325 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this work is to study the influence of the current density and of the concentration of the equilibrium solution on the rate of electroosmotic flow in the solution-membrane-solution system. Experimental evidence indicates that the volume flow rate increases in proportion to the current density, confirming that Widemann's law is also valid for ion-exchange membranes, and the electroosmotic permeability is independent of current density in the range studied, from 3 to 60 mA/cm**2. The form of the dependence of the electroosmotic permeability both of homogeneous and of heterogeneous membranes on concentration is determined by the water content in the ion-exchange material

    Evaluation of indicators of entrepreneurial potential in 2018

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    Entrepreneurial potential of the population is largely determined by how adults evaluate their intentions in terms of creating their own business. The purpose of the study was to assess the existing indicators in 2018 that characterize the potential entrepreneurial activity of the population in different countries. The self-assessment of people on such factors as their ability and ability to create their own businesses, entrepreneurial purposes, fear of failure in this activity, as well as the presence of familiar entrepreneurs were considered as the estimated indicators. The study used information from the Global entrepreneurship monitor for 2018 for 48 countries. Three hypotheses were tested using mathematical models representing the density functions of the normal distribution. Five indicators of entrepreneurial potential were used to determine their average values for the countries under consideration. Countries with high and low values of indicators were identified. A comparative analysis of the entrepreneurial potential in Russia and foreign countries is carried out

    The main reasons for the exit of entrepreneurs from business

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    The purpose of the article is to study the reasons for the termination of entrepreneurial activity, as well as the accumulated experience of entrepreneurs leaving their business. Research on the principles and concepts of business termination became widespread in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. At first, only Western European and American scientists were interested in this problem. Since 2005, the geography of researchers has expanded significantly. Our analysis is based on the consideration of monographs, articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, published working papers and research reports. The article presents the characteristics of the main reasons and ways of entrepreneurs out of business. Author proposes their classification and systematization. The results of the study can be used in scientific research of entrepreneurship. They can be used in the educational activities of higher educational institutions. The results are of interest to existing entrepreneurs, helping them to properly build business exit programs

    Оценка специализации начинающих предпринимателей различных стран в 2018 году

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    Entrepreneurship is of great value in the modern economy. It provides a significant increase in the production of goods, works and services in the vast majority of countries, creates new jobs, increases the level of competitiveness and innovation. The article is devoted to the study of involvement in different type entrepreneurship activity. The study was based on data results on the adult population survey, i.e. between the ages of 18 and 64 years. The global monitoring process collected data on a wide range of indicators characterizing female and male entrepreneurship for 48 countries in 2018. During the made study, following two hypotheses were confirmed: indicators of specific weight of early entrepreneurs that specialize in certain types of activities differ significantly according to the countries; in most countries, activities such as trade and variety of services predominate in the early stages of entrepreneurial activity. The results of the research, which have scientific novelty, are as follows: analyze of the existing levels of sector specialization of early entrepreneurs; high quality  approximation of the initial data by the dependences given in the article is proved; proved the predominance in most countries of early entrepreneurs, specialized in wholesale and retail trade; installed countries with high and low levels of the considered indicators.El emprendimiento es de gran valor en la economía moderna. Proporciona un aumento significativo en la producción de bienes, obras y servicios en la gran mayoría de los países, crea nuevos empleos, aumenta el nivel de competitividad e innovación. El artículo está dedicado al estudio de la participación en diferentes tipos de actividad empresarial. El estudio se basó en los resultados de los datos de la encuesta de población adulta, es decir, entre las edades de 18 y 64 años. El proceso de monitoreo global recopiló datos sobre una amplia gama de indicadores que caracterizan el emprendimiento femenino y masculino para 48 países en 2018. Durante el estudio realizado, se confirmaron dos hipótesis: los indicadores del peso específico de los primeros empresarios que se especializan en ciertos tipos de actividades difieren significativamente segun los paises; En la mayoría de los países, actividades como el comercio y la variedad de servicios predominan en las primeras etapas de la actividad empresarial. Los resultados de la investigación, que tienen novedad científica, son los siguientes: analizar los niveles existentes de especialización sectorial de los primeros empresarios; se demuestra una aproximación de alta calidad de los datos iniciales por las dependencias dadas en el artículo; demostró el predominio en la mayoría de los países de los primeros empresarios, especializados en el comercio mayorista y minorista; países instalados con niveles altos y bajos de los indicadores considerados.Предпринимательство имеет большое значение в современных национальных экономиках. Оно создает предпосылки увеличения обеспеченностью населения товарами, работами и услугами во многих странах, создания новых рабочих мест, повышения уровня конкурентоспособности и инноваций. В статье рассматриваются индикаторы  специализации ранних предпринимателей. В исследовании были использованы итоги  социологического опроса начинающих бизнесменов в возрасте от 18 до 64 лет. В 2018 году такое обследование включало данные по 48 странам. Тестировались и были подтверждены две гипотезы: конкретные показатели веса ранних предпринимателей, специализирующихся на определенных видах деятельности, существенно различаются по странам; в большинстве стран такие виды деятельности, как торговля и разнообразие услуг, преобладают на ранних стадиях предпринимательской деятельности. К результатам исследования, которые имеют оригинальность, относятся: определение сложившихся  уровней отраслевой специализации ранних предпринимателей; высокое качество разработанных математических моделей; доказано, что в большинстве стран преобладают ранние предприниматели, специализирующиеся на оптовой и розничной торговле; выявлены страны, с высокими и низкими уровнями рассматриваемых показателей

