241 research outputs found

    Conceptual bases for creation of logistic innovative centers for agricultural production

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    The current economic and political situation has raised a topical issue of food sovereignty and creation of import-substituting production of agricultural products in Russia. It is supposed to support the construction of logistics centers for Russian agricultural products. Although many of the existing and being created logistic centers were declared to be innovative, they have no such modern logistics innovation as the integration. The conceptual basis for the creation of a logistics center is integration with transformation of a center according to the business concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM). The paper presents a number of main possible ways of cooperation between enterprises for the organization of inter-firm integrated logistics: 1. Conducting joint business following the example of the experience of Japanese firms which create the so-called "keiretsu": a group of companies working together, but without a formal partnership. Analysts argue that the concentration of production, capital, and modern technologies in a functionally-integrated conglomerates "keiretsu" helps to reduce costs by increasing productivity and achieving economies of scale; groups intensively compete in all areas that stimulates the desire to penetrate in new markets. 2. Creation of syndicates which is a form of alliance business related mainly with products sales. The main purpose of the syndicate is to expand and hold position in markets, adjust the volume of output within the syndicate and the price of external market outlets. As a rule, a syndicate organizes a single selling service to which the members of the syndicate must hand over at a predetermined price and quota their products for joint sales. In some cases management of the syndicate arrange the purchase of raw materials and other products for the members of the syndicate at the expense of incomes raised from the sale of their products. Creation of innovative logistics centers for agricultural products will: 1. contribute to addressing the issue of food sovereignty and the establishment of import-substituting production of agricultural products; 2. provide low-cost, environmentally friendly agricultural products of own production; 3. create more jobs; 4. collect additional tax revenues to the budget; 5. receive a powerful stimulus to revive and support domestic agricultural producers

    Semantic adaptation of French scientific and technical terminological borrowings in Russian language

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    In the light of foreign language vocabulary use increase in Russian language at the end of XX-th - the beginning of XXI-st century due to the intensification of business, scientific and cultural ties between the countries the study of foreign language terminology borrowing becomes increasingly important. Usually, a borrowed term retains the meaning of a term prototype in an accepting language or is exposed to terminologization, transterminologization or terminological derivation. These mechanisms are closely related to the general processes of borrowing semantic transformation, such as narrowing or widening of a prototype word semantic scope. This article demonstrates the analysis of the semantic transformations concerning the borrowed scientific and technical terms of French origin, included in Russian language during the XIX-XX-th centuries. The study is carried out within the basic methods of linguistic analysis such as descriptive methods, comparative method and component analysis. During the analysis of the test body concerning the borrowed scientific and technical terms of French origin (228 units) it was found that in the course of borrowing term semantics formation in the system of an accepting language the preservation of a prototype term meaning (30% of terms) takes place as a rule, often exposing its meaning to specification or terminologization (20% of terms). The rest of borrowed terms are subjected to the semantic scope expansion on the basis of secondary borrowing mechanisms or the development of new meanings on the basis of Russian language. This allows to use them in other fields of terminology and leads to the appearance of cross-field homonyms. Thus, the transformation of a borrowed term semantics includes it in term formation processes and in Russian language system in general. The analysis of the semantic adaptation stage concerning scientific and technical terms is of particular importance in terms of their lexicographical description and it also allows to identify national and international element in Russian language within the light of scientific terminology increasing internationalization

    An efficient strategy for the development of tourism at regional level

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    Tourism promotes the development of small and medium-sized business, an increase in employment and self-employment, and allows smoothing the disproportions of territorial development. The objective of this work is to study the modern state of the tourism industry and to reveal the strategical development trends of tourism in the regions of the Southern Federal District (SFD). The statistical data of Rosstat (Federal Service of State Statistics), Federal Agency for Tourism, the database of the EMISS (Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System) and other open sources of information were used as the sources of secondary information. The practical part of the research is based upon the application of the author’s method of estimation of the current state of the tourism industry in the regions that presupposes the calculation of the complex index of tourism development in the region. The results of the performed research allowed classifying the regions according to the level of tourism development and determining the strategies of competitiveness improvement of the regional touristic products on its base.peer-reviewe

    Мотивы и трудовые ценности молодежи: парадоксы развития

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    На базе данных мониторинговых исследований по Тюменской области (2006—2016 гг.) дается оценка мотивации и трудовых ценностей молодежи, демонстрируются тенденции и особенности развития трудовых ориентаций. Использование инструментов корреляционного и дисперсионного анализа позволило выделить несколько противоречий, отражающих несформированность рыночной мотивации и предпринимательской ориентации у поколения, родившегося и выросшего уже в условиях рыночной экономики. Молодежь, обладая более "рыночным" типом трудовой мотивации, имеет низкий уровень притязаний, согласна на малое при гарантии стабильности. Снизился возраст, когда происходит "перелом" в доминировании мотивов успеха и достижения в трудовой мотивации. Ценность интересной и содержательной работы для молодежи снижается. Наблюдается разрыв между декларируемой ценностью инициативы, предприимчивости и реальным участием в создании новшеств. Люди, родившиеся и выросшие в условиях рыночной экономики, не хотят идти работать "в рынок". При очень высокой доле желающих работать "на себя" доля реальных предпринимателей среди молодежи остается по-прежнему очень низкой

