1,801 research outputs found

    Key lessons from the RESET programme: Recommendations for the resettlement of young offenders

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    Reoffending rates for young offenders released from custody are high. Of approximately 6000 young people sentenced to custody each year, between 70% and 90% will reoffend within 12 months. Effective resettlement is vital to achieving better outcomes. RESET was a major experimental project led by Catch 22 and funded by European Equal, designed to improve outcomes. This executive briefing summarises the findings from the evaluation of RESET by CSR-Salford and ARCS UK. It explores lessons for mainstream resettlement support, making key recommendations about: coordinating resources and staff, making local partnerships, preparing young people for release, and communication and information flow between custody and community. It concludes that successful resettlement crucially requires: (1) widespread partnership coordination to address offenders' multiple needs; and (2) effective cooperation between custodial institutions and community agencies to ensure preparedness for release

    Using an identity lens : constructive working with children in the criminal justice system

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    Research has shown that identity, and how you feel about yourself, can be key to moving forward with life and away from crime. Working with the University of Salford, Youth Offending Teams and supported by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, this resource has been developed to promote a constructive, identity-focused approach to ultimately help divert children away from progressing further through the criminal justice system. Using the principles of the Nacro-led Beyond Youth Custody programme, this toolkit outlines how these can be applied to working with children before custody to support them towards positive outcomes and prevent further offending

    Breastfeeding, the use of docosahexaenoic acid-fortified formulas in infancy and neuropsychological function in childhood

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relation between breastfeeding, use of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-fortified formula and neuropsychological function in children. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Southampton, UK. SUBJECTS: 241 children aged 4 years followed up from birth. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: IQ measured by the Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence (3rd edn), visual attention, visuomotor precision, sentence repetition and verbal fluency measured by the NEPSY, and visual form-constancy measured by the Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (Non-Motor). RESULTS: In unadjusted analyses, children for whom breast milk or DHA-fortified formula was the main method of feeding throughout the first 6 months of life had higher mean full-scale and verbal IQ scores at age 4 years than those fed mainly unfortified formula. After adjustment for potential confounding factors, particularly maternal IQ and educational attainment, the differences in IQ between children in the breast milk and unfortified formula groups were severely attenuated, but children who were fed DHA-fortified formula had full-scale and verbal IQ scores that were respectively 5.62 (0.98 to 10.2) and 7.02 (1.56 to 12.4) points higher than children fed unfortified formula. However, estimated total intake of DHA in milk up to age 6 months was not associated with subsequent IQ or with score on any other test. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in children's intelligence according to type of milk fed in infancy may be due more to confounding by maternal or family characteristics than to the amount of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids they receive in milk

    Principles of Record of Performance in Beef Cattle

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    This publication provides a summary of the basic principles that should be considered in Record of Performance Programs with beef cattle. These principles are based on the results of research being conducted under Regional Project NC-1 as interpreted by the research personnel who participate in this effort

    Increased activated memory B-cells in the peripheral blood of patients with erythema nodosum leprosum reactions.

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    B-cells, in addition to antibody secretion, have emerged increasingly as effector and immunoregulatory cells in several chronic inflammatory diseases. Although Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL) is an inflammatory complication of leprosy, the role of B- cell subsets has never been studied in this patient group. Therefore, it would be interesting to examine the contribution of B-cells in the pathogenesis of ENL. A case-control study design was used to recruit 30 untreated patients with ENL and 30 non-reactional lepromatous leprosy (LL) patient controls at ALERT Hospital, Ethiopia. Peripheral blood samples were obtained before, during and after treatment from each patient. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated and used for immunophenotyping of B- cell subsets by flow cytometry. The kinetics of B-cells in patients with ENL before, during and after Prednisolone treatment of ENL was compared with LL patient controls as well as within ENL group. Total B-cells, mature B-cells and resting memory B-cells were not significantly different between patients with ENL reactions and LL controls before treatment. Interestingly, while the percentage of naive B-cells was significantly lower in untreated ENL patients than in LL patient controls, the percentage of activated memory B-cells was significantly higher in these untreated ENL patients than in LL controls. On the other hand, the percentage of tissue-like memory B-cells was considerably low in untreated ENL patients compared to LL controls. It appears that the lower frequency of tissue-like memory B-cells in untreated ENL could promote the B-cell/T-cell interaction in these patients through downregulation of inhibitory molecules unlike in LL patients. Conversely, the increased production of activated memory B-cells in ENL patients could imply the scale up of immune activation through antigen presentation to T-cells. However, the generation and differential function of these memory B-cells need further investigation. The finding of increased percentage of activated memory B-cells in untreated patients with ENL reactions suggests the association of these cells with the ENL pathology. The mechanism by which inflammatory reactions like ENL affecting these memory cells and contributing to the disease pathology is an interesting area to be explored for and could lead to the development of novel and highly efficacious drug for ENL treatment

    Prioritization of mycotoxins for risk management action based on both public health risk and mitigation efficacy

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    There is a large and progressively growing number of mycotoxins with new potential concerns and implications on consumer protection. The classical approach to risk management is to deal with each emerging hazard individually, leading to both overload and lack of coherence in terms of an overall riskbased approach. The development of mitigation strategies should prioritize mycotoxins that regularly occur at undesirable levels in commonly consumed commodities, wherein both the toxicological profiles and effectiveness of mitigation are understood with a reasonable degree of certainty. The ultimate goal of mycotoxin mitigation is to prevent adverse health effects caused by foodborne exposure to mycotoxins, while preserving nutritional and organoleptic quality of food. The International Life Sciences Institute Europe (ILSI Europe) Food Contaminants Task Force is firmly committed to contributing to the understanding of the issues of mycotoxins affecting the different points of the food chain. This presentation will illustrate a recent new activity that is devoted to establishing a framework for the prioritization of mycotoxins found in food following a risk-based approach (decision tree). Based on the evidence and scale of risk to consumers, and the potential for risk mitigation, the framework will enable the differentiation between mycotoxins where risk management action is both warranted and likely to be effective based on available evidence. Through case-studies, this framework will also highlight potential knowledge gaps. The proposed activity is therefore devoted to delineating the right path for scaling and prioritizing mycotoxins in terms of risk-ranking and consequent mitigation opportunities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patterns of environmental variance across environments and traits in domestic cattle

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    The variance in phenotypic trait values is a product of environmental and genetic variation. The sensitivity of traits to environmental variation has a genetic component and is likely to be under selection. However, there are few studies investigating the evolution of this sensitivity, in part due to the challenges of estimating the environmental variance. The livestock literature provides a wealth of studies that accurately partition components of phenotypic variance, including the environmental variance, in well-defined environments. These studies involve breeds that have been under strong selection on mean phenotype in optimal environments for many generations, and therefore represent an opportunity to study the potential evolution of trait sensitivity to environmental conditions. Here, we use literature on domestic cattle to examine the evolution of micro-environmental variance (CVR-the coefficient of residual variance) by testing for differences in expression of CVR in animals from the same breed reared in different environments. Traits that have been under strong selection did not follow a null expectation of an increase in CVR in heterogenous environments (e.g., grazing), a pattern that may reflect evolution of increased uniformity in heterogeneous environments. When comparing CVR across environments of different levels of optimality, here measured by trait mean, we found a reduction in CVR in the more optimal environments for both life history and growth traits. Selection aimed at increasing trait means in livestock breeds typically occurs in the more optimal environments, and we therefore suspect that the decreased CVR is a consequence of evolution of the expression of micro-environmental variance in this environment. Our results highlight the heterogeneity in micro-environmental variance across environments and point to possible connections to the intensity of selection on trait means