1,029 research outputs found

    Les grammaires françhises du seizième siècle comme la prehistoire du comparatisme Europèen

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    Sur le means grammatical et stylistique de l'expression de l'état émotionnel d'admiration en anglais moderneye

    Early development of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. in response to emissions from a copper smelter

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    The early development of Hypogymnia physodes from soredia to the formation of stratified lobes has been studied experimentally in the vicinity of a copper-smelting plant in theMiddle Urals. SEM investigations combined with life table analyses of early developmental stages revealed decreases in soredial survival and developmental rate in polluted localities. Non-stricatified pre-thallus stages without an epicortex were tolerant to toxic impact and were able to survive even in the zone with the highest pollution (lichen desert zone). The sensitivity of developmental stagesancreased after stratified lobes had develope

    The functions of examples in the case category description : in the Spanish grammars of the Golden age

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    The article analyzes examples as an integral part of a grammar. The functions of examples in the case category description in the Spanish grammars of the Golden Age are under consideration. It is pointed out that the functions of the examples in the case category description differed greatly from those in the description of other grammatical categoriesyesBelgorod State Universit


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    In article it is shown that one of criteria of competitiveness of the organization is loyalty of end users, partners and her employees. Such fundamental categories as norm and mass of potrebitelny cost, a consumer assessment, quality and the range allow to reveal degree of satisfaction of the client. The way of an assessment of loyalty on the basis of definition of an index of consumer loyalty is considered, and also the algorithm of an assessment of this indicator is presented


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    In article it is shown that one of criteria of competitiveness of the organization is loyalty of end users, partners and her employees. Such fundamental categories as norm and mass of potrebitelny cost, a consumer assessment, quality and the range allow to reveal degree of satisfaction of the client. The way of an assessment of loyalty on the basis of definition of an index of consumer loyalty is considered, and also the algorithm of an assessment of this indicator is presented

    Plasmon Resonance in а-С : Н Films Modified with Platinum Nanoclusters

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    Optical density spectra of amorphous diamond-like films of hydrogenated carbon modified with plati-num impurity (a-C : H) have been investigated. a-C : H films were prepared by the method of ion plasma magnetron co-sputtering of graphite and platinum in argon-hydrogen atmosphere. Platinum con-tent in the films was varied from 0 to 9 at. %. In the optical spectra of a-C : H films with different Pt content the peaks of resonance absorption in the range from 496 to 501 nm were found, whilst in the spec-trum of a-C : H films the absorption peak is absent. The appearance of these absorption peaks in a-C : H films is explained by resonance plasmon vibrations of free electrons in platinum nanocl usters. The average diameter of the Pt nanoclusters was estimated using electromagnetic theory of Mie, and it is ~ 5 nm. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3638

    Metaphorization of space in a scientific text

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    The metaphorical sections of the Russian sub-systems and typical models of the semantic derivation in the scientific text are analysed. The scientific metaphor is viewed as an epistemic phenomenon. The cognitive approach lets comprehend the semantic of the space as a language embodiment of the world model which exists in the Russian speakers’ consciousness and expressed by a system of metaphorical nominations. The two concepts of space are introduced on the basis of which the semantic classes “space-container” and “space-construction” are singled out. These classes include several groups which are characterised by the difference of the space relations in the initial meaning and the created metaphorical images. The author analyses the lexical units which are regularly employed for the metaphorical formation of terms. The space meaning of these lexical units becomes the motivation ground for the nomination of the non-space sphere phenomena. The role of the metaphorical transfer axiological components is shown. This role is determined by the reinterpretation of the objects’ spatial characteristics.В статье анализируются метафорические участки русских терминосистем и типовые модели семантической деривации в научном тексте. Научная метафора рассматривается как гносеологический феномен. Когнитивный подход позволяет осмыслить семантику пространства как языковое воплощение модели мира, существующую в сознании носителей русского языка и выраженную системой метафорических номинаций. Представлены две концепции пространства, на основе которых выделены семантические классы «пространство-вместилище» и «пространство-конструкт», включающие ряд групп, характеризующихся различиями пространственных отношений в исходном значении и создаваемых метафорических образах. Проанализированы регулярно задействованные в процессах метафорического терминообразования лексические единицы, пространственное значение которых становится мотивационной основой для номинации явлений непространственной сферы. Показана роль аксиологических компонентов метафорического переноса, обусловленного переосмыслением пространственных характеристик объектов

    Synanthropic flora of Kuzbass

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    The article presents the materials of studies of the adventive flora of the Kemerovo region. For the territory of the Kemerovo region, we identified 244 alien species belonging to 162 genera and 50 families. As a result of the increasing process of invasion of new species into the territory of the region, the need for constant monitoring of alien species for the degree of their naturalization, especially in natural cenoses, is urgent. The problem of synanthropic plant species is becoming increasingly important not only for economically developed territories, but also for the relatively preserved mountain regions of Kuzbass. As a result of the studies, it was found that the synanthropic fraction of the Kuzbass flora, consisting of adventive and apophyte species, accounts for about 18% of the total composition of the flora of vascular plants in the Kemerovo region (60 apophyte species, 244 – advent ones). The revealed heterogeneity in the chorological, ecological and biological terms of the species of the adventive fraction makes it possible to find suitable conditions in various types of ecotopes on the territory of the Kemerovo region. This type of work can serve as a basis for developing a strategy for the preservation of natural phytosystems of Kuzbas