1,235 research outputs found

    Initial Condition for QGP Evolution from NEXUS

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    We recently proposed a new approach to high energy nuclear scattering, which treats the initial stage of heavy ion collisions in a sophisticated way. We are able to calculate macroscopic quantities like energy density and velocity flow at the end of this initial stage, after the two nuclei having penetrated each other. In other words, we provide the initial conditions for a macroscopic treatment of the second stage of the collision. We address in particular the question of how to incorporate the soft component properly. We find almost perfect "Bjorken scaling": the rapidity coincides with the space-time rapidity, whereas the transverse flow is practically zero. The distribution of the energy density in the transverse plane shows typically a very "bumpy" structure.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figure

    Self-Consistency Requirement in High-Energy Nuclear Scattering

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    Practically all serious calculations of exclusive particle production in ultra-relativistic nuclear or hadronic interactions are performed in the framework of Gribov-Regge theory or the eikonalized parton model scheme. It is the purpose of this paper to point out serious inconsistencies in the above-mentioned approaches. We will demonstrate that requiring theoretical self-consistency reduces the freedom in modeling high energy nuclear scattering enormously. We will introduce a fully self-consistent formulation of the multiple-scattering scheme in the framework of a Gribov-Regge type effective theory. In addition, we develop new computational techniques which allow for the first time a satisfactory solution of the problem in the sense that calculation s of observable quantities can be done strictly within a self-consistent formalism.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Guided Interface Waves

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    Many of tomorrow’s technologies are dependent upon the emergence of new advanced materials with superior stiffness and strength but reduced density. Metal matrix composites (MMC’s) consisting of light metal matrices (e. g., aluminum, titanium or magnesium) reinforced with very stiff ceramic fibers or particles (e. g. SiC, AI2O3 or graphite) show considerable promise for satisfying this need. However, the satisfactory performance of these materials has been found to be critically dependent upon the attainment of optimal properties at the metal-ceramic interface; a problem that is compounded by the possibility of chemical reactions between the reactive metal matrix and ceramic reinforcement. Of particular import are the interface adhesion and local elastic properties. Unfortunately no methods exist for the measurement of these quantities even for macroscopic interfaces let alone for the microscopic interfaces occurring within MMC’s

    Cosmic Ray Air Shower Characteristics in the Framework of the Parton-Based Gribov-Regge Model NEXUS

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold: first we want to introduce a new type of hadronic interaction model (NEXUS), which has a much more solid theoretical basis as, for example, presently used models like QGSJET and VENUS, and ensures therefore a much more reliable extrapolation towards high energies. Secondly, we want to promote an extensive air shower (EAS) calculation scheme, based on cascade equations rather than explicit Monte Carlo simulations, which is very accurate in calculations of main EAS characteristics and extremely fast concerning computing time. We employ the NEXUS model to provide the necessary data on particle production in hadron-air collisions and present the average EAS characteristics for energies 10^14 - 10^17 eV. The experimental data of the casa-blanka group are analyzed in the framework of the new model.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Impact and Experiences Relative to Critical Incidents and Critical Incident Stress Management

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    Purpose: Typically, athletic trainers (ATs) have relied on external support networks to debrief after a critical incident (CI). ATs report focusing on improving work-related processes after a CI rather than their emotional response to the CI. The purpose of this study was to identify both the short-term emotional impacts of CIs and what coping strategies ATs use to address their emotional response to CIs. Methods: We used a cross-sectional, web-based survey, distributed to a random sample of NATA members to explore the perceived effects of CIs on ATs. Participants (n=73, 36±11y) were primarily women (n=53, 72.6%), working in the college/university practice setting (n = 40, 54.8%), with 7±3y of experience. All participants experienced a CI within the previous 12 months. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for demographic variables and multi-analyst inductive coding for the open-ended items amongst a 4-person team. We used a modified consensual qualitative research (CQR) process to review and analyze the open-ended questions and identify domains and core ideas. Trustworthiness was established with multi-analyst triangulation and auditing. Results: Participants most commonly reported feelings of thinking too much (71%, n=52), anxiety (63%, n=46), sadness (60%, n=44), fatigue (53%, n=39), and sleep disturbance (49%, n=36) resulting from CIs. Common coping strategies used were exercise (63%, n=46), humor (44%, n=32), interacting with pets (41%, n=30), expressing oneself through crying (40%, n=29), and peer support (34%, n=25). Sixty-two participants (86%) responded to open-ended questions related to the outcomes of CIs. Four domains were identified from the open-ended responses. Those domains included 1) dissociation, 2) deteriorated emotional state, 3) disruption of daily activities, and 4) improved event or post-event processes. Conclusion: Various strategies are used by ATs to cope with CIs; however, the only ways in which ATs expressed that coping helped was with care delivery, not the emotional impact of the CI. The lack of responses relative to coping strategies that improve quality of life is potentially alarming. To build resilience and persistence, organizations should consider requiring support beyond process improvement that addresses the emotional impact of CIs