    Motivation and labor values of youth: Development paradoxes

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    Based on the monitoring studies conducted in Tyumen oblast (2006—2016), the paper aims to examine trends and specifics of the development of labor orientations. Correlation and dispersion analysis is used to single out a number of inconsistencies reflecting immaturity of the market motivation and entrepreneurial orientation among those who were born and brought up in a market environment. Young persons with a more market-oriented type of labor motivation have fewer claims and agree to have the little they have if guarantees of stability are provided. The age when there is a break in the dominance of success and achievement motivation declines. Young people pay less attention to interesting and meaningful job. A gap between the declared value of initiative and entrepreneurship and a real commitment to creation of innovations are observed. Those who were born and raised in a market environment are eager to work «in the market». With a very high percentage of young people willing to work for themselves the share of actual young entrepreneurs is still very low. © 2018 Russian Public Opinion Research Center, VCIOM. All rights reserved

    Lipid Regulators during Atherogenesis : expression of LXR, PPAR, and SREBP mRNA in the Human Aorta

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    Transcription factors LXRs, PPARs, and SREBPs have been implicated in a multitude of physiological and pathological processes including atherogenesis. However, little is known about the regulation of these transcription factors at different stages of atherosclerosis progression. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to compare the contents of mRNAs in pairs intact-injured aorta fragments taken from the same donors. Only minor changes in LXR?, LXR?, PPAR?, PPAR?, SREBP1, and SREBP2 mRNA levels were found in initial lesions as compared with intact non-diseased tissue. The contents of all mRNAs but SREBP2 mRNA were found to be progressively up-regulated in fatty streaks and fibrous lipoid plaques. These changes were only partially reproduced in cultured macrophages upon lipid loading. Wave-shaped changes in abundance of correlations between given group of mRNAs and 28 atherosclerosis-related mRNA species in the course of atherogenesis were observed. The impact of specific mRNA correlations on the total correlations also significantly varied between different lesion types. The study suggests that the extent and forms of LXR/PPAR/SREBP participation in intima functions vary nonlinear in individual fashion in atherogenesis. We speculate that the observed changes in mRNAs expression and coupling reflect shifts in lipid ligands availability and cellular composition in the course of atherosclerosis progression

    Hospital drugstore: problems and features

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    The article tells about modem problems of hospitals drugstores and their features within the current legislation

    The development of methodological approach to the assortment category analysis by the example of state-owned pharmacy chain

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    In order to implement the evidence-based approaches for the analysis of pharmacies’ assortment we developed methodological algorithms of pharmacies categorization and cross-category analysis of drugs and other pharmaceutical products assortment by the example of state-owned pharmacies chain in Sverdlovsk region in 2012-2016. The results of cross-sectional, correlative, regressive, econometric and matrix analytical methods confirmed the universality of the developed algorithms which should be recommended for implementation in pharmacy chains activities.С целью внедрения научно-обоснованных подходов к проведению анализа аптечного ассортимента были разработаны методические подходы к категоризации аптечных организаций и категориальному анализу потребления лекарственных препаратов и других товаров аптечного ассортимента на примере государственной аптечной сети Свердловской области в 2012-2016 гг. результаты кросс-секционного, корреляционно-регрессионного, эконометрического и матричного методов анализа реализованной потребности населения в лекарственных препаратах позволяют говорить об универсальности разработанных подходов и рекомендовать их для применения в крупных аптечных сетях

    Features of territorial accommodation of pharmacy organizations on the example of Orgonikidze district of Yekaterinburg city

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the retail link in the pharmaceutical market of the Ordzhonikidze district of the city of Yekaterinburg. A qualitative assessment of the AO location density was carried out taking into account cartographic analysis of the study area.В статье представлены результаты анализа розничного сегмента фармацевтического рынка Орджоникидзевского района города Екатеринбурга. Проведена качественная оценка плотности расположения АО с учетом картографического анализа исследуемой территори

    The electronic portfolio project of a pharmaceutical faculty student: from the university entrant to the graduate

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    The project of developing the electronic porftolio aims to identify active students involved in scientific work, social, artistic and sporting life of the University. We have created an interactive platform for information collection, ranking and display of the data. The project will provide the opportunity to consider the achievements of graduates before the state final certification and improve the effectiveness of their employment.Проект разработки сквозного электронного портфолио нацелен на процедуру формирования научно-исследовательских компетенций студентов и дает возможность оценить их достижения в научной, общественной, творческой и спортивной жизни Университета. Нами создана интерактивная платформа для сбора информации, ранжирования и визуализации данных о студенте. Проект позволит учитывать достижения выпускников перед государственной итоговой аттестацией и более полно представить профессиональные предпочтения выпускника