136 research outputs found

    A structural and functional model of teachers’ monitoring skills development

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    © 2016 Masalimova and Barinova.The relevance of the present issue is caused by a strong need to conduct monitoring processes in all types of teaching processes and a poor development of theoretical, content and technological, scientific and methodological material for teachers’ monitoring skills development during their teaching practice. The aim of the article is to create and test a structural and functional model of teachers’ monitoring skills development based on a systematical activity-oriented approach. Modelling is the main method in the research as it helps to consider the present problem as a process of a directed and conscious acquisition of monitoring skills by teachers trained. The article presents a fully elaborated structural and functional model of teachers’ monitoring skills development which consists of interconnected motivational and aim-oriented, content and procedural, result-oriented and estimation components. The model adapts teachers to new conditions of modern education and encourages for further high quality education monitoring process

    Features of the structural organization of the identity of the borderline personality

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the structural organization of individuals who are organized borderline. At the psychotherapeutic reception today, borderline organized personalities make up a significant proportion. The given data indicate that the proportion of such individuals in the population can reach 25%, and at least twice as much at the reception of a psychotherapist. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of these personalities is useful, and is the basis for successful psychotherapy. The personal identity of borderline individuals is described as diffuse: instability and variability of ideas about themselves and the world, values, goals, desires, inconsistent and contradictory behavior associated with the actualization of various "split" parts of their identity. Another important feature of such people is polarization - "black and white" perception, when he perceives himself and others either only as "good" or only as "bad": they are not able to perceive themselves and others in the unity of bad and good. Their world can either stably split into bad and good objects, or the same objects at one time are only good, and at another - only obnoxious. Such people do not have a stable and articulated self-concept, they do not know what they want, what they strive for, experiencing an “emptiness” that cannot be filled inside. This may manifest itself in the fact that they cannot decide on professional interests, areas of employment, choice of a partner, etc. At the same time, there is no description in the literature of specific phenomena of the organization of the identity of a person with a borderline organization. We used the case analysis, as such, which describes the individual feature of the structural organization of identity. As a result, specific features of the personal identity of borderline organized individuals were revealed: ego-dystonicity of some parts of the identity; their insufficient articulation; their irrational organization according to the type of mystery and magic; polarization and contrariety of parts of identity; their fantasies coming from some parts of their identity cannot be translated into reality; parts of identity exist in different chronological spaces, which deprives them of the possibility of communication and internal dialogue; the parts of the identity themselves are internally heterogeneous, contradictory, inconsistent; identity is characterized by the presence of some "closed" parts that are internally negatively connoted (shame, fear, etc.) and have no opportunities for manifestation

    Development of a Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometer for low background physics

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    We present the performance of a 33 g Li2MoO4 crystal working as a scintillating bolometer. The crystal was tested for more than 400 h in a dilution refrigerator installed in the underground laboratory of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy). This compound shows promising features in the frame of neutron detection, dark matter search (solar axions) and neutrinoless double-beta decay physics. Low temperature scintillating properties were investigated by means of different alpha, beta/gamma and neutron sources, and for the first time the Light Yield for different types of interacting particle is estimated. The detector shows great ability of tagging fast neutron interactions and high intrinsic radiopurity levels (< 90 \muBq/kg for 238-U and < 110 \muBq/kg for 232-Th).Comment: revised versio


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    This article is dedicated to the problem of teachingEnglish to IТ-students on the basis of new information technologies to form the communicative competenceof future specialists. Project methodology is suggested to be one of the most efficient ways of forming thecommunicative competence of future IT- specialists.Данная статья посвящена проблеме обучения студентовинформационно-технологическихспециальностей английскому языку на базе новых информационныхтехнологийсцельюформирования коммуникативной компетенции будущих специалистов. Однимизнаиболееэффективных путейформированияпрофессиональнойкоммуникативнойкомпетенциибудущегоспециалиста в области ИТ является применение проектной методики, в рамках которой студенты участвоваливсозданиикомплексаэлектронныхучебнометодических пособий (ЭУМП)

    Патоморфология острых воспалительных заболеваний легких по данным аутопсии

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    Results of 41 270 autopsy protocols in N.V.Sklifosovsky Emergency Care Research Institute’ United Pathology Department have been analyzed. In 9073 cases (22%) all types of pneumonias have been found.Pathological, bacterioscopic, bacteriological and histobacterioscopic data are presented. 378 cases (42%) of lobular pneumonias, 231 cases (27.9%) of postoperative pneumonias and 3729 cases (41.1%) of pneumonias in cerebral supply disorders are especially selected.The clinical diagnosis is shown to be on quite low level. Twenty five percent of pneumonias had not been diagnosed in clinical period.Speaking about pneumonia etiology Pneumococcus (45.7%) and Clebsiella (31.5%) are more often found in lobular pneumonia, Staphylococcus (47.5%) and Clebsiellapneumoniae (22%) predominate in postoperative pneumonia. Etiology of pneumonias in cerebral supply disorders is variuos, there are primarily different dramnegative bacterial associations.Проанализированы 41 270 протоколов патолого-анатомических секций объединенной прозектуры НИИ скорой помощи им.Н.В.Склифосовского за 1976— 1996 гг. Все виды пневмоний обнаружены в 9073 (2 2% ) случаях.Представлены результаты клинико-анатомического, бактериологического, бактериоскопического и гистобактериоскопического исследований. Особо выделены пневмонии крупозные (378 случая, или 42%), послеоперационные (2531 случая,или 27,9%) и при нарушениях мозгового кровообращения (3729 случаев, или 41,1%).Отмечено, что клиническая диагностика пневмоний находится на достаточно низком уровне. В 25% случаев пневмония не была распознана в клинике.Что касается этиологической диагностики, то при крупозной пневмонии чаще фигурирует пневмококк (45,7%), кпебсиелла (31,5%), при послеоперационных пневмониях — стафилококк (47,5%), кпебсиелла пневмонии (22,0%), при нарушениях мозгового кровообращения — различные бактерии, в основном грамотрицательная флора в различных ассоциациях

