458 research outputs found

    HESS Opinions: "Climate, hydrology, energy, water: recognizing uncertainty and seeking sustainability"

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    Since 1990 extensive funds have been spent on research in climate change. Although Earth Sciences, including climatology and hydrology, have benefited significantly, progress has proved incommensurate with the effort and funds, perhaps because these disciplines were perceived as “tools” subservient to the needs of the climate change enterprise rather than autonomous sciences. At the same time, research was misleadingly focused more on the “symptom”, i.e. the emission of greenhouse gases, than on the “illness”, i.e. the unsustainability of fossil fuel-based energy production. Unless energy saving and use of renewable resources become the norm, there is a real risk of severe socioeconomic crisis in the not-too-distant future. A framework for drastic paradigm change is needed, in which water plays a central role, due to its unique link to all forms of renewable energy, from production (hydro and wave power) to storage (for time-varying wind and solar sources), to biofuel production (irrigation). The extended role of water should be considered in parallel to its other uses, domestic, agricultural and industrial. Hydrology, the science of water on Earth, must move towards this new paradigm by radically rethinking its fundamentals, which are unjustifiably trapped in the 19thcentury myths of deterministic theories and the zeal to eliminate uncertainty. Guidance is offered by modern statistical and quantum physics, which reveal the intrinsic character of uncertainty/entropy in nature, thus advancing towards a new understanding and modelling of physical processes, which is central to the effective use of renewable energy and water resources

    Male perspectives on intimate partner violence: A qualitative analysis from South Africa

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    Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects one in four women globally and is more commonly enacted by men than women. Rates of IPV in South Africa exceed the global average. Exploring the background and context regarding why men use violence can help future efforts to prevent IPV. Methods We explored adult men’s perspectives of IPV, livelihoods, alcohol use, gender beliefs, and childhood exposure to abuse through a secondary analysis of qualitative interviews that were conducted in South Africa. The setting was a peri-urban township characterized by high unemployment, immigration from rural areas, and low service provision. We utilized thematic qualitative analysis that was guided by the social ecological framework. Results Of 30 participants, 20 were residents in the neighborhood, 7 were trained community members, and 3 were program staff. Men reported consumption of alcohol and lack of employment as being triggers for IPV and community violence in general. Multiple participants recounted childhood exposure to abuse. These themes, in addition to culturally prescribed gender norms and constructs of manhood, seemed to influence the use of violence. Conclusion Interventions aimed at reducing IPV should consider the cultural and social impact on men’s use of IPV in low-resource, high-IPV prevalence settings, such as peri-urban South Africa. This work highlights the persistent need for the implementation of effective primary prevention strategies that address contextual and economic factors in an effort to reduce IPV that is primarily utilized by men directed at women

    Estimation of thorax shape for forward modelling in lungs EIT

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    The thorax models for pre-term babies are developed based on the CT scans from new-borns and their effect on image reconstruction is evaluated in comparison with other available models

    Singularly Perturbed Monotone Systems and an Application to Double Phosphorylation Cycles

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    The theory of monotone dynamical systems has been found very useful in the modeling of some gene, protein, and signaling networks. In monotone systems, every net feedback loop is positive. On the other hand, negative feedback loops are important features of many systems, since they are required for adaptation and precision. This paper shows that, provided that these negative loops act at a comparatively fast time scale, the main dynamical property of (strongly) monotone systems, convergence to steady states, is still valid. An application is worked out to a double-phosphorylation ``futile cycle'' motif which plays a central role in eukaryotic cell signaling.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, corrected typos, references remove

    Towards an IT-based Planning Process Alignment: Integrated Route and Location Planning for Small Package Shippers

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    To increase the efficiency of delivery operations in small package shipping (SPS), numerous optimization models for routeand location planning decisions have been proposed. This operations research view of defining independent problems hastwo major shortcomings: First, most models from literature neglect crucial real-world characteristics, thus making themuseless for small package shippers. Second, business processes for strategic decision making are not well-structured in mostSPS companies and significant cost savings could be generated by an IT-based support infrastructure integrating decisionmaking and planning across the mutually dependent layers of strategic, tactical and operational planning. We present anintegrated planning framework that combines an intelligent data analysis tool, which identifies delivery patterns and changesin customer demand, with location and route planning tools. Our planning approaches extend standard Location Routing andVehicle Routing models by crucial, practically relevant characteristics like the existence of subcontractors on both decisionlevels and the implicit consideration of driver familiarity in route planning

    Design of a decision support system for multiobjective activity planning and programming using global bacteria optimization

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    The success of any project lies in a great manner on keeping costs in the estimated values, as well as meeting customer required due date. Therefore, there is a current need of developing an information system that facilitates the creation and managing of projects and their processes, including costing schemes, as well as monitoring an optimizing project’s makespan. In order to address this situation a user-friendly information system (IS) was developed. This IS includes an optimization module that reduces the project’s execution time, thus, minimizing costs and ultimately providing the manager with the right tools for the correct development of the project. Therefore, a better planning of activities in a reduced time is accomplished. In this way, the project manager is equipped with a decision support system (DSS) that allows a better decision making and, thanks to this performance optimization, a cost-effective solution can be delivered to the company. The optimization module is the main innovative component in this IS, considering that addresses the problem as a multiobjective one, considering at the same time makespan and cost. This module is based on global bacteria optimization (GBO). This becomes the most relevant improvement when compared to other ISs in the market

    Perpetrating Cyber Dating Abuse: A Brief Report on the Role of Aggression, Romantic Jealousy and Gender

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    There is increasing evidence that the use of elec-tronic communication technology (ECT) is being integrated into romantic relationships, which can be used as a medium to control a romantic partner. Most research focuses on the vic-tims of cyber dating abuse, however, we focused on the factors that predict perpetration of cyber dating abuse. We explored whether aggression (verbal aggression, physical aggression, anger and hostility), romantic jealousy (emotional, cognitive and behavioral jealousy), and gender predicted perpetration of cyber dating abuse (n = 189). We found that hostility, behav-ioral jealousy and gender significantly predicted perpetration of cyber dating abuse. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of the psychological factors that drive cyber dating abuse in romantic relationships
