27 research outputs found

    Lo scavo della Chiesa di Santa Maria Degli Angeli alla Gancia: indicatori archeologici della prima etĂ  islamica a Palermo

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    Lo scavo in occasione del restauro della chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli alla Gancia a Palermo ha permesso di recuperare alcune stratigrafie affidabili relative alla prima età islamica a Palermo. Lo studio della ceramica ha restituito una serie di indicatori cronologici per il IX-X secolo nonché di proporre nuove cronologie per alcune classi di materiali. Relativamente alla storia della città questo scavo ha aggiunto alcune note importanti che riguardano il porto e la cittadella e mirale la al-Halisah

    Profile: Giving back Celebrating service, volunteerism, generosity

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    Though I have only recently joined the UMM community, I am already impressed by and proud of the talented, dedicated, lively, and interesting group of people that lives and works here! I am honored to be serving as the chancellor of the University of Minnesota, Morris. --From Chancellor Johnson\u27s Messagehttps://digitalcommons.morris.umn.edu/profile/1034/thumbnail.jp

    Role of filamentation in the pathogenesis of Candidiasis

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    The ability to undergo the yeast-to-hypha transition is believed to be a key virulence factor of Candida albicans. Hyphae facilitate active penetration of host cells, host cell damage, and escape from immune cells. In addition, C. albicans mutants locked in the yeast morphology have been shown to be avirulent or attenuated in systemic infections further emphasizing the importance of hyphae for virulence. C. albicans mutants lacking the EED1 gene or its expression are able to initiate germ tube formation, but fail to elongate these into hypha and eventually switch back to yeast cell growth. Despite being attenuated in damaging epithelial cells and macrophages in vitro and in virulence in an intraperitoneal infection model in vivo, surprisingly, the eed1∆/∆ mutant was as virulent as the wild type in systemic candidiasis. The retained virulence of mutants lacking EED1 or its expression was accompanied by rapid yeast replication within internal organs, especially in the kidney, the main target organ of systemic candidiasis. Whereas the renal pro-inflammatory cytokine response was delayed early after infection, increased cytokine production was observed at later time points, likely as the result of the increased immune cell infiltration, suggesting a contribution of immunopathology to pathogenesis. This work shows that rapid proliferation is likely the consequence of enhanced metabolic adaptation and increased fitness, as the eed1Δ/Δ mutant shows better growth in kidney homogenates and on certain physiologically relevant carbon sources in vitro. High kidney yeast burden resulted in kidney damage and systemic inflammation comparable to wild type infections. Therefore, rapid proliferation by metabolic adaptation and increased fitness, resulting in high organ yeast burden, can compensate for the loss of filament formation in C. albicans

    Rassegna storica salernitana. A.5, n.1/4(1944)

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    La Società Salernitana di Storia Patria aderisce al progetto EleA e autorizza la pubblicazione del fascicolo.A.5, n.1/2(1944): C. Barbagallo, Antonio Genovesi economista, P. 3; A. Capone, Il jus scannagii seu cultelli del Capitolo della Cattedrale di Salerno, P. 33; F. Cioffi, Padre Leonardo de' Rossi da Giffone Ministro Generale dei Frati Minori e cardinale di S.R.C., P. 41; R. Guariglia, Ritratti in cera di Masaniello e dei suoi accoliti, P. 46; M. Fiore, Il teatro a Salerno nei secoli XVIII e XIX - Note di cronaca (parte II), P. 49; M. Fiore, Il Monastero e la Chiesa di S. Lorenzo del Monte, P. 84; L. Mattei Cerasoli, L'Abbazia di S. Maria de Vetro nella Foria Salerni, P. 88; G. Cuomo, Francesco Cantarella, P. 92; G. Nuzzo, Emanuele Nuzzo, P. 96.A.5, n.3/4(1944): L. Mattei Cerasoli, Il decimo Abate di Cava: Balsamo (1208-1232), P. 109; C. Carucci, Due nobili figure di patriotti salernitani nella vera luce della storia, P. 145; E. Guariglia , La città di Lucania (Le rovine del Monte Stella nel Cilento), P. 171; R. Guariglia, Ancora sui ritratti di Masaniello, P. 186; M. Fiore, Il teatro a Salerno nei secoli XVIII e XIX - Note di cronaca (parte III ed ultima), P. 189; R. Guariglia, Una viaggiatrice inglese a Salerno nel 1824, P. 221; A. Schiavo, Questioni sul Duomo di Amalfi, P. 230; M. Fiore, L'Abbazia e la chiesa di S. Benedetto, P. 241; C. Carucci, Gennaro Maria Monti, P. 249; P. Vocca P., Mons. Arturo Capone, P. 254; M. Fiore , recensione di “Doria G. Le strade di Napoli. Saggio di toponomastica storica”
P. 256; A. Schiavo, recensione di “Frenkel W. Salerno e la costiera amalfitana, nuova guida
”, P. 259