    Links between biota and climate-related variables in the Baltic region using Lake Onega as an example**This work was supported by Biodiversity Bioresources Programmes grants from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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    AbstractThis paper aims to reveal current changes (recent decades) in regional climatic variables like water temperature (WT), the duration of the ice-free period (ICE-FREE) and the precipitation rate (P), as exemplified by Petrozavodsk Bay (Lake Onega, European Russia), and to analyse their relationships with the global climatic indices NAO, AO and structural characteristics of biota (chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), phytoplankton and zoobenthos abundance/biomass) in the lake ecosystem, which lies within the Baltic Sea catchment area. Spearman’s rank correlations yielded significant (p<0.05) relationships between the NAO and planktonic Cyanobacteria abundance, and also between NAO, AO, WT, P and the abundance and biomass of zoobenthos. Chl a correlates positively (R=0.66; p=0.03) with WT and negatively with ICE-FREE (R=−0.53; p=0.05). At the same time, multiple regression analysis confirmed that the global climate governs primarily the regional climatic variables and productivity level in the lake’s ecosystem, whereas most of the biotic characteristics respond to variability in the regional climate

    Child and mobile phone: tips for parents

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    A guidance for parents is provided on the organization for a child a mobile phone useПриводятся рекомендации родителям по организации для ребенка пользования мобильным телефоно

    Impact of the “core” incomes of the regional budgets on the resilience of social-economic subsystems

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    Objective: estimation of the risks of forming the budget incomes of the Russian subjects as a tool for determining the resilience of the regional subsystem.Methods: abstract-logical method, economic-mathematical analysis, coefficient analysis. Results: it was found that for less economically developed regions, the most stable income is gratuitous revenues. It is proved that in accordance with theoretical concepts, risks are determined by the income stability, while in fact, for regions with low and intermediate levels of economic development, the priority role is played by the possibilities of mobilization, which are most obvious for gratuitous revenues. Based on the calculation and evaluation of the income structure indicators, variations of budgets by income and growth rates of the key types of budget income, and using the Federal Treasury data on execution of budgets of the Volga Federal district subjects, it was found that the lowest level of variation is shown by the tax on physical persons incomes; to a lesser extent - the tax levied within the simplified system of taxation, and the tax on property of organizations.Scientific novelty: the authors formulated a hypothesis of a “core” of the subject’s budget revenues, formed with the revenues with a low probability of deviations and high stability, reflected in a single and consistent information base and reflecting the resilience of the region’s economy. It is found that the composition of the “core” income of such regions does not meet the criteria of economic feasibility in the interests of social development and should be altered.Practical significance: the study results can be used in the development of budget and tax policy areas that provide for the decentralization of budget system revenues and the introduction of risk management in the public administration sector