    Ultrasonic Methods for Characterizing the Interface in Composites

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    Micromechanical modeling studies of composite materials have highlighted the need for better characterization of the interface zone in composite materials. Bulk behavior in composites has been predicted to be strongly influenced by the local elastic properties, residual stresses, and adhesion of the interface. Techniques to nondestructively measure these newly perceived quantities of importance do not exist. Thus it is not possible experimentally to (i) confirm the micromechanical model predictions, (ii) explore the relationships between interface properties and processing variables, and (iii) ensure acceptable interface properties in commercially fabricated composites. We report here the current status of a SDIO/ONR funded research program directed at developing experimental techniques for characterizing the interface zone in composites through the use of ultrasonic interface waves [1]

    Consistent Treatment of Soft and Hard Processes in Hadronic Interactions

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    The QCD improved parton model is a very successful concept to treat processes in hadronic interactions, whenever large partonic transverse momenta are involved. However, cross sections diverge in the limit p_T -> 0, and the usual treatment is the definition of a lower cutoff p_T_min, such that processes with a smaller p_T -- so-called soft processes -- are simply ignored, which is certainly not correct for example at RHIC energies. A more consistent procedure amounts to introduce a technical parameter Q_0^2, referred to as soft virtuality scale, which is nothing but an artificial borderline between soft and hard physics. We will discuss such a formalism, which coincides with the improved parton model for high p_T processes and with the phenomenological treatment of soft scattering, when only small virtualities are involved. The most important aspect of our approach is that it allows to obtain a smooth transition between soft and hard scattering, and therefore no artificial dependence on a cutoff parameter should appear.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    On the Role of Energy Conservation in High-Energy Nuclear Scattering

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    We argue that most commonly used models for nuclear scattering at ultra-relativistic energies do not treat energy conservation in a consistent fashion. Demanding theoretical consistency as a minimal requirement for a realistic model, we provide a solution for the above-mentioned problem, the so-called ``Parton-Based Gribov-Regge Theory''. In order to keep a clean picture, we do not consider secondary interactions. We provide a very transparent extrapolation of the physics of more elementary interactions towards nucleus-nucleus scattering, without considering any nuclear effects due to final state interactions. In this sense we consider our model a realistic and consistent approach to describe the initial stage of nuclear collisions.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX created with LyX, 10 figure

    High-order harmonic generation with a strong laser field and an attosecond-pulse train: the Dirac Delta comb and monochromatic limits

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    In recent publications, it has been shown that high-order harmonic generation can be manipulated by employing a time-delayed attosecond pulse train superposed to a strong, near-infrared laser field. It is an open question, however, which is the most adequate way to approximate the attosecond pulse train in a semi-analytic framework. Employing the Strong-Field Approximation and saddle-point methods, we make a detailed assessment of the spectra obtained by modeling the attosecond pulse train by either a monochromatic wave or a Dirac-Delta comb. These are the two extreme limits of a real train, which is composed by a finite set of harmonics. Specifically, in the monochromatic limit, we find the downhill and uphill sets of orbits reported in the literature, and analyze their influence on the high-harmonic spectra. We show that, in principle, the downhill trajectories lead to stronger harmonics, and pronounced enhancements in the low-plateau region. These features are analyzed in terms of quantum interference effects between pairs of quantum orbits, and compared to those obtained in the Dirac-Delta limit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures (eps files). To appear in Laser Physic
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