8,756 research outputs found

    Employer Branding: an Islamic Perspective

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    This paper discusses employer branding from an Islamic perspective. Islam is away of life and so do the employer and employee relationship, which strengthensemployer branding in an organization. The definition, importance and processrelated to employer branding are discussed in the context of human resource management, such as job satisfaction and work environment. In addition to that, related human resource management practices such as recruitment andselection were discussed in an Islamic context. Related concepts such as employeevalue proposition (EVP), ethics and Islamic values were discussed with referencefrom Al-Quran and Hadith. The paper concludes with a few suggestions andrecommendations on instilling Islamic values for effective employer branding

    Future Community-Based Ecotourism (CBET) development

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    Ecotourism is an alternative form of tourism and is usually confused with natural and cultural tourism.CBET is fast becoming a popular biodiversity conservation tool that develops and benefits the local community. Based on the context of conservation theory and practice, Community-Based Ecotourism (CBET) is a form of community-based natural resource management. However, a sustainable CBET development through Community Capacity Building (CCB)programs is not something that it easily achievable. Local community’s capacity varies from one culture to another. It takes a high level of community participation, in order for it to come to a level where the community members themselves are motivated to participate and contribute to the development of the program. This fully qualitative research involved 15 respondents from the community of Kg. Selai, Bekok in Johor, Malaysia. The result show there are five factors that sustained the ecotourism development based for Orang Asli Community in Kg. Selai, namely, existing CBET development, past CBET development, local community participation in planning stage of tourism, local participation in implementation stage of tourism and participation in nature conservation

    Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi, paecilomyces fumosoroseus, beauvena bassiana and metarhizium anisopliae var. majus against crocidolomia binotalis (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae)

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    Laboratory bioassays of three local isolates of entomopathogenic hypomycetes against the cabbage-heart caterpillar, Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and[reid efficacy ofseveralformulations ofPaecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wise) Brown and Smith were evaluated. Dosage-mortality bioassays revealed that all the isolates were able to cause mortality to second instar larvae. Majority of the larvae became moribund within two days after treatment. Exposures to doses varying from 2 x 1(jl conidia mLl to 2 x 107 conidia mLl resulted in mean larval mortalities from 10.3 to 100%. At concentrations exceeding 2 x lOS conidia mLl larval mortality was in excess of 80% and 100% mortality was observed at 2 x 107 conidia mLl for all three fungal species. Significant relationships (P<0.05) were obtained between log dosage and probit mortality for all the isolates. The EC5o for P. fumosoroseus was estimated at 1.926 x 1rY conidia mL1 , and was significantly lower than that ofBeauveria bassiana (Bals) Yuill at 5.038 x 103 conidia mL-l. The EC5o for Metarhizium anisopliae var majus (Metsch) Sorokin was significantly the highest, at 2.0 x 104 conidia mL-l. The best isolate was P.fumosoroseus which had LT50 almost half a day lower at a comparable dosage of 2 x107 conidia mLl, with a gradient of 4.656 as compared to 4.356 for B. bassiana and 4.193 for M. anisopliae var majus. In [reid treatments, plants were sprayed with suspensions containing 107 conidia mLl. Mean percent mortality for all the treatments were in excess of 70% and significantly higher (P<O. 05) than the control. Conidia in palm oil VesawitÂź gave the most promising result against the cabbage-heart caterpillar

    Integrasi Nilai Islami dan Budaya Aceh Berdasarkan Kurikulum Karakter

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    Indonesia covers a wide area that is usually called ‘dari Sabang sampai Merauke\u27 (from Sabang in westernmost point to Merauke to easternmost point) as mentioned in lyrics of a national folk song sang by students from elementary to high school. In its thousand islands live communities speaking various languages, living different cultures, characters and traditions that have become ethnical identities. The education and culture in a community are implemented from older to younger generations within a wide range of time and preserved well by the descendants. Indonesian characters are identical with oriental culture where people usually live in groups, mutual cooperation (‘gotong royong\u27), helpful and religious. Religion, education, culture, and tradition become basic norms is human society that have to be preserved and improved by individual, family, communities, and government to live peacefully. Aceh province, who has implemented Islamic law called sharia since a decade ago, have various art performances, languages, folk dance, traditional costume, and traditional foods that represent Aceh Islamic tradition that is harmonious with its slogan Mecca\u27s Veranda (Serambi Mekkah). The effort to implement character\u27s based curriculum in all schools in Aceh is a good chance to raise children to become adult that have moral ground and intelligent who understand technology and faith in facing globalization. By integrating religious and traditional values in education, we are expecting the students to have those good life skills in living social life in Islamic way


