669 research outputs found

    Comparing the effect of using normal saline, N-acetyl cysteine and not using them in endotracheal tube suction on physiologic parameters and the amount of secretions in intubated patients under mechanical ventilation

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    Aims: Today a large number of patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit need mechanical ventilation via an artificial air way. Since these patients have endotracheal tube, endotracheal suctioning is necessary for increasing oxygenation, cleaning the airway and keeping it open. But this method consists of various side effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate and respiratory rate, cyanosis, dizziness and increased intracranial pressure and hypoxia. This study aimed at comparing the effect of using normal saline serum, N-acetyl cysteine and not using them in endotracheal suctioning on physiologic parameters and the amount of secretions in intubated patients under mechanical ventilation. Material & Methods: It was a controlled clinical trial study with random allocation that was performed on 54 intubated patients hospitalized in ICU of health educational centers of Babol Medical Sciences University in 2014. Endotracheal tube suctioning was performed for each patient once without saline, the second time with 3 ml of normal saline and the third time with 2 ml of N-acetyl cysteine. Blood pressure, Heart rate, Respiratory rate, Arterial oxygen saturation were measured and recorded before each stage of suctioning and two and five minutes after that. Amount of secretions was measured after each method of suctioning. Data were analyzed by SPSS16 statistical software, variance analysis with repeated measures, ANOVA and paired t statistical tests. Results: Blood pressure, Heart rate and Respiratory rate were increased after suction in all the three groups, but these changes were higher in the group that received normal saline. Mean decrease of Arterial oxygen saturation was more in the method of receiving normal saline (p<0.05). The amount of secretion was more in the method of receiving N-acetyl cysteine (p=0.004). Conclusions: Endotracheal tube suctioning by using normal saline had more adverse effects on post- suction physiological parameters in compare with the other two methods. Therefore, it is recommended to not use normal saline in endotracheal tube suctioning to the possible extent, and if removing secretions is required, endotracheal N_acetyl cysteine should be used according to the patient's condition


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    This article discusses the views of Sheikh H. Ali Imran Hasan regarding tarekat moderation. This paper departs from the development of the tarekat and the attitude of exclusivity in charity, which is often a moderation process in the tarekat. According to Sheikh H. Ali Imran Hasan, knowledge and charity are two important aspects in studying the tarekat as well as monitoring the development of the tarekat. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The conclusions of this study include: (1) the importance of a complete and comprehensive understanding in studying the tarekat (2) a rational and open attitude can eliminate boredom in thinking for students (3) the need to pay attention to public acceptance of the tarekat to avoi

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Tarif Dan Fasilitas Terhadap Kepuasan Penumpang Bus BRT Trans Semarang (Studi Kasus: Penumpang Bus BRT Trans Semarang Koridor II)

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    The population density in the city of Semarang cause a variety of problems, one of which is the bottleneck. BRT Trans Semarang is one government program to tackle the issue. This study aims to determine the effect of quality of service, tariffs and facilities for passenger satisfaction Trans Semarang BRT corridor II. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires, while the sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample size of 100. The data was analyzed through the validity, reliability, product moment correlation, coefficient of determination, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and F. test quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. The results showed that the quality of service, rates and facilities significant effect on passenger satisfaction BRT corridor II Trans Semarang partially. And quality of service, rates and facilities significant effect on passenger satisfaction Trans Semarang BRT corridor II simultaneously. Trans Semarang service quality BRT Corridor II should be improved. Enhancement can be done by increasing the number of buses, improve the quality of shelter, improving the quality of human resources through training and extending the hours of service that passengers feel comfortable and satisfied when using BRT transportation services Trans Semarang

    Comparaison de deux méthodes de sélection classique avec l'haplodiploïdisation pour la résistance à la mouche de Hesse chez le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum)

