4,782 research outputs found

    Neutron-activation analysis applied to copper ores and artifacts

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    Neutron activation analysis is used for quantitative identification of trace metals in copper. Establishing a unique fingerprint of impurities in Michigan copper would enable identification of artifacts made from this copper

    Development of phase-change coatings for use as variable thermal control surfaces Final report

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    Phase change coatings for use as variable thermal control surface

    Development of phase-change coatings for use as variable thermal control surfaces Final report, 8 Mar. 1967 - 8 Mar. 1968

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    Development of phase-change coatings for thermal control of spacecraft surface

    Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dark Energy Complementarity

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    In the search for the nature of dark energy most cosmological probes measure simple functions of the expansion rate. While powerful, these all involve roughly the same dependence on the dark energy equation of state parameters, with anticorrelation between its present value w_0 and time variation w_a. Quantities that have instead positive correlation and so a sensitivity direction largely orthogonal to, e.g., distance probes offer the hope of achieving tight constraints through complementarity. Such quantities are found in strong gravitational lensing observations of image separations and time delays. While degeneracy between cosmological parameters prevents full complementarity, strong lensing measurements to 1% accuracy can improve equation of state characterization by 15-50%. Next generation surveys should provide data on roughly 10^5 lens systems, though systematic errors will remain challenging.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Cross-Correlating Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Fluctuations with Redshift Surveys: Detecting the Signature of Gravitational Lensing

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    Density inhomogeneities along the line-of-sight distort fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. Usually, this effect is thought of as a small second-order effect that mildly alters the statistics of the microwave background fluctuations. We show that there is a first-order effect that is potentially observable if we combine microwave background maps with large redshift surveys. We introduce a new quantity that measures this lensing effect, , where T is the microwave background temperature and δθ\delta \theta is the lensing due to matter in the region probed by the redshift survey. We show that the expected signal is first order in the gravitational lensing bending angle, <(δθ)2>1/2< (\delta \theta)^2 >^{1/2}, and find that it should be easily detectable, (S/N) \sim 15-35, if we combine the Microwave Anisotropy Probe satellite and Sloan Digital Sky Survey data. Measurements of this cross-correlation will directly probe the ``bias'' factor, the relationship between fluctuations in mass and fluctuations in galaxy counts.Comment: 13 pages, 4 postscript figures included; Uses aaspp4.sty (AASTeX v4.0); Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, Part

    Testing Standard Cosmology with Large Scale Structure

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    The galaxy power spectrum contains information on the growth of structure, the growth rate through redshift space distortions, and the cosmic expansion through baryon acoustic oscillation features. We study the ability of two proposed experiments, BigBOSS and JDEM-PS, to test the cosmological model and general relativity. We quantify the latter result in terms of the gravitational growth index \gamma, whose value in general relativity is \gamma\approx 0.55. Significant deviations from this value could indicate new physics beyond the standard model of cosmology. The results show that BigBOSS (JDEM-PS) would be capable of measuring \gamma with an uncertainty \sigma(\gamma) = 0.043 (0.054), which tightens to \sigma(\gamma) = 0.031 (0.038) if we include Stage III data priors, marginalizing over neutrino mass, time varying dark energy equation of state, and other parameters. For all dark energy parameters and related figures of merit the two experiments give comparable results. We also carry out some studies of the influence of redshift range, resolution, treatment of nonlinearities, and bias evolution to enable further improvement.Comment: 9 pages, 12 tables, 1 figure; v3 matches MNRAS accepted versio