    La Produzione della ceramica a Pantelleria e la sua circolazione in etĂ  tardo antica

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    This research concerning the cooking pottery production in late roman time in the Island of Pantelleria, located in the Sicily Channel.This coarse ware consisted in pans, pots, casseroles and lids and large jars, useful to cook food and other raw materials as bitumen and pitch. This high refractoriness is given to the ceramic mixture by the vulcanic minerals peculiars form the clay of the island. The archaeological excavations conducted until now, discovered a large settlement in the Scauri Bay placed in the S-W coast of the island, datable from the second half of the IV to the end of the V century. The village based its economical activity on the cooking pottery production and its export, as evidenced by the shipwreck in the harbor of Scauri. The pottery materials found in the site and in the shipwreck, come from reliable contexts and it has been helpful to a thorough tipological and chronological study of this local ware production. The analysis of the attestations in the Central and Western Mediterranean, through the bibliography and some unpublished datas from Sicily, led to create some circulation maps across the centuries. This has allowed me to make some considerations and conclusions. It has been possible to realize a diachronic study, to distinguish forms and types from the III cent. B.C. to the V cent. A.D.. The pottery had a wide circulation in the Mediterranean, mostly from the second half of the IV to the beginning of the VI century

    Optimisation de production de bioĂ©thanol Ă  partir d’hydrolysats de matiĂšre lignocellulosiques, de l’échelle laboratoire Ă  la plateforme pilote