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    L'efficacité des méthodes classiques et alternatives d'amélioration génétique repose sur l'évolution de la variabilité génétique des populations ségrégatives sous sélection. L'objectif de cette étude est de comparer l'évolution de la fréquence des gènes de résistance à la mouche de Hesse (Mayetiola destructor) sous deux méthodes classiques de sélection en comparaison avec la méthode de l'haplodiploïdisation. Les distributions et les proportions observées du caractère "résistance à la mouche de Hesse" ont été évaluées pour des lignées produites par la méthode de filiation unipare (FUP), la méthode " bulk " et l'haplodiploïdisation (DH) de quatre populations hybrides de blé tendre (Triticum aestivum). Ces populations sont issues des croisements entre des parents résistants à la mouche de Hesse marocaine et des parents sensibles mais adaptés aux conditions marocaines. Les résultats ont montré un effet marqué de la méthode d'amélioration génétique. En effet, malgré leur avancement à la génération F6, les lignées produites par les méthodes FUP et " bulk " présentent toujours un taux non négligeable d'hétérozygotie pour ce caractère alors que la méthode DH a abouti à une homozygotie parfaite. Les proportions de résistance observées chez les lignées FUP et haploïdes doublées sont approximativement les mêmes que celles théoriquement attendues. Cependant, la méthode " bulk " a permis une sélection naturelle au champ qui a favorisé le caractère résistant de manière significativeThe relative usefulness of conventional and alternative breeding methods relies on the evolution of genetic variability in segregating populations undergoing selection. The objective of this study was to compare the frequencies of genetic resistance to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) in populations generated by two conventional breeding methods in comparison with lines advanced through doubled haploid method. Distribution and proportions of Hessian fly resistance were evaluated in four populations of bread wheat lines advanced through 'Single Seed Descent' (SSD), 'Bulk', and doubled-haploid (DH) methods. These populations were all derived from crosses involving resistant parents and susceptible lines adapted to Moroccan conditions. The results of this study have shown a clear effect of the breeding method. The Bulk and SSD (F6) derived lines have shown a substantial residual heterozygocity while DH method has produced completely homozygous material. The observed proportions of resistance did not deviate from expected in the populations of lines derived through SSD and DH methods while evidence of natural selection for resistance was significant in the lines derived through the Bulk method

    Properties of Carbon Black From Jatropha Seed Shell as a Potential Source of Filler Enhancement in Biocomposites

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    The use of biomass as filler in biocomposites are becoming widespread in the present decade because its variety of advantages. Jatropha (jatropha curcas L) seed shell after separated from kernel can be used to produce carbon black because of its higher carbon content, and have the potentiality to use as reinforcement in composites. In this study, carbon black was produced from jatropha seed shell by carbonization in furnace method for 1 hour at 600oC. Thermo gravimetric analysis to analyze seed shell of jatropha as raw material. The morphological properties of the carbon black were analyzed by elemental analysis by X-ray (EDX), SEM, TEM, XRD, SEM, and TEM. It was found that the yield of carbon black was 40% which included 4 different sizes ranging from 70 – 300 mesh in distribution of particle size analysis. Carbon black suggested that it could be a good filler or reinforcement in biocomposite

    Pemikiran Etika Ibnu Miskawaih

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    Ibnu Miskawaih dijuluki sebagai bapak etika Islam. Ia telah mampu merumuskan dasar-dasar etika di dalam kitabnya Tahdzib al Akhlaq wa Thathir al A‘raq (PendidikanBudi dan Pembersihan Akhlak ). Sumber filsafat etika Ibnu Miskawaih berasal dari fisafat Yunani, peradaban Persia, ajaran syariat Islam dan pengalaman pribadi. Dalam pemikirannya mengenai etika, ia memulainya dengan menyelami jiwa manusia. Ia memandang bahwa ilmu jiwa memiliki keutamaan sendiri dibandingkan dengan ilmu-ilmu jiwa lainnya. Ajaran etika Ibnu Miskawaih berpangkal pada teori jalang tengah. Intinya menyebutkan bahwa keutamaan akhlak secara umum diartikan sebagai posisi tengah ekstrem kelebihan dan ekstrem kekurangan masing-masing jiwa manusia. Dengan demikian, menurut Ibnu Miskawaih bahwa akhlak merupakan keadaan jiwa yang mengajak sesorang untuk melakukan perbuatan tanpa dipikirkan dan diperhitungkan sebelumnya. Sehingga akhlak dapat dijadikan fitrah manusia dengan melakukan latihan-latihan yang terus menerus hingga menjadi sifat diri yang melahirkan akhlak yang baik
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