    Measuring dark energy properties with 3D cosmic shear

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    We present parameter estimation forecasts for present and future 3D cosmic shear surveys. We demonstrate that, in conjunction with results from cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments, the properties of dark energy can be estimated with very high precision with large-scale, fully 3D weak lensing surveys. In particular, a 5-band, 10,000 square degree ground-based survey to a median redshift of zm=0.7 could achieve 1-σ\sigma marginal statistical errors, in combination with the constraints expected from the CMB Planck Surveyor, of Δ\Deltaw0=0.108 and Δ\Deltawa=0.099 where we parameterize w by w(a)=w0+wa(1-a) where a is the scale factor. Such a survey is achievable with a wide-field camera on a 4 metre class telescope. The error on the value of w at an intermediate pivot redshift of z=0.368 is constrained to Δ\Deltaw(z=0.368)=0.0175. We compare and combine the 3D weak lensing constraints with the cosmological and dark energy parameters measured from planned Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) and supernova Type Ia experiments, and find that 3D weak lensing significantly improves the marginalized errors. A combination of 3D weak lensing, CMB and BAO experiments could achieve Δ\Deltaw0=0.037 and Δ\Deltawa=0.099. Fully 3D weak shear analysis avoids the loss of information inherent in tomographic binning, and we show that the sensitivity to systematic errors is much less. In conjunction with the fact that the physics of lensing is very soundly based, this analysis demonstrates that deep, wide-angle 3D weak lensing surveys are extremely promising for measuring dark energy properties.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted to MNRAS. Figures now in grayscale. Further discussions on non-Gaussianity and photometric redshift errors. Some references adde

    The massive star binary fraction in young open clusters I. NGC 6231 revisited

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    We present the results of a long-term high-resolution spectroscopy campaign on the O-type stars in NGC 6231. We revise the spectral classification and multiplicity of these objects and we constrain the fundamental properties of the O-star population. Almost three quarters of the O-type stars in the cluster are members of a binary system. The minimum binary fraction is 0.63, with half the O-type binaries having an orbital period of the order of a few days. The eccentricities of all the short-period binaries are revised downward, and henceforth match a normal period-eccentricity distribution. The mass-ratio distribution shows a large preference for O+OB binaries, ruling out the possibility that, in NGC 6231, the companion of an O-type star is randomly drawn from a standard IMF. Obtained from a complete and homogeneous population of O-type stars, our conclusions provide interesting observational constraints to be confronted with the formation and early-evolution theories of O stars.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    The Struve-Sahade effect in the optical spectra of O-type binaries I. Main-sequence systems

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of four massive binary systems that are known or are good candidates to display the Struve-Sahade effect (defined as the apparent strengthening of the secondary spectrum of the binary when the star is approaching, and the corresponding weakening of the lines when it is receding). We use high resolution optical spectra to determine new orbital solutions and spectral types of HD 165052, HD 100213, HD 159176 and DH Cep. As good knowledge of the fundamental parameters of the considered systems is necessary to examine the Struve-Sahade effect. We then study equivalent width variations in the lines of both components of these binaries during their orbital cycle. In the case of these four systems, variations appear in the equivalent widths of some lines during the orbital cycle, but the definition given above can any longer be valid, since it is now clear that the effect modifies the primary spectrum as much as the secondary spectrum. Furthermore, the lines affected, and the way in which they are affected, depend on the considered system. For at least two of them (HD 100213 and HD 159176) these variations probably reflect the ellipsoidal variable nature of the system.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figures, in press A&

    Controlling the superconducting transition by spin-orbit coupling

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    Whereas there exists considerable evidence for the conversion of singlet Cooper pairs into triplet Cooper pairs in the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic fields, recent theoretical proposals have suggested an alternative way to exert control over triplet generation: intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in a homogeneous ferromagnet coupled to a superconductor. Here, we proximity-couple Nb to an asymmetric Pt/Co/Pt trilayer, which acts as an effective spin-orbit coupled ferromagnet owing to structural inversion asymmetry. Unconventional modulation of the superconducting critical temperature as a function of in-plane and out-of- plane applied magnetic fields suggests the presence of triplets that can be controlled by the magnetic orientation of a single homogeneous ferromagnet. Our studies demonstrate for the first time an active role of spin-orbit coupling in controlling the triplets -- an important step towards the realization of novel superconducting spintronic devices.Comment: 11 pages + 4 figures + supplemental informatio