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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to develop and validate a novel reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method, for simultaneous determination of ritonavir (RIT), ombitasvir (OMB) and paritaprevir (PAR) in bulk mixtures, and in tablets. Methods: Determination of the drugs ritonavir (RIT), ombitasvir (OMB), and paritaprevir (PAR), was carried out applying Hypersil BDS C18 column (250 mm X 4.6 mm i.e., 5 ”m particle size), with photodiode array detector at λmax of 254 nm. The mobile phase applied for the current study composed of two solvents, i.e. A (0.01N % w/v potassium di-hydrogen orthophosphate buffer, pH 3.0 adjusted with dilute orthophosphoric acid) and B (acetonitrile). The mobile phase was pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min in the isocratic mode. The validation study with respect to specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, and robustness, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) was carried out employing the ICH guidelines. Results: Ritonavir, ombitasvir, and paritaprevir showed linearity of response between 12.5-75 ÎŒg/ml for ritonavir, 3.125-18.75 ”g/ml for ombitasvir and 18.75–112.5 ”g/ml for paritaprevir, with a correlation coefficient (R2) 0.999, 0.999,0.999 for RIT, OMB, and PAR respectively. The % recovery obtained was 99.82±0.14 % RIT, OMB 100.03±0.96 % and for 99.96±0.26 % PAR. The LOD and LOQ values for RIT, OMB, PAR were obtained to be 0.02, 0.019and0.02, ”g/ml and 0.07, 0.06 and 0.07 ”g/ml, respectively. The method also exhibits good robustness for different chromatographic conditions like wavelength, flow rate, mobile phase, and injection volume. Conclusion: The method was successfully employed, for the quantification of RIT, OMB, and PAR, in the quality control of in-house developed tablets, and can be applied for the industrial use


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    This study was designed to identify tasks and procedures necessary for assessing practical work in Buck/Block laying and concreting in Technical colleges in Niger state. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at the probability of 0.005 level of significance. Twenty-Nine structured questionnaire items were developed and used for the study while three experts were engaged to face-validate the instrument. The instrument was pilot tested on 15 students and the reliability coefficient of the entire instrument was 0.87. Descriptive Survey Research Design was used for study, the respondents for the study were 69 made up of 49 building Technology Teachers, and 20 Registered Builders. The major findings of the study include among others that, some tasks have been identified appropriate for inclusion in the instrument for assessing practical work in Brick/Block laying and concreting in Technical colleges in Niger State. It was recommended that Brick/Block laying and concreting teachers should be acquainted with the developed instrument to enhance the uniform standards in assessing student’s practical work

    Dynamic Analysis of UAV’s Motor Support Bar Length Control System

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    UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) can be described as aircraft that do not need any presence of pilots inside it. Basically, UAV is come out in a small aircraft sothat the aircraft can be easily controlled by the people from afar[1]. The UAV’s motor support bar length control systems are the UAV’s control systems that move according to the variable arm length movement and also a constant revolution of the propeller speeds. The purpose of the study is to run the dynamic analysis at the UAV’s motor support bar length control systems and also to enhance the UAV’s mathematical modellingby using the SOLIDWORKS¼software which involved in using both CAD and CAE systems[2]. The detaileddesign is used SOLIDWORKS¼software to conduct the static and dynamic analysis of UAV’s motor support bar length control systems. The design is restricted to the arm due to the critical part that has the highest vibration at the UAV’s motor support bar length control systems. The results that obtain from the study from the static and dynamic analysis are the displacement of the motor, Von Misses stress of the arm, and also the resonance frequency that will give the modes shape to the systems

    Sanitation Practices and Microbial Quality of Drinking Water in Open Defaecation Free and Open Defaecation Communities in the Savelugu Municipality

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    Open defaecation leads to faecal matter contamination of drinking water which can cause water borne diseases. The study assessed the linkage between sanitation practices and microbial quality of drinking water of open defaecation free and open defaecation communities in the Savelugu Municipality. A cross-sectional survey of 170 households was conducted in five open defaecation free and five open defaecation communities in the Savelugu Municipality. A total of 78 samples were collected from water sources and households and analysed for Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp and Shigella spp. Sanitation facilities used by the residents included pit latrine (88.24%), no latrine (11.17%), and flush (0.59%). The study observed improper disposal of children faeces in the communities. E. coli count ranged from 0 to 15 CFU/100 ml in open defaecation free communities and 0 to 32 CFU/100 ml in open defaecation communities. The microbial load in the drinking water from open defaecation communities was higher than open defaecation free communities. Open defaecation practice leads to contamination of household water probably due to unsanitary. Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) should be encouraged in open defaecation communities