    The influence of Losartanum and Amlodipinum fixed combination use on cardiovascular complications risk factors seasonal variability in patients with arterial hypertension

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    Rationale: The influence of drugs on adaptation to high temperatures and seasonal variability of cardiovascular disease factors is one of the most important issues of treatment raised during re-cent heat waves. The safety of calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) use during heat waves is quite controversial. Aim: To assess the seasonal variability of hemodynamic parameters, vessel wall stiffness, lipid, carbohydrate and electrolyte metabolism in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and to as-sess safety and effectiveness of fixed combination of Losartanum and Amlodipinum (Lortenza® KRKA) use according to one-year follow-up results. Materials and methods. The study included 26 patients with stage 1 and 2 AH aged from 42 to 81 years. Office blood pressure measurement, electrocardiography, volumetric sphygmography (pulse-wave velocity, cardio-ankle vascular index), serum chemistry, blood osmolarity tests were performed. Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Heat Questionnaries and self-control diaries were also assessed. The baseline visit took place in spring of 2016, the first visit - in May-June 2016, the second - during the heat wave, the third - in September-October 2016, the fourth - in January-February 2017, and the fifth - in April-May 2017. Results. The treatment resulted in systolic and diastolic blood pressure decrease (р=0.000) to target value which persisted during the follow-up period. According to the self-control diaries 81% of patients did really control BP. During the heat wave only 58% of patients succeeded in BP control, in autumn - 63%, in winter and spring - 81% and 86%, respectively. By the third visit the heart rate decreased on -6.0 (-11.1; -2.8) beats per minute, p=0.007. The decrease in pulse-wave velocity from 15.2±3.4 m/s to 13.6±2.7 m/s, p=0.01 and CAVI on -2.1 (-2.9; -0.65), p=0.01 was observed on the third visit. Decrease in uric acid level (

    Interleukin-18 gene polymorphism in pregnancy With premature rupture of membranes: A case-control study

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    Background. Imbalanced pro- and anti-inflammatory systems can unfavourably condition carrying of pregnancy and provoke gestation complications, such as premature rupture of membranes.Objectives. Assessing the contribution of SNP variants -137G&gt;C (rs187238), -607G&gt;T (rs1946518) and -656A&gt;C (rs5744228) of the IL-18 gene promoter to the incidence of extremely preterm premature rupture of membranes.Methods. A case-control study enrolled 120 pregnant women managed at the Perinatal Centre. The women were divided in two cohorts. The study cohort comprised 80 women with premature rupture of membranes at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation hospitalised in a high-risk pregnancy unit, a control cohort consisted of 40 women with physiological pregnancy at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation following outpatient counselling. The cohorts had comparable obstetric and gynaecological histories. The study exclusion criteria were: multiple gestation, foetal chromosomal anomalies, congenital foetal malformations, pregnancy due to assisted reproduction. Genotyping was performed at positions -137G&gt;C, -607G&gt;T and -656A&gt;C of the IL-18 gene promoter with determining a peripheral blood IL-18 level in cohorts.Results. The premature rupture of membranes cohort had a statistically higher serum interleukin-18 concentration compared to control (p = 0.001). Genotyping of the IL-18 gene promoter revealed a statistically higher rate of homozygous -137G&gt;C mutation (CC genotype) in the premature rupture of membranes cohort at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ term (p &lt;0.001), 67 vs. 27% in control.Conclusion. A homozygous IL-18 -137G&gt;C polymorphic variant associated with elevated blood IL-18 levels is statistically more common in pregnant women having premature rupture of membranes at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation

    Re-Identification for Improved People Tracking

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    Re-identification is usually defined as the problem of deciding whether a person currently in the field of view of a camera has been seen earlier either by that camera or another. However, a different version of the problem arises even when people are seen by multiple cameras with overlapping fields of view. Current tracking algorithms can easily get confused when people come close to each other and merge trajectory fragments into trajectories that include erroneous identity switches. Preventing this means re-identifying people across trajectory fragments. In this chapter, we show that this can be done very effectively by formulating the problem as a minimum-cost maximum-flow linear program. This version of the re-identification problem can be solved in real-time and produces trajectories without identity switches. We demonstrate the power of our approach both in single- and multi-camera setups to track pedestrians, soccer players, and basketball players

    Cleaning of aquatic ecosystems from oil new effective sorbent

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    Is devoted to the production of particles of amorphous silica, the study of the nature of the interaction of the silica nanoparticles with surfactants to the water surface and the assessment of their absorption capacity in relation to petroleum productsРабота посвящена получению частиц аморфного кремнезема, исследованию природы взаимодействия наночастиц кремнезема с поверхностно-активными веществами на водных поверхностях и оценка их адсорбционной способности по отношению к нефтепродукта