175 research outputs found

    Методичні та прикладні підходи ефективності землекористування в умовах податкового реформування (Methodical and applied approaches of efficiency of land-tenure are in the conditions of tax reformation)

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    Представлено дослідження економічної ефективності використання сільськогосподарських угідь України. Проаналізовано сучасний стан землекористування за допомогою показників економічної, соціальної й екологічної ефективності, основні проблеми справляння плати за землю та шляхи їх вирішення. Проведено порівняння загального та пільгового режимів оподаткування земель сільськогосподарського призначення. Запропоновано здійснювати оподаткування земель у сільському господарстві шляхом переорієнтації податкового механізму фіскального характеру на стимульну дію. (This paper presents the economic efficiency of using agricultural land in Ukraine. Determined the current state of land use by means of indicators of economic, social and environmental performance, the main problems of paying for land and possible ways of their solution. Comparison of total and preferential tax regimes of agricultural lands.. It is established that the system of taxation of agricultural land has a fiscal nature. Proposed to implement the taxation of land in agriculture by refocusing the tax mechanism for stimulating action.


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    The article is devoted to the problems of improving the state policy in the tourist industry of the Republic of Crimea through the creation of a single information space that is currently at the initial stage of formation, the tactics and strategy of informatization of the tourism industry are determined. The article focuses attention on the fact that the use of modern information and communication technologies will increase the pace of social and economic development of the tourism industry in the Crimea, setting specific tasks for the state authorities of the republic. In conclusion of the published article it is noted that the modern model of information support of the state policy of tourism development should be developed on the basis of the integrated structure of the information management model, where information and public services are organized taking into account the interests of entrepreneurs in the tourism industry and consumer consumers

    Psychological and economical aspects of the competency approach the paradigm of higher education

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved. In the article the role of education in the modern world, contains an analysis of the psychological and economical aspects of the modern paradigm of higher education in Russia, basic education and psycho-pedagogical problems in formation of modern professionals and managers, social and psychological shape modern managers at all levels. The higher education system must address not only the direct educational objectives but also to prepare specialists capable of solving the difficult psychological and psycho-pedagogical problems in a post-industrial reality. The paper presents an analysis of the literature on the stated issues, discloses the concept of competence and expertise detailed guidelines for implementing competence-based approach in higher education

    Detection and defect correction of operating process

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    The article is devoted to the current problem of enterprise competitiveness rise in hard and competitive terms of business environment. The importance of modern equipment for detection of defects and their correction is explained. Production of chipboard is used as an object of research. Short description and main results of estimation efficiency of innovative solutions of enterprises are considered


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    The analysis of methodological basis of evaluation of performance of government programs of the Russian Federation and some of its subjects is performed. Conclusions of a large variety of actual techniques which can be conditionally combined in three groups as well as of insufficient scientific and legal arguments of actual techniques were drawn. The proposed approach in which the framework of the Association of control and accounts bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be developed and tested not more than three or four scientific methods of evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of government programs.Проведен анализ методической базы оценки эффективности выполнения государственных программ Российской Федерации и некоторых ее субъектов. Сделаны выводы о достаточно большом разнообразии существующих методик, которые условно можно объединить в три группы, а также о недостаточном научно-правовом обосновании имеющихся методик. Предложен подход, при котором в рамках ассоциации контрольно-счетных органов субъектов РФ будут разработаны и апробированы не более трех-четырех научно обоснованных методик оценки эффективности реализации государственных программ


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    The review is devoted to the influence of the hydrogen isotope–deuterium on biological models of organisms and the biological activity of pharmaceutical substances. The positions of the influence of deuterium on the properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients are examined from different perspectives. The first position reflects an increase in the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in processes involving known pharmaceutical substances in aqueous solutions with a deuterium/protium ratio (D/H) below natural. For the first time, the dose-response diagram shows the identity of deuterium with essential trace elements, when a deficiency and excess of an element reduces the organism's vitality. Improved kinetic characteristics are demonstrated for the molecular and organism levels of different hierarchical gradations. In particular, they consist in the possibility of increasing the dissolution rate of substances by influencing the carbohydrate mutarotation processes and the optical activity of chiral substances, increased accumulation of essential elements in medicinal plants and other processes associated with a possible change in metabolic pathways in the cell and the organism as a whole. The second considered position of the influence of deuterium is associated with the use of deuterated substances–new compounds or obtained by substitution of protium in known protium analogues. The KIE is presented, which is expressed in a decrease in the biotransformation rate as a result of deuteration, it allows predicting a rapid development of the new direction in the development of drugs. Having an identical therapeutic effect, deuterated analogs provide improved pharmacokinetic characteristics, such as reduced toxicity, blocked epimerization of optically active substances, and a change in the mechanisms of biotransformation. The obtained results make it possible to predict the mechanisms of the effect of deuterium on the biochemical transformations of pharmaceutical substances in the organism