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    La Chaire de Recherche Industrielle en Éthanol Cellulosique de l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke (CRIEC) et ses partenaires industriels ont Ă©tabli une collaboration dans le but de dĂ©velopper un procĂ©dĂ© de production de bioĂ©thanol Ă  partir d’hydrolysats de matiĂšre lignocellulosique. Le prĂ©sent projet de recherche porte prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur l’optimisation de la fermentation alcoolique d’hydrolysats cellulosiques et hĂ©micellulosiques provenant de biomasse mixte, de l’échelle laboratoire Ă  la plateforme pilote. Ce projet s’inscrit dans la vague mondiale de recherche en biocarburants de 2e gĂ©nĂ©ration. En effet, Ă  l’heure oĂč la baisse de la dĂ©pendance au pĂ©trole est devenue un rĂ©el enjeu pour tous, le bioĂ©thanol s’est taillĂ© une place de choix comme carburant alternatif. Le bioĂ©thanol de 2e gĂ©nĂ©ration est produit Ă  partir de matiĂšres lignocellulosique, provenant de rĂ©sidus ou de cultures n’entrant pas en compĂ©tition pas avec les ressources de l’agriculture vivriĂšre. Renversant ainsi le paradigme du bioĂ©thanol-grain de 1Ăšre gĂ©nĂ©ration. Les dĂ©fis de la production d’éthanol lignocellulosique sont que les microorganismes fermentaires traditionnels ne peuvent pas fermenter les pentoses tels que le xylose (2e sucre en importance dans la matiĂšre lignocellulosique) et que les procĂ©dĂ©s d’hydrolyses chimiques utilisĂ©s pour la saccharification de la lignocellulose engendrent des inhibiteurs pouvant diminuer les rendements de ces biocatalyseurs. Vu les larges dĂ©bouchĂ©s Ă©conomiques, sans oublier les gains environnementaux et sociaux, la communautĂ© scientifique travaille, depuis les annĂ©es 90, Ă  produire entre autres de nouveaux biocatalyseurs pouvant efficacement faire la conversion lignocellulose-Ă -Ă©thanol. Tout l’arsenal du gĂ©nie gĂ©nĂ©tique a Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ© afin de crĂ©er une nouvelle souche recombinante pouvant satisfaire aux exigences d’un procĂ©dĂ© industriel. À ce jour, il existe plusieurs groupes de recherche ayant dĂ©veloppĂ© leur souche de levure ou bactĂ©rie gĂ©nĂ©tiquement modifiĂ©e, potentiellement capable de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces exigences. Ce rapport prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats, conclusions et recommandations du projet de recherche. En utilisant une souche de levure gĂ©nĂ©tiquement modifiĂ©e pour la co-fermentation du xylose et du glucose, et des hydrolysats lignocellulosiques fournis par les partenaires industriels du CRIEC, il a Ă©tĂ© possible d’investiguer les performances et les paramĂštres de fermentation afin de pouvoir dĂ©montrer la preuve de concept d’un procĂ©dĂ© de production d’éthanol lignocellulosique. Ce projet de recherche se divise donc en 2 phases : 1) une optimisation des performances de fermentation du biocatalyseur Ă  l’échelle laboratoire, dans des conditions environnementales simulant le futur procĂ©dĂ© industriel, 2) une collaboration avec les partenaires industriels afin de fournir une analyse d’ingĂ©nierie prĂ©liminaire d’un procĂ©dĂ© de fermentation des hydrolysats lignocellulosiques d’une capacitĂ© de 200 kL par cuvĂ©e. Les tests en laboratoire ont dĂ©montrĂ© une rĂ©duction apprĂ©ciable des performances de fermentation de la souche recombinante Ă©tudiĂ©e, par rapport aux procĂ©dĂ©s de fermentation de 1Ăšre gĂ©nĂ©ration. L’analyse de rentabilitĂ© du procĂ©dĂ© Ă  capacitĂ© de 200 kL montre que le procĂ©dĂ© n’est pas rentable, affichant un rendement approximatif de -7% sur une durĂ©e de 20 ans

    Alia: Antropologia di una comunitĂ  dell'entroterra siciliano

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    In the spring of 1995, during works for the rehabilitation of a wall that closed the grotto of the Old Cemetery in the Sicilian village of Alia, the skeletal remains of the victims of the cholera outbreak of 1837 that had been rapidly interred here were brought to light. From that moment on, the Alia project was developed without interruption, analysing the biological evolution of the local population by exploiting study methods characteristic of different anthropological disciplines, such as skeletal biology, population genetics and biodemography. The book renders account of research completed and in progress carried out by academics from the Universities of Florence, Palermo, Parma, Cagliari, Turin and Göttingen

    L'Africa romana: atti dell'11. Convegno di studio

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    Inizia con questo volume una nuova serie degli atti dei Convegni dedicati a "L'Africa Romana", pubblicati dal Dipartimento di Storia dell'UniversitĂ  degli studi di Sassari: dopo i primi dieci volumi curati da Attilio Mastino, dedicati agli incontri svolti annualmente tra il 1983 ed il 1992, questo undicesimo volume stampato per iniziativa del Centro di studi interdisciplinari sulle province romane dell'UniversitĂ  di Sassari e dell'Institut National du Patrimoine di Tunisi contiene i testi delle relazioni e delle comunicazioni presentate a Cartagine tra il 15 ed il 18 dicembre 1994, in occasione del Convegno promosso sotto gli auspici dell' Association Internationale d'Épigraphie Grecque et Latine, dedicato al tema «La scienza e le tecniche nelle province romane del Nord Africa e nel Mediterraneo», al quale hanno partecipato oltre 200 studiosi, provenienti da 17 paesi europei ed extra-europei. Le oltre 120 comunicazioni hanno riguardato le tecniche piĂč diverse, l'agronomia, le tecniche agricole, l'idraulica, le tecniche estrattive, l'architettura, l'urbanistica, la produzione ceramica, la pesca, la musica. Per le scienze, si segnalano numerosi studi dedicati alla geografia, alla cartografia, all'astronomia, alla medicina, alla veterinaria. Una sessione Ăš stata riservata alle nuove scoperte epigrafiche. Come osserva Claude Lepelley nella Presentazione, questo volume segna un ulteriore allargamento geografico alle province occidentali dell'impero romano, in particolare alla Sardegna, alla Sicilia, alla Corsica, alle due Spagne, alla Lusitania. «On constate ici que les colloques de L'Africa Romana sont devenus dans nos disciplines un Ă©vĂ©nement qui concerne en fait tous les spĂ©cialistes du monde romain». In occasione del Convegno di Cartagine si Ăš proceduto alla firma di un accordo quadro tra il Rettore dell'UniversitĂ  di Sassari ed il Direttore dell'Institut National du Patrimoine di Tunisi per le ricerche archeologiche ed epigrafiche nel sito della colonia romana di Uchi Maius (oggi Henchir ed-DouĂąmis): «Ainsi, l'initiative prise en 1983 par Attilio Mastino - conclude Claude Lepelley nella Presentazione aura permis, non seulement de rythmer par de fructueuses rencontres annuelles ainsi que par de riches et punctuelles publications le travail des spĂ©cialistes, mais aussi de partir sur le terrain Ă  la dĂ©couverte de donnĂ©es inconnues, issues de cette terre d'Afrique qui, disait dĂ©jĂ  HĂ©rodote "apporte toujours quelque chose de nouveau"»

