24 research outputs found

    Lidar observations of large-amplitude mountain waves in the stratosphere above Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    Large-amplitude internal gravity waves were observed using Rayleigh lidar temperature soundings above Rio Grande, Argentina (54∘S, 68∘W), in the period 16–23 June 2018. Temperature perturbations in the upper stratosphere amounted to 80 K peak-to-peak and potential energy densities exceeded 400 J/kg. The measured amplitudes and phase alignments agree well with operational analyses and short-term forecasts of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), implying that these quasi-steady gravity waves resulted from the airflow across the Andes. We estimate gravity wave momentum fluxes larger than 100 mPa applying independent methods to both lidar data and IFS model data. These mountain waves deposited momentum at the inner edge of the polar night jet and led to a long-lasting deceleration of the stratospheric flow. The accumulated mountain wave drag affected the stratospheric circulation several thousand kilometers downstream. In the 2018 austral winter, mountain wave events of this magnitude contributed more than 30% of the total potential energy density, signifying their importance by perturbing the stratospheric polar vortex.Fil: Kaifler, N.. German Aerospace Center; AlemaniaFil: Kaifler, B.. German Aerospace Center; AlemaniaFil: Dörnbrack, A.. German Aerospace Center; AlemaniaFil: Rapp, M.. German Aerospace Center; AlemaniaFil: Hormaechea, José Luis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: de la Torre, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Austral. Facultad de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Investigación Desarrollo y Transferencia - Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Laboratorio de Investigación Desarrollo y Transferencia; Argentin

    NLC and the background atmosphere above ALOMAR

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    Noctilucent clouds (NLC) have been measured by the Rayleigh/Mie/Raman-lidar at the ALOMAR research facility in Northern Norway (69° N, 16° E). From 1997 to 2010 NLC were detected during more than 1850 h on 440 different days. Colocated MF-radar measurements and calculations with the Leibniz-Institute Middle Atmosphere (LIMA-) model are used to characterize the background atmosphere. Temperatures as well as horizontal winds at 83 km altitude show distinct differences during NLC observations compared to when NLC are absent. The seasonally averaged temperature is lower and the winds are stronger westward when NLC are detected. The wind separation is a robust feature as it shows up in measurements as well as in model results and it is consistent with the current understanding that lower temperatures support the existence of ice particles. For the whole 14-year data set there is no statistically significant relation between NLC occurrence and solar Lyman-α radiation. On the other hand NLC occurrence and temperatures at 83 km show a significant anti-correlation, which suggests that the thermal state plays a major role for the existence of ice particles and dominates the pure Lyman-α influence on water vapor during certain years. We find the seasonal mean NLC altitudes to be correlated to both Lyman-α radiation and temperature. NLC above ALOMAR are strongly influenced by atmospheric tides. The cloud water content varies by a factor of 2.8 over the diurnal cycle. Diurnal and semidiurnal amplitudes and phases show some pronounced year-to-year variations. In general, amplitudes as well as phases vary in a different manner. Amplitudes change by a factor of more than 3 and phases vary by up to 7 h. Such variability could impact long-term NLC observations which do not cover the full diurnal cycle

    Temperature Profiles From Two Close Lidars and a Satellite to Infer the Structure of a Dominant Gravity Wave

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    Gravity waves (GW) are a crucial coupling mechanism for the exchange of energy and momentum flux (MF) between the lower, middle, and upper layers of the atmosphere. Among the remote instruments used to study them, there has been a continuous increment in the last years in the installation and use of lidars (light detection and ranging) all over the globe. Two of them, which are only night operating, are located in Río Gallegos (−69.3◦ W, −51.6◦ S) and Río Grande (−67.8◦ W, −53.8◦ S), in the neighborhood of the austral tip of South America. This is a well-known GWhot spot from late autumn to early spring. Neither the source for this intense activity nor the extent of its effects have been yet fully elucidated. In the last years, different methods that combine diverse retrieval techniques have been presented in order to describe the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of observed GW, their propagation direction, their energy, and the MF that they carry. Assuming the presence of a dominant GWin the covered region, we develop here a technique that uses the temperature profiles from two simultaneously working close lidars to infer the vertical wavelength, ground-based frequency, and horizontal wavelength along the direction joining both instruments. If in addition within the time and spatial frame of both lidars there is also a retrieval from a satellite like SABER (Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry), then we show that it is possible to infer also the second horizontal wavelength and therefore reproduce the full 3-D GWstructure. Our method becomes verified with an example that includes tests that corroborate that both lidars and the satellite are sampling the same GW. The improvement of the Río Gallegos lidar performance could lead in the future to the observation of a wealth of cases during the GWhigh season. Between 8 and 14 hr (depending on the month) of continuous nighttime data could be obtained in the stratosphere and mesosphere in simultaneous soundings from both ground-based lidars.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    NLC and the background atmosphere above ALOMAR