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    The development and introduction into the budget process of programs designed for all levels of the Russian budget system made it possible to draw up the budget as a policy document defining targets and results to be achieved in the execution of the financial plan of the government. The relevance of the subject is determined by the reform of the budget process in the part of the budget expenditure planning. The local finances play a significant part in the financial system since they convey the results of the financial, economic and social activities of companies andorganizations to direct consumers of federal and municipal services and transform the economic potential intoconcrete results - a higher living standard or a comfortable environment. The purpose of the paper is to examine the organization and the legal support of municipal programs. The paper describes how a municipal program is developed and what methods are used to assess its effectiveness. It is concluded that program implementation reports should be published on a regular basis.Развитие и введение в составление бюджета программ, разработанных для всех уровней, позволили составить бюджет как программный документ, определяющий цели и результаты, которые будут достигнуты при выполнении финансового плана Правительства. В статье рассматривается реформа в составлении бюджета в части планирования расходов. Местные финансы играют значительную роль в финансовой системе, так как они передают результаты финансовой, экономической и общественной деятельности компаний и организаций непосредственным потребителям федеральных и муниципальных услуг и преобразуют экономический потенциал в конкретные результаты - более высокий уровень жизни или комфортные условия. Цель статьи - исследовать уровень организации и юридической поддержки муниципальных программ. В статье описывается, как разработана муниципальная программа и какие методы используются для оценки ее эффективность. Авторы приходят к выводу, что отчеты о внедрении программы должны публиковаться на регулярной основе

    Within-group spatial position in Saiga tatarica (Bovidae) in the Stepnoi State Nature Sanctuary, Astrakhan Region, Russia

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    In group-living animals, the social structure and organisation play a significant role in survival and reproduction. Understanding the social aspects of animal lives in the wild may be crucially important for effective conservation of threatened species. The fitness costs and benefits of living in a group are related to particular spatial positions individuals take within their groups. Age and sex of the individual is a major factor determining intra-group spatial position. In the present study, we investigated the within-group spatial positioning of individuals in the Critically Endangered Saiga tatarica (hereinafter – saiga). In saigas living under natural predation pressure in the Stepnoi State Nature Sanctuary (Astrakhan Region, Russia), we investigated the sex-age category of the first individual in the group, the inter-individual distance in the front individuals and the individuals following them, and the distribution of individuals of each sex-age category between various parts of the group. Three (summer) or four (autumn) sex-age categories of the individuals in the moving groups were recognised by direct observations in the field. In summer, adult females, accompanied by their calves, were the very first individuals in most saiga groups observed. This result agrees with the previous notion that experienced females often lead the saiga groups. However, further investigation is needed to confirm whether adult females do indeed take the role of a leader during long-distance group movements. In line with the results on other mammals, the majority of adult females moved in the central third of the group. Spatial preferences of adult females seem to be based on the risk minimisation as the central positions are likely the safest in the group. In autumn, juvenile males were moving first in the majority of the investigated groups probably because they were the most active and fast-moving sex-age category during this season. In addition, juvenile males and females were significantly more often observed in the first third of the group than in the central and the rear thirds. We suggest that despite the fact that the front edge of the group could be the most dangerous spatial position, foraging benefits may outweigh the increased risk for juvenile saigas. In contrast to some other mammals, adult males did not tend to move at the front edge and were equally often observed in the front, central and rear parts of saiga groups. Finally, our results showed that saigas closer to the front edge of the group maintained shorter inter-individual distances than the individuals positioned behind them. The tighter spacing could be used by front individuals to compensate for the increased risks associated with their within-group spatial position

    Experience in implementing a program for basic life support and available automated defibrillation in a cancer center

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    Unified approaches to ensuring the chain of survival can improve the patient’s prognosis both in out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest.Aim. To discuss practical issues of introducing a program for the availability of automated external defibrillation in a cancer center.Material and methods. For four years, our healthcare facility has been implementing a training program for basic and advanced life support according to the European Resuscitation Council standards, combined with the creation and development of an infrastructure for the availability of automatic defibrillation. A roadmap and infrastructure were developed for the project implementation.Results. In 2018-2022, 229 employees (114 doctors, 85 nurses and 30 nonmedical workers) were trained under the basic life support program. Fifteen defibrillators were placed in various units. During the specified period, first aid in case of sudden cardiac arrest using an automated external defibrillator before the resuscitation team arrival was independently provided by doctors and nurses of departments three times. To implement training in the continuous education system, the curriculum has passed the examination and accreditation in the edu. rosminzdrav system.Conclusion. The development and implementation of such initiatives requires significant organizational and methodological work, including continuous education system. However, in our opinion, this is an extremely useful tool for improving the safety and quality of medical care