411 research outputs found

    The Atp-dependent Rna Helicase Hrpb Plays An Important Role In Motility And Biofilm Formation In Xanthomonas Citri Subsp. Citri

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    Background: RNA helicases are enzymes that catalyze the separation of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) using the free energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis. DEAD/DEAH families participate in many different aspects of RNA metabolism, including RNA synthesis, RNA folding, RNA-RNA interactions, RNA localization and RNA degradation. Several important bacterial DEAD/DEAH-box RNA helicases have been extensively studied. In this study, we characterize the ATP-dependent RNA helicase encoded by the hrpB (XAC0293) gene using deletion and genetic complementation assays. We provide insights into the function of the hrpB gene in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri by investigating the roles of hrpB in biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and host leaves, cell motility, host virulence of the citrus canker bacterium and growth in planta. Results: The hrpB gene is highly conserved in the sequenced strains of Xanthomonas. Mutation of the hrpB gene (Δ;hrpB) resulted in a significant reduction in biofilms on abiotic surfaces and host leaves. Δ;hrpB also exhibited increased cell dispersion on solid medium plates. Δ;hrpB showed reduced adhesion on biotic and abiotic surfaces and delayed development in disease symptoms when sprayed on susceptible citrus leaves. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR assays indicated that deletion of hrpB reduced the expression of four type IV pili genes. The transcriptional start site of fimA (XAC3241) was determined using rapid amplification of 5′-cDNA Ends (5′RACE). Based on the results of fimA mRNA structure predictions, the fimA 5′ UTR may contain three different loops. HrpB may be involved in alterations to the structure of fimA mRNA that promote the stability of fimA RNA. Conclusions: Our data show that hrpB is involved in adherence of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri to different surfaces. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a DEAH RNA helicase has been implicated in the regulation of type IV pili in Xanthomonas. © 2016 Granato et al.16

    The development of gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes for low temperature

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    There are several applications and fundamental research areas which require the detection of VUV light at cryogenic temperatures. For these applications we have developed and successfully tested special designs of gaseous detectors with solid photocathodes able to operate at low temperatures: sealed gaseous detectors with MgF2 windows and windowless detectors. We have experimentally demonstrated, that both primary and secondary (due to the avalanche multiplication inside liquids) scintillation lights could be recorded by photosensitive gaseous detectors. The results of this work may allow one to significantly improve the operation of some noble liquid gas TPCs.Comment: Presented at the X Vienna Conference on Instumentation, Vienna, February 200

    X‐ray Tomography Unveils the Construction Technique of Un‐Montu’s Egyptian Coffin (Early 26th Dynasty)

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    The Bologna Archaeological Museum, in cooperation with prestigious Italian universities, institutions, and independent scholars, recently began a vast investigation programme on a group of Egyptian coffins of Theban provenance dating to the first millennium BC, primarily the 25th–26th Dynasty (c. 746–525 BC). Herein, we present the results of the multidisciplinary investigation car-ried out on one of these coffins before its restoration intervention: the anthropoid wooden coffin of Un‐Montu (Inv. MCABo EG1960). The integration of radiocarbon dating, wood species identifica-tion, and CT imaging enabled a deep understanding of the coffin’s wooden structure. In particular, we discuss the results of the tomographic investigation performed in situ. The use of a transportable X‐ray facility largely reduced the risks associated with the transfer of the large object (1.80 cm tall) out of the museum without compromising image quality. Thanks to the 3D tomographic imaging, the coffin revealed the secrets of its construction technique, from the rational use of wood to the employment of canvas (incamottatura), from the use of dowels to the assembly procedure

    An optical spectroscopic and polarimetric study of the microquasar binary system SS 433