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    Noctilucent clouds (NLC) have been measured by the Rayleigh/Mie/Raman-lidar at the ALOMAR research facility in Northern Norway (69° N, 16° E). From 1997 to 2010 NLC were detected during more than 1850 h on 440 different days. Colocated MF-radar measurements and calculations with the Leibniz-Institute Middle Atmosphere (LIMA-) model are used to characterize the background atmosphere. Temperatures as well as horizontal winds at 83 km altitude show distinct differences during NLC observations compared to when NLC are absent. The seasonally averaged temperature is lower and the winds are stronger westward when NLC are detected. The wind separation is a robust feature as it shows up in measurements as well as in model results and it is consistent with the current understanding that lower temperatures support the existence of ice particles. For the whole 14-year data set there is no statistically significant relation between NLC occurrence and solar Lyman-α radiation. On the other hand NLC occurrence and temperatures at 83 km show a significant anti-correlation, which suggests that the thermal state plays a major role for the existence of ice particles and dominates the pure Lyman-α influence on water vapor during certain years. We find the seasonal mean NLC altitudes to be correlated to both Lyman-α radiation and temperature. NLC above ALOMAR are strongly influenced by atmospheric tides. The cloud water content varies by a factor of 2.8 over the diurnal cycle. Diurnal and semidiurnal amplitudes and phases show some pronounced year-to-year variations. In general, amplitudes as well as phases vary in a different manner. Amplitudes change by a factor of more than 3 and phases vary by up to 7 h. Such variability could impact long-term NLC observations which do not cover the full diurnal cycle

    Characteristics and sources of gravity waves observed in noctilucent cloud over Norway

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    Four years of noctilucent cloud (NLC) images from an automated digital camera in Trondheim and results from a ray-tracing model are used to extend the climatology of gravity waves to higher latitudes and to identify their sources during summertime. The climatology of the summertime gravity waves detected in NLC between 64 and 74° N is similar to that observed between 60 and 64° N by Pautet et al. (2011). The direction of propagation of gravity waves observed in the NLC north of 64° N is a continuation of the north and northeast propagation as observed in south of 64° N. However, a unique population of fast, short wavelength waves propagating towards the SW is observed in the NLC, which is consistent with transverse instabilities generated in situ by breaking gravity waves (Fritts and Alexander, 2003). The relative amplitude of the waves observed in the NLC Mie scatter have been combined with ray-tracing results to show that waves propagating from near the tropopause, rather than those resulting from secondary generation in the stratosphere or mesosphere, are more likely to be the sources of the prominent wave structures observed in the NLC. The coastal region of Norway along the latitude of 70° N is identified as the primary source region of the waves generated near the tropopause

    Gravity waves excited during a minor sudden stratospheric warming

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    An exceptionally deep upper-air sounding launched from Kiruna airport (67.82 degrees N, 20.33 degrees E) on 30 January 2016 stimulated the current investigation of internal gravity waves excited during a minor sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in the Arctic winter 2015/16. The analysis of the radiosonde profile revealed large kinetic and potential energies in the upper stratosphere without any simultaneous enhancement of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric values. Upward-propagating inertia-gravity waves in the upper stratosphere and downward-propagating modes in the lower stratosphere indicated a region of gravity wave generation in the stratosphere. Two-dimensional wavelet analysis was applied to vertical time series of temperature fluctuations in order to determine the vertical propagation direction of the stratospheric gravity waves in 1-hourly high-resolution meteorological analyses and short-term forecasts. The separation of upward- and downward-propagating waves provided further evidence for a stratospheric source of gravity waves. The scale-dependent decomposition of the flow into a balanced component and inertia-gravity waves showed that coherent wave packets preferentially occurred at the inner edge of the Arctic polar vortex where a sub-vortex formed during the minor SSW