    Talking Gender: La costruzione con-testuale delle IdentitĂ  di Genere

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    The topic of the following research is focused on discursive positioning amongst social actors, whose gender falls somewhere between or outside of the sexual dualism, and contexts, characterised by a dominant heteronormative imprint. The edges of agency have been investigated, according to which a person, who passes amongst genders, claims a self representation, with regard to the peculiar symbolical and normative structure of specific contexts of interaction. In order to isolate the processes, throughout which develops a self-representation as gender, the rank of agency has been analysed, according to practices of positioning within three contexts: prison reality, workplaces and family environment. The study, therefore, aims to understand how transgender reproduce certain genderized Ideal-types, with regard to the symbolical coordinates of the context, the situativity of everyday interaction, as well as the linguistic meta-artefacts, circumscribing zones of meanings, which move in a feminine or masculine direction. The representations of self and others, within a socio-constructive perspective, are articulated along discursive productions in relation to everyday interactions and cultural and normative superstructures. Discourse, according to this approach, could be considered as a mediation artefact, which generates social meanings. The corpus of data, therefore, consists in gathering discursive material within the following contexts: - six semistructured interviews with staff members of the Sollicciano prison near Florence - five in-depth interviews with transprisoners detained in the same institute - seven in-depth interviews with transgender in private and work contexts - three diaries, written by transgender, contacted by socio-political associations in north and central Italy. These textual datas have been studied according to two methodological perspectives: Critical Analysis of the ideological matrix of discourse, with regard to the production of implicit meanings. The symbolic repertoires have been associated to conceptual macro-categories, adopting the software Transana for computer assisted discourse analysis Quali-quantitative analysis of semantic content and lexical organisation with the program for textual data analysis Alceste Results show that the constitutive elements of discursive production (lexicon, semantics, semiotics) generate narrative repertoires, with similar structure and affine representations of self and others. These units of meanings constitute the research goals of this study, focused on positioning between gender and (con)text. There emerged a sequential intersectionaliy amongst the following variables: Gender dualism ➔ Asymmetry of power ➔ Inequalities ➔ Discrimination ➔ Reified representation of gender From this process emerged different normative, structural as well as interactive practices, which, throughout universes of sense and systems of actions, socially recognised, culturally legitimised and discursively institutionalised, produce genderized Ideal-types and meanings, embedded within temporal horizons, relational sceneries and contextual limelights. With regard to prison context the edges of positioning are relegated within the institutional parameters of the penitentiary system. Language, especially, assumes a reifying function, by the moment, that semantic categories define normative links between self and context. Gender identity, actually, is circumscribed by precise discursive borders. With regard to family and workplaces, self-representation as transgender changes, according to situated symbolic coordinates. Normative superstructures influences discourse mainly on an implicit level. Agency within processes of gender identity affirmation depend from specific contexts and different modalities of positioning amongst self and other