
"Now all I care about is my future" - supporting the shift: framework for the effective resettlement of young people leaving custody: a summary


This document has been produced as part of the Beyond Youth Custody (BYC) programme, funded under the Big Lottery Fund’s Youth in Focus initiative. BYC has been designed to challenge, advance and promote better thinking in policy and practice for the effective and sustainable resettlement of young people after custody. The programme has published research reports, policy briefings and practitioner guidance on a number of key issues in resettlement including diversity, young people with background trauma, girls and young women, and engaging young people; all resources are available for download at The new framework presented here – which draws on findings from across the programme – proposes, for the first time internationally, a ‘theory of change’ for the sustainable re-entry of young people. This reconceptualisation of resettlement enables a better understanding of why practices previously shown by research to improve recidivism rates are effective. Consequently, the framework provides a new focus for resettlement services’ aims and objectives, and may be particularly useful as a common language for the inter-agency working that we know is essential when supporting young people. The framework has been designed as a resource for policy makers, decision makers, academics studying youth justice and anyone working with young people leaving custody. A visual representation of the framework outlined in this document can be found on the centre pages. A full version of this report, which includes references and suggestions for further reading, can be found at:

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