21,649 research outputs found
Three-body spin-orbit forces from chiral two-pion exchange
Using chiral perturbation theory, we calculate the density-dependent
spin-orbit coupling generated by the two-pion exchange three-nucleon
interaction involving virtual -isobar excitation. From the
corresponding three-loop Hartree and Fock diagrams we obtain an isoscalar
spin-orbit strength which amounts at nuclear matter
saturation density to about half of the empirical value of MeVfm. The
associated isovector spin-orbit strength comes out about a
factor of 20 smaller. Interestingly, this three-body spin-orbit coupling is not
a relativistic effect but independent of the nucleon mass . Furthermore, we
calculate the three-body spin-orbit coupling generated by two-pion exchange on
the basis of the most general chiral -contact interaction. We find
similar (numerical) results for the isoscalar and isovector spin-orbit
strengths and with a strong dominance of
the p-wave part of the -contact interaction and the Hartree
contribution.Comment: 8 pages, 4figure, published in : Physical Review C68, 054001 (2003
Bethe-Salpeter Approach for the Elastic Pion-Nucleon Scattering in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory (HBChPT) to leading order provides a
kernel to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the
(-channel) system, in the infinite nucleon mass limit.
Crossed Born terms include, when iterated within the Bethe-Salpeter equation,
both {\it all} one- and {\it some} two-pion intermediate states, hence
preserving elastic unitarity below the two-pion production threshold. This
suggests searching for a solution with the help of dispersion relations and
suitable subtraction constants, when all in-elasticities are explicitly
neglected. The solution allows for a successful description of the experimental
phase shift from threshold up to MeV in terms of four
subtraction constants. Next-to-leading order HBChPT calculations are also used
to estimate the unknown subtraction constants which appear in the solution.
Large discrepancies are encountered which can be traced to the slow convergence
rate of HBChPT.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
Tripartite entanglement in parametric down-conversion with spatially-structured pump
Most investigations of multipartite entanglement have been concerned with
temporal modes of the electromagnetic field, and have neglected its spatial
structure. We present a simple model which allows to generate tripartite
entanglement between spatial modes by parametric down-conversion with two
symmetrically-tilted plane waves serving as a pump. The characteristics of this
entanglement are investigated. We also discuss the generalization of our scheme
to 2N+1-partite entanglement using 2N symmetrically-tilted plane pump waves.
Another interesting feature is the possibility of entanglement localization in
just two spatial modes.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Chiral 3-exchange NN-potentials: Results for dominant next-to-leading order contributions
We calculate in (two-loop) chiral perturbation theory the local NN-potentials
generated by the three-pion exchange diagrams with one insertion from the
second order chiral effective pion-nucleon Lagrangian proportional to the
low-energy constants . The resulting isoscalar central potential
vanishes identically. In most cases these -exchange potentials are larger
than the ones generated by the diagrams involving only leading order vertices
due to the large values of (which mainly represent virtual
-excitation). A similar feature has been observed for the chiral
-exchange. We also give suitable (double-integral) representations for
the spin-spin and tensor potentials generated by the leading-order diagrams
proportional to involving four nucleon propagators. In these cases the
Cutkosky rule cannot be used to calculate the spectral-functions in the
infinite nucleon mass limit since the corresponding mass-spectra start with a
non-vanishing value at the -threshold. Altogether, one finds that chiral
-exchange leads to small corrections in the region fm where
- and chiral -exchange alone provide a very good strong NN-force as
shown in a recent analysis of the low-energy pp-scattering data-base.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, to be published in The Physical Review
Unitarized pion-nucleon scattering within Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
By means of the Inverse Amplitude Method we unitarize the elastic
pion-nucleon scattering amplitudes obtained from Heavy Baryon Chiral
Perturbation Theory to O(q^3). Within this approach we can enlarge their
applicability range and generate the Delta(1232) resonance. We can find a
reasonable description of the pion nucleon phase shifts with (q^2) parameters
in agreement with the resonance saturation hypothesis. However, the
uncertainties in the analysis of the low energy data as well as the large
number of chiral parameters, which can have strong correlations, allow us to
obtain very good fits with rather different sets of chiral constants.Comment: Shortened version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Brief Report
QCD Accurately Predicts the Induced Pseudoscalar Coupling Constant
Using chiral Ward identities of QCD, we derive a relation for the induced
pseudoscalar coupling constant which is accurate within a few percent, .Comment: 5pp, LaTeX, CRN-94/1
Nucleon Polarizibilities for Virtual Photons
We generalize the sum rules for the nucleon electric plus magnetic
polarizability and for the nucleon spin-polarizability
, to virtual photons with . The dominant low energy cross
sections are represented in our calculation by one-pion-loop graphs of
relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory and the -resonance
excitation. For the proton we find good agreement of the calculated
with empirical values obtained from integrating up
electroproduction data for . The proton spin-polarizability
switches sign around and it joins smoothly the
"partonic" curve, extracted from polarized deep-inelastic scattering, around
. For the neutron our predictions of and
agree reasonably well at with existing determinations.
Upcoming (polarized) electroproduction experiments will be able to test the
generalized polarizability sum rules investigated here.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submittes to Nuclear Physics
Topics in Chiral Perturbation Theory
I consider some selected topics in chiral perturbation theory (CHPT). For the
meson sector, emphasis is put on processes involving pions in the isospin zero
S-wave which require multi-loop calculations. The advantages and shortcomings
of heavy baryon CHPT are discussed. Some recent results on the structure of the
baryons are also presented.Comment: 30 pp, TeX, Review talk, Third Workshop on High Energy Particle
Physics (WHEPP III), Madras, India, January 1994. 7 figures available upon
request. CRN--94/0
Study and optimization of ion-irradiated High-Tc Josephson nanoJunctions by Monte Carlo simulations
High Tc Josephson nanoJunctions (HTc JnJ) made by ion irradiation have
remarkable properties for technological applications. However, the spread in
their electrical characteristics increases with the ion dose. We present a
simple model to explain the JnJ inhomogeneities, which accounts quantitatively
for experimental data. The spread in the slit's width of the irradiation mask
is the limiting factor.Monte Carlo simulations have been performed using
different irradiation conditions to study their influence on the spread of the
JnJ charcateristics. A "universal" behavior has been evidenced, which allows to
propose new strategies to optimize JnJ reproducibility.Comment: 14 pages, 6 Figures. accepted in Journal of Applied Physic
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