    Catalog of dessins d'enfants with \le 4 edges

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    In this work all the dessins d'enfant with no more than 4 edges are listed and their Belyi pairs are computed. In order to enumerate all dessins the technique of matrix model computations was used. The total number of dessins is 134; among them 77 are spherical, 53 of genus 1 and 4 of genus 2. The orders of automorphism groups of all the dessins are also found. Dessins are listed by the number of edges. Dessins with the same number of edges are ordered lexicographically by their lists of 0-valencies. The corresponding matrix model for any list of 0-valencies is given and computed. Complex matrix models for dessins with 1 -- 3 edges are used. For the dessins with 4 edges we use Hermitian matrix model, correlators for which are computed in [1].Comment: 64 pages, 134 figure


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    Objective: To develop a set of quality control procedures for the promising antiviral pharmaceutical substance L-histidyl-1-adamantylethylamine dihydrochloride monohydrate, a derivative of rimantadine. Methods: Substances and solvents: synthesized in laboratory L-histidyl-1-adamantylethylamine dihydrochloride monohydrate (H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O), rimantadine hydrochloride (Rim•HCl), 99%, ethanol 96%, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) anhydrous, 99.8% and n-hexane anhydrous, 95%, deionized high-resistance water (18.2 MΩ•cm at 25 °C, Milli-Q system), silver nitrate. Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy–Cary 630 Fourier Transform IR Spectrometer, elemental analysis–elemental composition analyzer CHNS-O EuroEA3000, ultraviolet (UV) spectrometry–Cary-60 spectrophotometer, polarimetry–POL-1/2 polarimeter with an external Peltier module, granulometric analysis by optical microscopy (Altami BIO 2 microscope) and low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS)–Master Sizer 3600, measurement of potential for hydrogen–potentiometer PB-11, Spirotox method–the study of temperature dependences of Spirostomum ambiguum lifetime to characterize the biological activity of the studied compounds. Results: The substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O is an amorphous yellowish powder, slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, freely soluble in N, N-dimethylformamide, and practically insoluble in n-hexane. A study of the elemental composition has confirmed the authenticity of H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O. Comparison of the spectral characteristics of H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O and Rim•HCl by IR spectroscopy and UV spectrometry confirmed the authenticity of the substance. The racemic form of the substance Rim•HCl with an insignificant amount of impurity of the levorotatory enantiomer was proved polarimetrically: α =-0.0126±0.0003 (1% aqueous solution, 20±0.5 °С). The specific optical rotation of 1% aqueous solution H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O . In 1% ethanol solution -10.32±0.12. Using the method of laser light diffraction for a substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O, the dimensional spectra «fraction of particles, %-d, μm» were characterized, the maximum of which in hexane is in the region of 40–50 μm. Arrhenius’s kinetics on the Spirotox model established statistically significant differences in ligand-receptor interactions, which are characterized by values of observed apparent activation energy °bsEa, kJ/mol: 132.36±1.55 for H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O and 176.15±0.48 for Rim•HCl. Conclusion: The developed set of methods for assessment of physical and chemical properties and biological activity of a new antiviral substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O is the basis for establish of regulatory documentation

    Thermodynamic similarity of stacked-cup multiwall carbon nanotubes and graphite

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    When conducting photo elicitation interviews (PEI), researchers introduce photographs into the interview context. Although PEI has been employed across a wide variety of disciplines and participants, little has been written about the use of photographs in interviews with children. In this article, the authors review the use of PEI in a research study that explored the perspectives on camp of children with cancer. In particular, they review some of the methodological and ethical challenges, including (a) who should take the photographs and (b) how the photographs should be integrated into the interview. Although some limitations exist, PEI in its various forms can challenge participants, trigger memory, lead to new perspectives, and assist with building trust and rapport


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    Objective: Methodology development for quality control of optically active pharmaceutical substances based on water isotopologues. Methods: Solutions of L-ascorbic acid, glucose, galactose and valine stereoisomers were prepared using deuterium depleted water (DDW-«light» water, D/H=4 ppm), natural deionized high-ohmic water (BD, D/H=140 ppm), heavy water (99.9% D2O). The optical rotation was observed using an automatic polarimeter Atago POL-1/2. The size distribution of giant heterogeneous clusters (GHC) of water was recorded by low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method. Results: The infringement of Biot's Law was found for solutions of ascorbic acid, expressed in the absence of a constant value of the specific optical rotation  at a concentration of below 0.1%, depends on the D/H ratio. The inequality was established in absolute values of optical rotation for L-and D-isomers of valine in solutions with different ratios of hydrogen isotopologues. The mutarotation of glucose confirmed the first-order kinetics, and the activation energies were statistically distinguishable for BD and DDW. The mutarotation of the natural galactose D-isomer proceeded with a lower energy consumption compared to the L-isomer. In heavy water, the mutarotation of monosaccharides had different kinetic mechanisms. Polarimetric results correlated with the number and size of GHC, which confirmed the possibility of chiral solvent structures induction by optically active pharmaceutical substances. Conclusion: In the optically active pharmaceutical substances quality control there should be considered the contribution of induced chiral GHC of water to the optical rotation value that depends on the isotopic D/H ratio, the substance nature and the form of its existence at a given pH