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    Aims. Our aim is to study the mass transfer, accretion environment, and wind outflows in the SS 433 system, concentrating on the so-called stationary lines.Methods. We used archival high-resolution (X-shooter) and low-resolution (EMMI) optical spectra, new optical multi-filter polarimetry, and low-resolution optical spectra (Liverpool Telescope), spanning an interval of a decade and a broad range of precessional and orbital phases, to derive the dynamical properties of the system.Results. Using optical interstellar absorption lines and H I 21 cm profiles, we derive E(B-V) = 0.86 +/- 0.10, with an upper limit of E(B-V) = 1.8 +/- 0.1 based on optical Diffuse Interstellar Bands. We obtain revised values for the ultraviolet and U band polarizations and polarization angles (PA), based on a new calibrator star at nearly the same distance as SS 433 that corrects the published measurement and yields the same PA as the optical. The polarization wavelength dependence is consistent with optical-dominating electron scattering with a Rayleigh component in U and the UV filters. No significant phase modulation was found for PA while there is significant variability in the polarization level. We fortuitously caught a flare event; no polarization changes were observed but we confirm the previously reported associated emission line variations. Studying profile modulation of multiple lines of H I, He I, O I, Na I, Si II, Ca II, Fe II with precessional and orbital phase, we derive properties for the accretion disk and present evidence for a strong disk wind, extending published results. Using transition-dependent systemic velocities, we probe the velocity gradient of the wind, and demonstrate that it is also variable on timescales unrelated to the orbit. Using the rotational velocity, around 140 +/- 20 km s(-1), a redetermined mass ratio q=0.37 +/- 0.04, and masses M-X=4.2 +/- 0.4 M-circle dot, M-A=11.3 +/- 0.6 M-circle dot, the radius of the A star fills - or slightly overfills - its Roche surface. We devote particular attention to the O I 7772 angstrom and 8446 angstrom lines, finding that they show different but related orbital and precessional modulation and there is no evidence for a circumbinary component. The spectral line profile variability can, in general, be understood with an ionization stratified outflow predicted by thermal wind modeling, modulated by different lines of sight through the disk produced by its precession. The wind can also account for an extended equatorial structure detected at long wavelength.</div

    A new concept for streamer quenching in resistive plate chambers

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    In this paper we propose a new concept for streamer quenching in Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs). In our approach, the multiplication process is quenched by the appropriate design of a mechanical structure inserted between the two resistive electrodes. We show that stable performance is achieved with binary gas mixtures based on argon and a small fraction of isobutane. Fluorocarbons, deemed responsible for the degradation of the electrode inner surface of RPC detectors, are thus fully eliminated from the gas mixture. This design {also resulted} in a simplified assembly procedure. Preliminary results obtained with a few prototypes of ``Mechanically Quenched RPCs'' and some prospects for future developments are discussed

    Composição mineral de carne ovina proveniente de três grupos genéticos.

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    Não houve efeito do grupo genético e do sexo na composição mineral da carne de ovinos, com exceção do teor de zinco. Os valores encontrados indicam que a carne ovina é fonte de potássio, fósforo e sódio

    Predicting delay factors when chipping wood at forest roadside landings

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    Chipping of bulky biomass assortments at roadside landings is a common and costly step in the biomass-to-energy supply chain. This operation normally involves one chipping unit and one or several transport trucks working together for simultaneous chipping and chip transport to a terminal or end user. Reducing the delay factors in these operations is a relevant ambition for lowering supply costs. A method to estimate organizational delay based on: (1) the capacity ratio between the transport and the chipper, (2) the use of buffer storage, and (3) the number of transport units involved is suggested here. Other delays will also be present, and some of these may relate to the working conditions at the landing. A method to set a landing functionality index based on characteristics of the forest landing is also suggested. A total of 14 roadside chipping operations were assessed and the operators were interviewed to address the impact of machinery configuration and landing characteristics on machine utilization. At most sites, the chipper was the more productive part, and the chipper utilization was to a large extent limited by organizational delay. Still the utilization of the transport units varied between 37 and 97%, of which some 36% of the variation was explained by the landing functionality index. Knowledge from the work presented here should be a good starting point for improving biomass supply planning and supply chain configuration.acceptedVersio

    Test of large area glass RPCs at the DA Phi NE Test Beam Facility (BTF)

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    Abstract The CaPiRe program has been started to develop a new detector design, in order to produce large areas of glass Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) detectors, overcoming the previous limitations. As a first step we produced our glass RPC detectors ( 1 m 2 ) at General Tecnica exploiting their standard procedures, materials and production techniques simply using 2 mm glass electrodes instead of the bakelite ones. A set of RPC was produced by using pre-coated (silk screen printed) electrodes, while others were produced with the standard graphite coating. All the detectors, together with four old Glass RPC acting as reference, were tested at the DA Φ NE Test Beam Facility with 500 MeV electrons in order to study the efficiency in different positions inside the detectors (i.e. near spacers and edges) and to study the detector behavior as a function of the local particle rate

    Study of single muons with the Large Volume Detector at Gran Sasso Laboratory

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    The present study is based on the sample of about 3 mln single muons observed by LVD at underground Gran Sasso Laboratory during 36500 live hours from June 1992 to February 1998. We have measured the muon intensity at slant depths from 3 km w.e. to 20 km w.e. Most events are high energy downward muons produced by meson decay in the atmosphere. The analysis of these muons has revealed the power index of pion and kaon spectrum: 2.76 \pm 0.05. The reminders are horizontal muons produced by the neutrino interactions in the rock surrounding LVD. The value of this flux is obtained. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations and the world data.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in "Physics of Atomic Nuclei