (Eg:  mood upliftment) and economic model (like seeking discounts and offers). It also embraces Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy (Ready to Eat products (RTE) were found to be bought most impulsively).     Design/methodology/approach: The study has been taken up in select locations of Bangalore City, India, which is a hub for different types of e-commerce players and large consumer base with diverse background. The present study used both primary and secondary data. A structured questionnaire was administered online as well as in person with target respondents in select locations of Bangalore following area sampling method.  A total of 600 respondents were contacted and complete information was obtained from 171 respondents during 2021-22. Qualitative analysis has been done from the responses captured through open ended questions in the instrument.   Findings: Results show significant association between income and impulsive buying, different categories of products and tendency for impulsive buying, and Discount and offers are found to be most significant factors driving impulsive buying online along with tendency to buy online for mood upliftment and an urge to gratify the needs instantly.  The model predicts impulsive buying with adjusted R2 value of .671 which is statistically significant.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study leaves major implications for the marketers as well as the consumers, apart from enriching the existing body of knowledge. Discounts become imperative for the marketers to drive sales and revenues which is not going to be a sustainable phenomenon. Customers get overused to discounts and churn when the discounts cease to exist. It may even prompt the marketers to portray that they are offering discounts, which may be fake and illusive, and finally would deceive the consumers.   Originality/value: The model predicts impulsive buying with adjusted R2 value of .671 which is statistically significant

    Effect of intramuscular tramadol hydrochloride as a labor analgesic in primagravidae

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    Background: Labour pain is among the most severe pain experienced by women. The need for analgesia to overcome pain in labour is highly requested by women today. In developing nations where availability of facilities is the main limiting factor, intramuscular opioids can be considered.Methods: This study was conducted in teaching. 200 low risk primigravidae who fulfilled the selection criteria with full-term pregnancy with vertex presentation with good uterine contractions and already in active phase of labour were given 100 mg tramadol hydrochloride intramuscularly.Results: 200 primigravidae before giving the drug, no patient had grade-I or no pain, 19% had grade-III and 81% had grade-IV pain. After administration of tramadol hydrochloride IM there was reduction of pain from grade-III and grade IV by 52.49% and all of the patients continued with grade-II pain in 2nd stage and delivered normally and only 6 women had minimal side effects like nausea and vomiting.Conclusions: In low risk primigravidae, IM tramadol hydrochloride appears to be effective with minimal side effects. Hence, in developing nations, where availability of facilities is the main limiting factor, IM opioids can be considered as suitable alternatives

    Energy Efficient Approach for Collision Avoidance in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the main challenges in the wireless sensor network is to improve the performance of the network by extending the lifetime of the sensor nodes. Excessive packet collisions lead to packet losses and retransmissions, resulting in significant overhead costs and latency which in turn makes a need to design a distributed and scalable time slot allocation. A new proposal is proposed which avoids collisions between packets and also provides increased energy efficiency and further prolong network lifetime, in wireless sensor network