5,912 research outputs found

    Dairy Farm Management Adjustments to Biofuels-Induced Changes in Agricultural Markets

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    A mathematical programming model of a representative New York dairy farm is developed to identify optimal management adjustments to increased availability of corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). While at current prices DDGS feeding is limited to dry cows and young stock, as prices decrease, DDGS in lactating cow rations increase from 7.4% to 20% on a dry matter basis. While expected changes in net farm returns are modest, more important is the consideration of changes in nutrient management practices necessary to deal with increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the animal waste.Production, Management, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Farm Management, Financial Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Transition of amorphous to crystalline oxide film in initial oxide overgrowth on liquid metals

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    It is important to understand the mechanism of oxidation in the initial stage on the free surface of liquid metals. Mittemeijer and co-workers recently developed a thermodynamic model to study the oxide overgrowth on a solid metal surface. Based on this model, we have developed a thermodynamic model to analyse the thermodynamic stability of oxide overgrowth on liquid metals. The thermodynamic model calculation revealed that the amorphous oxide phase is thermodynamically preferred up to 1.3 and 0.35 nm respectively, in the initial oxide overgrowth on liquid Al and Ga at the corresponding melting point. However, the amorphous phase is thermodynamically unstable in the initial oxide overgrowth on liquid Mg. The thermodynamic stability of amorphous phase in the Al and Ga oxide systems is attributed to lower sums of surface and interfacial energies for amorphous phases, compared to that of the corresponding crystalline phases.Financial support under grant EP/H026177/1 from the EPSRC was used

    Role of the hydrological cycle in regulating the planetary climate system of a simple nonlinear dynamical model

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    International audienceWe present the construction of a dynamic area fraction model (DAFM), representing a new class of models for an earth-like planet. The model presented here has no spatial dimensions, but contains coupled parameterizations for all the major components of the hydrological cycle involving liquid, solid and vapor phases. We investigate the nature of feedback processes with this model in regulating Earth's climate as a highly nonlinear coupled system. The model includes solar radiation, evapotranspiration from dynamically competing trees and grasses, an ocean, an ice cap, precipitation, dynamic clouds, and a static carbon greenhouse effect. This model therefore shares some of the characteristics of an Earth System Model of Intermediate complexity. We perform two experiments with this model to determine the potential effects of positive and negative feedbacks due to a dynamic hydrological cycle, and due to the relative distribution of trees and grasses, in regulating global mean temperature. In the first experiment, we vary the intensity of insolation on the model's surface both with and without an active (fully coupled) water cycle. In the second, we test the strength of feedbacks with biota in a fully coupled model by varying the optimal growing temperature for our two plant species (trees and grasses). We find that the negative feedbacks associated with the water cycle are far more powerful than those associated with the biota, but that the biota still play a significant role in shaping the model climate. third experiment, we vary the heat and moisture transport coefficient in an attempt to represent changing atmospheric circulations

    Observing biogeochemical cycles at global scales with profiling floats and gliders: prospects for a global array

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    Chemical and biological sensor technologies have advanced rapidly in the past five years. Sensors that require low power and operate for multiple years are now available for oxygen, nitrate, and a variety of bio-optical properties that serve as proxies for important components of the carbon cycle (e.g., particulate organic carbon). These sensors have all been deployed successfully for long periods, in some cases more than three years, on platforms such as profiling floats or gliders. Technologies for pH, pCO2, and particulate inorganic carbon are maturing rapidly as well. These sensors could serve as the enabling technology for a global biogeochemical observing system that might operate on a scale comparable to the current Argo array. Here, we review the scientific motivation and the prospects for a global observing system for ocean biogeochemistry

    Polarizability Plays a Decisive Role in Modulating Association Between Molecular Cations and Anions

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    Electrostatic interactions involving proteins depend not just on the ionic charges involved but also on their chemical identities. Here we examine the origins of incompletely understood differences in the strength of association of different pairs of monovalent molecular ions that are relevant to protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. Cationic analogues of the basic amino acid side chains are simulated along with oxyanionic analogues of cation-exchange (CEX) ligands and acidic amino acids. Experimentally observed association trends with respect to the cations, but not anions, are captured by a non-polarizable model. A polarizable model proves decisive in capturing experimentally-suggested trends with respect to both cations and anions. Crucially, relative to a non-polarizable model, polarizability changes the free energy surface for ion-pair association, altering configurational sampling itself. An effective continuum correction to account for electronic polarizability can also capture the experimentally-suggested trends, but at the expense of fidelity to the underlying free energy surface

    A search for rapidly pulsating hot subdwarf stars in the GALEX survey

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    NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) provided near- and far-UV observations for approximately 77 percent of the sky over a ten-year period; however, the data reduction pipeline initially only released single NUV and FUV images to the community. The recently released Python module gPhoton changes this, allowing calibrated time-series aperture photometry to be extracted easily from the raw GALEX data set. Here we use gPhoton to generate light curves for all hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars that were observed by GALEX, with the intention of identifying short-period, p-mode pulsations. We find that the spacecraft's short visit durations, uneven gaps between visits, and dither pattern make the detection of hot subdwarf pulsations difficult. Nonetheless, we detect UV variations in four previously known pulsating targets and report their UV pulsation amplitudes and frequencies. Additionally, we find that several other sdB targets not previously known to vary show promising signals in their periodograms. Using optical follow-up photometry with the Skynet Robotic Telescope Network, we confirm p-mode pulsations in one of these targets, LAMOST J082517.99+113106.3, and report it as the most recent addition to the sdBVr class of variable stars.Comment: 11 Pages, 8 Figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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